1. | 22/01/2025 | Revised fee notice for provisionally selected Candidates migration of BALLB (Hons) 3rd & 5th semester |
2. | 21/01/2025 | National Legal Services Authority is organising a pan India zonal reel making and short film competition entitled connecting with the cause PART B |
3. | 21/01/2025 | National Legal Services Authority is organising a pan India zonal reel making and short film competition entitled connecting with the cause PART A |
4. | 21/01/2025 | Revised time table of B.E Mech 4th sem |
5. | 21/01/2025 | The Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India has launched a grant-in-aid scheme for NGOs working for the welfare of Scheduled Tribes |
6. | 20/01/2025 | Revised Tentative Proposed Time Table for Branch IT : 4th, 6th & 8th Semester (January-May 2025) Academic Session: 2024-25 |
7. | 20/01/2025 | REVISED PROPOSED TIME TABLE for CSE 4th, 6th and 8th SEM (EVEN SEMESTER) JAN-MAY-2025 |
8. | 17/01/2025 | Notice and application performa for student sports committee.pdf |
9. | 17/01/2025 | Urgent Notice of LL.B 1st year |
10. | 13/01/2025 | Migration Counseling Schedule of BA.LL.B 3rd,5th and 7th Sem |
11. | 08/01/2025 | Election Quiz 2025: on Ocassion of 15th National Voters Day |
12. | 07/01/2025 | SEMESTER-WISE TIME TABLE for Branch IT (JAN - MAY, 2025) |
13. | 07/01/2025 | SEMESTER-WISE TIME TABLE for Branch CSE (JAN - MAY, 2025) |
14. | 07/01/2025 | BALLB & LLB Time Table even Sem 24-25 |
15. | 01/01/2025 | 2nd Installment Fee Reminder -I for Law & MCA students for session 2024-25 |
16. | 20/12/2024 | Timetable Jan-May 2025 MEC 4th, 6th and 8th Sem |
17. | 04/12/2024 | Notice For Law Students to submit Option Form |
18. | 21/11/2024 | Date Sheet MST-2 UIET |
19. | 21/11/2024 | Date Sheet MST-2 UIET |
20. | 19/11/2024 | 2nd Installment fee Notice of 1st year students for the session 2024-25 |
21. | 13/11/2024 | VARTA The Official Literary Club conducting two day arliamentary Debate on Topic UCC in UILS Moot Court on November 13,2024 at 11:45 am. |
22. | 13/11/2024 | Invitation for Parlimentary Debate in Moot Court on 13-11-2024 at 12:15 noon. |
23. | 12/11/2024 | Refund Library Security of LL.M Students for the session 2023-24 |
24. | 11/11/2024 | 2nd Installment Fee Notice of Law & MCA students for session 2024-25 |
25. | 09/11/2024 | Fee Notice 2nd Installment B.E session 2024-25 |
26. | 09/11/2024 | Notice Regarding 6th Law Convocation 2024 |
27. | 08/11/2024 | Revised Datesheet for postponed MST -1 (BE 7th Semester) |
28. | 06/11/2024 | 2nd Installment fee Notice of LLB,LL.M and MCA for the session 2024-25 |
29. | 06/11/2024 | Notice -2 Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 1st, LL.B 1st & LLM 1st semester for the session 2024-25 |
30. | 06/11/2024 | Notice-2 Regarding SSGPURC Student Society (SWS) fee UIET, UILS & DCSA students for the session 2024-25 |
31. | 06/11/2024 | Notice-2 Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 3rd, 5th, 7th, & 9th Semester and LL.B 3rd & 5th semester for the session 2024-25 |
32. | 29/10/2024 | Counseling Schedule of LL.M One Year. for the session 2024-25 at UILS, Hoshiarpur. |
33. | 24/10/2024 | Notice regarding Reappear Exam BA, BCom LLB Hons 7th sem |
34. | 24/10/2024 | Norms : Norms/guidelines regarding PMS Scheme (2024-2025) |
35. | 24/10/2024 | Affidavit: Fwd: Norms/guidelines regarding PMS Scheme (2024-2025) |
36. | 24/10/2024 | Norms/guidelines regarding PMS Scheme (2024-2025) |
37. | 24/10/2024 | Post Metric Scholarship Guidelines for Fresh and ongoing Students for Session 2024-25 |
38. | 22/10/2024 | Counseling Schedule of LL.B 1st Sem. for the session 2024-25 |
39. | 21/10/2024 | One Semester Industrial Training of B.E. (CSE, ECE, IT & Mech.) students after 7th semester, Starting from Jan 2025 |
40. | 21/10/2024 | Training Letter for MCA, Department of Computer Science & Applications, Hoshiarpur |
41. | 18/10/2024 | Coordinator & Co-coordinator for NSS activities for the session 2024-25 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
42. | 10/10/2024 | URGENT: Examination Notice B.E Dec-2024 |
43. | 02/10/2024 | Notice Regarding Vacant House No 05(Teaching) at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
44. | 01/10/2024 | Interview Schedule: Guest Faculty (04) in Law for UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur on dated: 07/10/2024 at 11:30AM, Venue: Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, DCDC Deptt. PU Chandigarh. |
45. | 27/09/2024 | 25th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
46. | 26/09/2024 | 2nd Counseling schedule of LLB 1st Semester for the session 2024-25 |
47. | 26/09/2024 | 3rd counseling schedule of MCA 1st Year for the session 2024-25 |
48. | 26/09/2024 | Fee & Admission form Reminder-III for Law/MCA ongoing students for session 2024-25 |
49. | 26/09/2024 | Fee & Admission form Reminder-III for Law/MCA ongoing students for session 2024-25 |
50. | 26/09/2024 | Notice Regarding Orientation Programme UILS on 27-09-2024 |
51. | 26/09/2024 | Reminder NSS Enrollment notice Students of UILS, UIET & DCSA with an active link to the online form |
52. | 26/09/2024 | 24th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
53. | 26/09/2024 | Notice for SSGPURC Student Society (SWS) fee UIET, UILS & DCSA students for the session 2024-25 |
54. | 26/09/2024 | Urgent Notice |
55. | 26/09/2024 | Urgent Notice Regarding 75% attendance |
56. | 26/09/2024 | Attendance Notice for B.E Students Even semester 2024 |
57. | 25/09/2024 | 12th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
58. | 25/09/2024 | 23rd waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
59. | 25/09/2024 | 23rd waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
60. | 24/09/2024 | UIET, Hoshiarpur Datesheet for MST-1 September 2024 |
61. | 20/09/2024 | Fwd: Regarding spreading awareness for the scheme snippets on Social Media Platforms. |
62. | 20/09/2024 | Notice regarding lecture series on "Law & Society on 23rd & 24th September 2024 |
63. | 19/09/2024 | Means cum Merit and Single Parent scholarship Notice for Law/ MCA/ B.E students for the session 2024-25 |
64. | 19/09/2024 | Notice for EWS students of Law/ MCA/ B.E course for the session 2024-25 |
65. | 19/09/2024 | Post Metric Scholarship scholarship Notice for Law/MCA/B.E students for the session 2024-25 |
66. | 18/09/2024 | Urgent Notice of LL.B 1st Sem. for the session 2024-25 |
67. | 17/09/2024 | Notice regarding Orientation Programme |
68. | 17/09/2024 | Urgent PMS fee notice for Academic Session 2020-21 and 2021-22 |
69. | 16/09/2024 | Revised Time Table of 3rd Sem (ECE Dept) July-Dec 2024 |
70. | 16/09/2024 | NSS Enrollment notice Students of UILS, UIET & DCSA with an active link to the online form |
71. | 16/09/2024 | Revised Examination Schedule for odd semester students session December 2024 |
72. | 13/09/2024 | *Internal HACKATHON event for participation in SMART INDIA HACKATHON (SIH2024) at PUSSGRC campus on 16 September 2024* |
73. | 13/09/2024 | 22nd waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
74. | 13/09/2024 | 11th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
75. | 13/09/2024 | Urgent Notice of LL.B 1st Sem.for the session 2024-25 |
76. | 13/09/2024 | Notice regarding interactive session on 16/9/2024 at 11:45 a.m |
77. | 12/09/2024 | 8th waiting list of LLB 1ST SEM FOR SSSION 2024-25 |
78. | 12/09/2024 | 21st waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
79. | 11/09/2024 | 20th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
80. | 11/09/2024 | 10th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
81. | 11/09/2024 | 2nd counseling schedule of MCA for the session 2024-25 |
82. | 11/09/2024 | 7th waiting list of LL.B 1st Sem. for the session 2024-25 |
83. | 10/09/2024 | Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 1st, LL.B 1st & LLM 1st semester for the session 2024-25 |
84. | 10/09/2024 | Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 3rd, 5th, 7th, & 9th Semester and LL.B 3rd & 5th semester for the session 2024-25 |
85. | 10/09/2024 | 19th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
86. | 10/09/2024 | 9th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
87. | 10/09/2024 | Interview Schedule Ref. our advertisement notice no 3717/PUSSGRC Dated 06/08/2024 |
88. | 09/09/2024 | 18th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
89. | 09/09/2024 | 6th General waiting list of LL.B 1st Sem. for the session 2024-25 |
90. | 09/09/2024 | Time Table B.E. 1st Semester 2024 |
91. | 06/09/2024 | 5th General waiting list of LL.B 1st sem. |
92. | 06/09/2024 | Fee Reminder- II for 1st installment fee of Law/MCA students for session 2024-25 |
93. | 06/09/2024 | Urgent Notice of LL.B 1st Sem. for the session 2024-25 |
94. | 06/09/2024 | 8th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
95. | 06/09/2024 | Revised examination Notice for Law/MCA 1st semester and ongoing students Dec-2024 |
96. | 06/09/2024 | 17th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
97. | 05/09/2024 | 7th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
98. | 05/09/2024 | Examination Notice for Law/MCA 1st semester and ongoing students Dec-2024 |
99. | 05/09/2024 | 4th General waiting list of LL.B 1st Sem for the session 2024-25 |
100. | 04/09/2024 | Applications are invited for the appointment of (01) Guest Faculty (English) to teach the subject of Professional Communication at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester, session 2024-25 |
101. | 04/09/2024 | 6th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
102. | 03/09/2024 | 16th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
103. | 03/09/2024 | Examination Notice for B.E 1st semester Dec-2024 |
104. | 02/09/2024 | Revised Timetable of B.A.LL.B 5th sem & LL.M. for odd sem session 2024-25. |
105. | 02/09/2024 | 3rd waiting list for admission of LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
106. | 02/09/2024 | 5th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
107. | 02/09/2024 | LLM. notice regarding subject option |
108. | 02/09/2024 | 15th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
109. | 30/08/2024 | 4th waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
110. | 30/08/2024 | 14th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
111. | 30/08/2024 | 2nd waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.B 1st sem for session 2024-25 at UILS,PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur |
112. | 30/08/2024 | Reminder-I : Examination Notice for Law/B.E & MCA for the session 2024-25 |
113. | 29/08/2024 | 3rd waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
114. | 29/08/2024 | Revised Entry Date (Sports Category Data) |
115. | 28/08/2024 | Mini SC/ST cell PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
116. | 28/08/2024 | 2nd waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
117. | 28/08/2024 | 13th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
118. | 28/08/2024 | Regarding Corrigendum Advertisement No. 3717 |
119. | 28/08/2024 | Regarding Corrigendum Advertisement No. 3716 |
120. | 28/08/2024 | Notice regarding commencement of classes ( LL.B & LL.M) 1st semester at UILS, PUSSGRC,hoshiarpur |
121. | 27/08/2024 | 1st waiting list for admission of LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
122. | 27/08/2024 | 1st waiting fee notice of provisionally selected candidates of LL.M 1st sem for the session 2024-25 |
123. | 27/08/2024 | 12th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
124. | 27/08/2024 | List of provisionally admitted Sports Category candidates of LL.B 1st year for the session 2024-25. |
125. | 23/08/2024 | 1st admission fee notice for provisionally selected candidates of LL.B. (3 year course) 1st Sem for the session 2024-25 |
126. | 23/08/2024 | Revised Time Table of Mechanical Dept for 3rd Semester (Session July-Dec 2024) |
127. | 23/08/2024 | 11th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
128. | 22/08/2024 | 1st admission fee notice for provisionally selected candidates of LLM (one year course) 1st Sem for the session 2024-25 |
129. | 22/08/2024 | Counseling schedule for admission of LL.M One year course (sport category) |
130. | 21/08/2024 | Counseling schedule for admission of LL.B (Sports category) for session 2024-25 |
131. | 21/08/2024 | Fee reminder for ongoing students of Law/MCA for the session 2024-25 |
135. | 20/08/2024 | 10th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
136. | 16/08/2024 | 9th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
139. | 14/08/2024 | Tentative Time Table of ECE 3rd semester (July-Dec 2024) w.e.f. 16-07-2024 |
140. | 14/08/2024 | Notice for admitted candidates (B.E first year) for physical reporting through JAC 2024 after spot round of counseling |
141. | 14/08/2024 | Date sheet for ECE 5th sem reappear examination 2024 |
142. | 14/08/2024 | Revised tentative time table of ECE 7th Semester for session July-Dec 2024 |
143. | 14/08/2024 | Tentative time table of ECE 3rd semester for session July-Dec 2024 |
144. | 14/08/2024 | Counseling schedule 2nd round for PUMEET/PULEET 2024 |
145. | 14/08/2024 | PMS Schedule for the session 2024-25 |
146. | 13/08/2024 | Category : N.R.I. - COUNSELLING SCHEDULE FOR ADMISSION OF LL.B 3year YEARS COURSE SESSION 2024-25, Date : 14-8-2024 (02:00p.m. – 04: 00p.m.) |
147. | 13/08/2024 | Category NRI - COUNSELLING SCHEDULE FOR ADMISSION OF LL.M, ONE YEARS COURSE SESSION 2024-25, Date : 14-8-2024 (02:00p.m. – 04: 00p.m.) |
148. | 12/08/2024 | Revised 8th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
149. | 12/08/2024 | Corrigendum: for Advertisement Notice 3716/PUSSGRC Dated 06-08-2024 |
150. | 12/08/2024 | Circular regarding Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2024-25. |
151. | 10/08/2024 | Counselling Schedule for LL.B. 3 year at UILS, Hoshiarpur for session 2024-25 |
152. | 09/08/2024 | 7th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
154. | 07/08/2024 | 6th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
156. | 07/08/2024 | Examination Schedule 2024-2025 |
157. | 06/08/2024 | Admission cum scrutiny form for PULEET 2024 |
158. | 06/08/2024 | Counseling schedule (first & 2nd round) of PULEET/PUMEET 2024 |
159. | 06/08/2024 | Applications are invited for the appointment of (01) Guest Faculty to teach the subject of History at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester, Academic session 2024-25. |
160. | 06/08/2024 | Applications are invited for the appointment of (04) Guest Faculties to teach the subject of Law at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester, Academic session 2024-25 |
161. | 06/08/2024 | Circular for the student of National E-Scholarship |
162. | 05/08/2024 | Admission cum scrutiny form for PUMEET 2024 counseling |
163. | 05/08/2024 | Revised schedule of PUMEET 2024 counseling |
164. | 02/08/2024 | 5th waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
165. | 02/08/2024 | Updated schedule of B.E ( First year ) admissions 2024-25 through JAC 2024 |
166. | 02/08/2024 | Counselling Schedule of PUMEET admissions 2024 |
167. | 01/08/2024 | Advertisement for fresh registrations of B.E admissons 2024-25 through JAC-2024 |
168. | 01/08/2024 | Revised Notice: Regarding 4th waiting list of counselling of BA.LLB (1st year) for the session 2024-25 at UILS,PUSSGRC,Hoshiapur |
169. | 01/08/2024 | BE first year time table 2024-25 |
170. | 01/08/2024 | Counselling schedule of LL.M at UILS,PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur |
171. | 31/07/2024 | Notice Regarding optional subjects for Law Students of PUSSGRC Session 24-25 |
172. | 31/07/2024 | Counselling schedule of BALLB 1st sem of NRI,PwD & Sports for session 2024-25. |
173. | 30/07/2024 | 3rd waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25. |
174. | 26/07/2024 | 2nd waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25. |
175. | 25/07/2024 | Fee Notice for PMS Students for session 2024-25 |
176. | 24/07/2024 | 1st waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2024-25 |
177. | 24/07/2024 | Notice for commencement of classes of B.A.LL.B. 1st semester for the session 2024-25. |
178. | 24/07/2024 | Circular for the student of National E-Scholarship |
179. | 23/07/2024 | Tentative Time table of BALLB, LLB And LLM on going classes 2024-25 |
180. | 23/07/2024 | Notice for physical reporting of B.E( Ist year) students through JAC after 3rd round of counseling on 30/07/2024 and 31/07/2024 |
181. | 20/07/2024 | Fee Notice for Provisionally selected candidates of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester alongwith Merit list. Session 2024-25 |
182. | 20/07/2024 | List of provisional Selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st semester at UILS, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur Session 2024-25 |
183. | 16/07/2024 | Tentative Time Table of Mechanical 3rd semester (July-Dec 2024) |
184. | 16/07/2024 | Tentative time table of MECHANICAL 5th semester (July -Dec 2024) |
185. | 16/07/2024 | Tentative time table of MECHANICAL 7th Semester |
186. | 16/07/2024 | Tentative time table of ECE 7th Semester(July-Dec2024) w.e.f. 16-07-2024. |
187. | 13/07/2024 | Academic calendar for session 2024-25 for ongoing classes at PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR. |
188. | 12/07/2024 | Offline admission notice for PGDCA course at PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR for the session 2024-25. |
189. | 11/07/2024 | Coaching Classes of IAS(Preliminary) Batch commencing 6th August' 2024 |
190. | 11/07/2024 | MCA Brochure 2024 |
191. | 10/07/2024 | Admission and Fee schedule for ongoing classes of B.E(CSE,ECE,I.T & MECH.) Course for the session 2024-25 |
192. | 10/07/2024 | Mca Admission Notice 2024 |
193. | 09/07/2024 | CSE Dept : ODD SEMESTER TIME TABLES 2024-25 |
194. | 09/07/2024 | IT Dept : ODD SEMESTER TIME TABLES 2024-25 |
195. | 05/07/2024 | 1st Counseling schedule for B.A.LL.B 5 year course, session 2024-25 at PUSSGRC, HOSHIARPUR |
196. | 04/07/2024 | Participation for NSPC-2024 |
197. | 03/07/2024 | Internship Notice of B.A.LL.B. 9th semester 2024 |
198. | 01/07/2024 | Regarding extended the date for verification of PMS students for the session 2023-24 |
199. | 20/06/2024 | Re-revised Admission and fee schedule for ongoing classes of BA.LL.B. session 2024-25 |
200. | 15/06/2024 | Fee structure for Foreign Nationals /PIO/NRI Candidates for the session 2024-2025 (Self financing courses 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th year / Traditional Courses 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th year) |
201. | 15/06/2024 | Fee Structure of Fresh admission and ongoing courses - classes for the session 2024-25 (self financing courses) 3 & 4 Semester ( 2nd year) |
202. | 15/06/2024 | Fee Structure of Fresh admission and ongoing courses / classes for the session 2024-25 (self financing courses) 7 & 8 Semester ( 4th year) |
203. | 15/06/2024 | Fee Structure of Fresh admission and ongoing courses / classes for the session 2024-25 (self financing courses) 5 & 6 Semester (3rd year) |
204. | 15/06/2024 | Fee Structure of Fresh admission and ongoing courses / classes for the session 2024-25 (Traditional courses)1&2 Semester (1st year) |
205. | 14/06/2024 | Fee Structure of Fresh admission and ongoing courses / classes for the session 2024-25 (Traditional courses)1&2 Semester (1st year) |
206. | 14/06/2024 | Fee Structure of Fresh admission and ongoing courses / classes for the session 2024-25 (Traditional courses)1&2 Semester (1st year) |
207. | 14/06/2024 | Revised fee structure for International Students |
208. | 14/06/2024 | Revised fee structure for International Students |
209. | 14/06/2024 | Revised fee structure for International Students |
210. | 14/06/2024 | Revised admission guidelines for International Students |
211. | 14/06/2024 | Revised admission guidelines for International Students |
212. | 14/06/2024 | Anti Ragging Notice for the session 2024-25 |
213. | 12/06/2024 | Application form for UILS AND DCSA |
214. | 12/06/2024 | Admission and fee schedule for ongoing classes of BA.LL.B |
215. | 12/06/2024 | Admission and fee schedule for ongoing classes of LL.B |
216. | 12/06/2024 | Admission and fee schedule for ongoing classes of MCA, PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur. |
217. | 06/06/2024 | Admission Form Offline mode 2024-25 |
218. | 04/06/2024 | Internship Notice For LLB 4th sem students. |
219. | 03/06/2024 | Admission Notice 2024-25 |
220. | 27/05/2024 | Minutes of Meeting of Faculty of engineering held on 25-04-2024 (copy of paragraphs 3, 13, 14 ,16, 25) |
221. | 24/05/2024 | Summer Training (Product Re-engineering and Innovation) for B.E 2nd semester students of CSE,IT,ECE and MECH.at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
222. | 14/05/2024 | Counselling schedule for BE first year admissions (tentative) JAC 2024-2025 |
223. | 06/05/2024 | Datesheet B.E 8th Sem Regular/ Reappear exam-May-2024 |
224. | 06/05/2024 | Datesheet B.E 6th Sem Regular/ Reappear exam-May-2024 |
225. | 06/05/2024 | Datesheet B.E 4th Sem Regular/ Reappear exam-May-2024 |
226. | 06/05/2024 | Datesheet B.E 2nd Sem Regular/ Reappear exam-May-2024 |
227. | 06/05/2024 | Dissertation extension notice for L.LM students |
228. | 02/05/2024 | Online Registration for B.E( 2nd year) admissions through PUMEET 2024 |
229. | 01/05/2024 | Online Registration for B.E( Lateral entry) admissions PULEET 2024 |
230. | 01/05/2024 | Online Registration and Fee Payment has been started for B.E first year admissions 2024-25 |
231. | 30/04/2024 | NOTICE REGARDING POSTPONE OF MST OF 1st MAY TO 6th MAY 2024 |
232. | 26/04/2024 | JAC 2024 Brochure for B.E first year admissions for information |
233. | 26/04/2024 | B.E ( Ist year) admissions 2024-25 registrations will start from 01/5/2024.for more details visit: https://jacchd.admissions.nic.in/ |
235. | 22/04/2024 | One Month B.E. (CSE, ECE , IT & Mech.) Summer Training Letter |
236. | 22/04/2024 | Tentative dates for Mid Semester Examination (MST-2)2nd,4th,6th and 8th semester for the session JAN-MAY 2024 |
237. | 18/04/2024 | E-pamphlet for PUMEET 2024 |
238. | 18/04/2024 | E-pamphlet for PULEET 2024 |
239. | 16/04/2024 | HELPDESK B.E. 1st Year Admissions (JAC) 2024-25 & B.E. 2nd Year Admissions (PULEET/PUMEET) 2024-25 |
240. | 16/04/2024 | E-Pamphlet for B.E FIRST YEAR admissions 2024-25 |
241. | 16/04/2024 | Mid Term Evaluation Report of Project / Training Performance in Industry |
242. | 16/04/2024 | Punishment for submission of fake/forged fee receipt on account of payment of any kind of fee by the student |
243. | 10/04/2024 | Submission of dissertation notice |
244. | 02/04/2024 | Struct-off student list of B.A.LL.B. session:2023-24 |
245. | 29/03/2024 | B.E admissions( first year & PULEET/PUMEET) 2024-25 help desk |
246. | 21/03/2024 | CGPA conversion formula for B.E students |
247. | 15/03/2024 | Examination Notice |
248. | 15/03/2024 | (Urgent) Submission of hard copies of those who applied for the U.P scholarship session 2023-24 |
250. | 14/03/2024 | Regarding Examination Notice |
251. | 14/03/2024 | Dissertation notice |
252. | 12/03/2024 | Notice regarding exam |
253. | 11/03/2024 | MST datesheet and Duty Chart of UILS |
254. | 06/03/2024 | MST Datasheet of MCA 2nd Sem |
255. | 06/03/2024 | Revised Examination Notice May-24 (Regular & Reappear) |
256. | 27/02/2024 | MERIT LIST AND COUNSELING SCHEDULE FOR MIGRATION TO B.A.LL.B. (HONS.) at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, session 2023-24 |
257. | 21/02/2024 | Dissertation Notice for LLM one year course |
258. | 14/02/2024 | Invitation of Aequitas 24 at PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur on 15th February,2024 at 01:00 p.m |
259. | 13/02/2024 | B.E Exam Notice May 2024 for even semester |
260. | 13/02/2024 | Students entry notice during Law Fest (AEQUITAS 24) from 15-02-2024 to 17-02-2024 |
261. | 13/02/2024 | Vehicles parking Notice for students during Law Fest (AEQUITAS 24) on 15th to 17th Feb, 2024 |
262. | 12/02/2024 | Notice regarding compulsory attendance of LAW students on 13/02/2024 |
263. | 08/02/2024 | Examination Notice May-2024 (Regular & Reappear) |
264. | 06/02/2024 | Notice regarding re- examination : P.U. has approved a special chance for students of intermediate semester/s of various courses examination held in NOV/DEC-2023, who missed their chance |
265. | 05/02/2024 | AEQUITAS’ 24 : Law & Cultural Fest 15th to 17th Feb 2024 (Updated Brochure) |
266. | 02/02/2024 | RUSA Sponsored One Day Interdisciplinary National Seminar on “EMPOWERING THE WOMEN VIS-À-VIS FEMINISTIC JURISPRUDENCE: SOCIO-LEGAL AND LINGUISTIC APPROACHES” On FEBRUARY 13th, 2024 |
267. | 02/02/2024 | Regarding submission of students original documents/information for session 2023-24 |
268. | 01/02/2024 | Struct-off student list of ECE/ME Branch session:2023-24 |
269. | 01/02/2024 | Extension of deadline for submission of applications for award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2023 |
270. | 01/02/2024 | Revised List of Struck off Students of B.A.LL.B. for session 2023-24. |
271. | 30/01/2024 | Seven Day NSS camp registration notice |
272. | 24/01/2024 | Notice for students to attend National Voter's Day on 25-01-2024 at 09:30 AM, in the auditorium, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur (attendance for the same is compulsory) |
273. | 24/01/2024 | List of Struck off students of LL.M for session 2023-24 |
274. | 24/01/2024 | Important Notice (to notify subject options) for UILS, PUSSGRC students for session 2023-24 |
275. | 24/01/2024 | Notice for Vacant Seats In Boys Hostel |
276. | 24/01/2024 | (Urgent) Date extended upto 2.2.2024 for the submission of forms of Financial Assistance (2023-2024) |
277. | 23/01/2024 | Regarding 2nd installment of DCSA Deptt. |
278. | 23/01/2024 | Regarding 2nd installment of LL.B Deptt. |
279. | 22/01/2024 | Urgent fee notice of UILS, DCSA Students for session 2023-24. |
280. | 22/01/2024 | List of Struck off students of B.A.LL.B for session 2023-24 |
281. | 22/01/2024 | Notice : Sports Meet-2024 |
282. | 19/01/2024 | Even Semester Time Table for UILS, PUSSGRC, for Session 2023-24. |
283. | 19/01/2024 | Notice regarding commencement of UILS classes for session 2023-24 |
284. | 16/01/2024 | Time table 8th sem ME branch session Jan-May 2024 |
285. | 16/01/2024 | Time table 6th sem ME branch session- Jan-May 2024 |
286. | 16/01/2024 | Time Table 4th sem ME branch session- Jan-May 2024 |
287. | 16/01/2024 | Time table 8th sem ECE Branch session Jan-May 2024 |
288. | 16/01/2024 | Time table 6th sem ECE branch session Jan-May 2024 |
289. | 10/01/2024 | Date extended upto 22-1-2024 for the submission of financial Assistant SC/ST student (2023-24) |
290. | 09/01/2024 | Latest time table of 8th Sem of Information Technology for Jan-May 2024 |
291. | 09/01/2024 | Latest time table of 6th Sem of Information Technology for Jan-May 2024 |
292. | 09/01/2024 | Latest time table of 4th Sem of Information Technology for Jan-May 2024 |
293. | 09/01/2024 | Coaching Classes of IAS (Preliminary) Batch commencing from 30th January' 2024. |
294. | 08/01/2024 | TENTATIVE PROPOSED TIME TABLE 4th Sem amd 6th Sem, CSE (EVEN SEMESTER) JAN-MAY-2024 |
295. | 05/01/2024 | Extend the last date to deposited the 2nd Installment of fee for session 2023-24. |
296. | 03/01/2024 | Internship notice of LL.B 3rd and LL.B 5th Sem. |
297. | 22/12/2023 | 2nd Installment fee pending list of B.A.LL.B. Students for the Session 2023-24. |
298. | 19/12/2023 | Date extended upto 12.1.2024 for the submission of forms of Financial Assistance (2023-2024) |
299. | 07/12/2023 | Applications invited for "Earn While one Learns Scheme" |
300. | 30/11/2023 | UILS Library timing during end semester examination (Dec-2023). |
301. | 28/11/2023 | Notice : Voter enrollment Special Camp on dated: 29/11/2023 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
302. | 28/11/2023 | 2nd Installment fee notice for UILS, PUSSGRC, Students for the Session 2023-24. |
303. | 24/11/2023 | Notice: Regarding Attendance of BE (CSE/IT/ ME & ECE) Branch, UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
304. | 24/11/2023 | Office Orders regarding working on Saturday vide no. D-SSG1/23/2017 dated: 24/11/2023 |
305. | 22/11/2023 | Blood Donation Camp Notice |
306. | 20/11/2023 | Information regarding 2nd Installment of fee for B.E Students |
307. | 17/11/2023 | Practical Datesheet for MCA 1st, 3rd and 5th sem.session Dec-2023 |
308. | 17/11/2023 | Datesheet for BE. MST 2 Exams Nov-Dec 2023 |
309. | 17/11/2023 | PLEDGE on theme "Electoral Participation" under SVEEP for Awareness among Students/Staff at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 17 November 2023 |
310. | 15/11/2023 | Final Notice Director Law & SWS Fee B.A.LL.B 1st, LL.B 1st & LLM 1st semester for the session 2023-24 |
311. | 15/11/2023 | Notice for Director Law fee UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2023-24 |
312. | 15/11/2023 | Notice for SSGPURC Student Society (SWS) fee UIET, UILS & DCSA students for the session 2023-24 |
313. | 14/11/2023 | Advertisement for the post of Junior Research Fellow |
314. | 14/11/2023 | CHASSCONG-2023 POSTER |
315. | 10/11/2023 | Circular-cum-Reminder CHASSCONG-2023 |
316. | 09/11/2023 | PLEDGE on theme Electoral Participation" under SVEEP for Awareness among Students/Staff at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 09 November 2023 |
317. | 09/11/2023 | Systematic Voter's Education & Electoral Participation program under SVEEP in PUSSGRC, HSP |
318. | 08/11/2023 | Means cum Merit scholarship Notice for B.E students for the session 2023-24 |
319. | 08/11/2023 | Notice for EWS students of B.E course for the session 2023-24 |
320. | 08/11/2023 | Single Parent fee concession Notice for B.E Students for the session 2023-24 |
321. | 08/11/2023 | 2nd Installment fee Notice for B.E Students for the session 2023-24 |
322. | 07/11/2023 | Request for sending the invitation of 03 day Training Workshop on Disaster Risk Management and Technological Innovations organized by DST-Centre for Policy Research at Panjab University, Chandigarh |
323. | 07/11/2023 | Proposed dates for MST-2 of all BE students for the july-dec 2023 session |
324. | 07/11/2023 | Extended the date sc/bc Scholarship session 2023-24 |
325. | 06/11/2023 | Walk in Interview of one Post of Project Assistants |
326. | 02/11/2023 | Walk-in-interview for appointment of Guest Faculty in subject of Chemistry at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
327. | 02/11/2023 | Walk-in-Interview for appointment of Guest Faculty in the subject of Physics at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
328. | 01/11/2023 | Circular regarding appointment of Part-time Counsellors/Advisors to counsel the University Students |
329. | 01/11/2023 | 2nd Installment Fee Notice for Law/ MCA Students for session 2023-24 |
330. | 01/11/2023 | Circular for festival function, DJs and fresher party |
331. | 31/10/2023 | Advertisement notice for G.F (01) Physics at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2023-24 (Odd semester) |
332. | 31/10/2023 | Advertisement notice for G.F (01) Chemistry at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2023-24 (Odd semester) |
333. | 26/10/2023 | Poster Making Competition ( SVEEP ) at PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur on 27 October 2023 |
334. | 26/10/2023 | Slogan Writing Competition ( SVEEP ) at PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur on 27 October 2023 |
335. | 25/10/2023 | MST Date Sheet of B.A.LL.B. & LL.M. for Session Nov. 2023 |
336. | 25/10/2023 | Signing authority for 6 months/ one Semester industrial training Performa for the session 2023-24 |
337. | 25/10/2023 | One Semester Industrial Training of B.E. (CSE, ECE, IT & Mech.) students after 7th semester, Starting from Jan 2024 |
338. | 25/10/2023 | Six Month Industrial Training Letter MCA (DCSA) for Two Year Course |
339. | 25/10/2023 | Six Month Industrial Training Letter MCA (DCSA) for Three Year Course |
340. | 20/10/2023 | Pending Examination form of CSE branch students for December-2023 Exam |
341. | 13/10/2023 | ID Card Notice |
342. | 13/10/2023 | PU Annual Foundation Day as a part of the Colloquium Series lecture on 14 th October Saturday at 12 pm.at the University auditorium |
343. | 10/10/2023 | Selection trials of Badminton (M&W) for preparing PU Campus teams for participation in Inter college tournament 2023-24 |
344. | 10/10/2023 | 2nd Fee reminder for 1st installment of ongoing Law students session 2023-24 |
347. | 06/10/2023 | Regarding data of PWD Students of Panjab University, Chandigarh |
348. | 05/10/2023 | Notice - 3 SSGPURC Student Society (SWS) fee UIET, UILS & DCSA students for the session 2023-24. |
349. | 05/10/2023 | Notice -3 Director Law fee UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2023-24 |
350. | 05/10/2023 | An awareness seminar for care of destitute, stray and injured Animals with Voice Less 2nd innings Home Society on 06-10-2023 in Moot Court of UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
351. | 05/10/2023 | Director Law & SWS Fee B.A.LL.B 1st, LL.B 1st & LLM 1st semester for the session 2023-24 |
352. | 04/10/2023 | Selected candidates for LL.M - One Year course for the session 2023-24. |
353. | 04/10/2023 | Selected Candidates List for and fee Notice of for admission in LL.B. 1st semester on dated 29-09-23 for Session 2023-24 |
354. | 04/10/2023 | Selected Candidates List and fee Notice of for admission in for B.A.LL.B. 1st semester on dated 29-09-23 for Session 2023-24 |
355. | 04/10/2023 | 2nd NCC Recruitment Drive 2023 on 05th Oct 2023 |
356. | 03/10/2023 | Reminder- I, for 1st Installment Fee for Law Students for session 2023-24 |
357. | 29/09/2023 | Revised Examination Schedule for Registration to Nov-Dec 2023 Examination |
358. | 29/09/2023 | Circular : Department to be functional on 30.09.2023 for completion of admission process. |
359. | 28/09/2023 | Selection trials of Handball (M), Volleyball (W) & Tennis (M) for preparing P.U. Campus teams as per the schedule for participation in Inter College tournament 2023-24 |
360. | 27/09/2023 | Counselling Schedule for admission in B.A.LL.B./ LL.B./ LL.M. for session 2023-24 |
361. | 26/09/2023 | 1st Installment Fee Notice for Law Students for session 2023-24 |
362. | 26/09/2023 | UGC-NET(Paper-1) Coaching Classes at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations |
363. | 26/09/2023 | Examination Notice for B.A.LL.B./ LL.B. & LL.M. 1st semester session 2023-24 |
364. | 25/09/2023 | Earn while one learns scheme-2023 in the A.C. Joshi Library |
365. | 22/09/2023 | District Level Awareness Program Under National Nutrition Mission (Nutrition Month 2023) on 24-09-2023 |
366. | 21/09/2023 | Notice Regarding MST |
367. | 21/09/2023 | Seminar Grant and Study Grant Circulars for 2023-24 |
368. | 21/09/2023 | CHASCON--2023 |
369. | 21/09/2023 | Circular regarding launch of Malaviya Mission - Teacher Training Programme |
370. | 20/09/2023 | Selected Candidates List for and fee Notice of for admission in LL.B. 1st semester on dated 19-09-23 for Session 2023-24 |
371. | 20/09/2023 | Selected Candidates List and fee Notice of for admission in for B.A.LL.B. 1st semester on dated 15-09-23 for Session 2023-24 |
372. | 19/09/2023 | Waiting Notice & Document Verification of BC category Candidates for B.A.LL.B. 1st Sem. for session 2023-24 |
373. | 18/09/2023 | 4th Counselling schedule for admission in LL.B. 1st year Session 2023-24 |
374. | 18/09/2023 | 17th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
376. | 18/09/2023 | Selected Candidate List of 2nd Counselling for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st semester at UILS, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur Session 2023-24 |
377. | 18/09/2023 | Selected candidates lists of 3rd counseling (LL.B ) on 13-9-2023 |
378. | 15/09/2023 | 16th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
379. | 15/09/2023 | Examination notice for 1st year B.E(CSE/ECE/IT/MECH) |
380. | 15/09/2023 | Examination notice for 2nd to 4th year B.E (CSE/ECE/IT/MECH) |
381. | 15/09/2023 | Selection trial for PU campus cricket (M)Team |
382. | 15/09/2023 | Lawn tennis PU Campus trial (M&W) |
383. | 15/09/2023 | Regarding Observance of Car Free Day in University Campuses, Every Month |
384. | 14/09/2023 | Revised Examination Schedule for Session 2023-24 |
385. | 14/09/2023 | 3rd Counseling Schedule (15-9-2023) of B.A.LL.B 5 Year Course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
386. | 14/09/2023 | 15th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
387. | 13/09/2023 | UIET, Hoshiarpur : DATE SHEET FOR MST-1 (Sep 2023) |
388. | 13/09/2023 | Circular regarding Reservation for Ph.D Admission from the session 2023-2024 |
389. | 13/09/2023 | Quiz Competition by NSS unit of PUSSGRC on 14-09-23 |
390. | 12/09/2023 | Regarding Library Security refund form of LL.M Course |
391. | 12/09/2023 | Notice - 2: SSGPURC Student Society (SWS) fee UIET,UILS & DCSA students for the session 2023-24. |
392. | 12/09/2023 | 3rd Counseling Schedule (13-9-2023) of LL.B 3Year Course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
393. | 12/09/2023 | 2nd Counseling Schedule (13-9-2023) of LL.M - One Year Course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
394. | 12/09/2023 | 2nd Counseling Schedule (13-9-2023) of BA.LL.B 5 year integrated course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
396. | 11/09/2023 | Notice -2 Director Law fee UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2023-24 |
397. | 11/09/2023 | Examination Notice for MCA and Law for registration to Nov./Dec 2023 Examinations |
398. | 06/09/2023 | Examination Schedule & fee structure session 2023 - 2024 |
399. | 06/09/2023 | 14th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
400. | 05/09/2023 | Notice regarding Orientation Programme for UIET & DCSA Hoshiarpur 2023 |
401. | 05/09/2023 | 13th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
402. | 05/09/2023 | Proposed Dates for MST-1 B.E. 1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Sem for the session July-Nov 2023, UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
403. | 04/09/2023 | 12th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
404. | 04/09/2023 | Coordinator & Co-coordinator for NSS activities for the session 2023-24 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
405. | 04/09/2023 | Information regarding Internal Complaints Committee |
406. | 01/09/2023 | 11th waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. Session 2023-24 |
407. | 01/09/2023 | Classes of LLM -One Year course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
408. | 01/09/2023 | Re-constituted Standing Committee-2023 |
409. | 01/09/2023 | Information to all Chairpersons, Directors, Coordinators, Wardens, Branch Heads etc. regarding ICC |
411. | 31/08/2023 | 10th waiting for Admission B.A..LL.B. 1st Sem. Session 2023-24 |
412. | 31/08/2023 | Advertisement for Guest Faculty (Assistant Professor) in Centre for Police Administration (Session 2023-24) |
413. | 30/08/2023 | Urgent Notice for B.E. students admitted through PULEET-2023 |
414. | 30/08/2023 | 9th waiting for Admission B.A..LL.B. 1st Sem. Session 2023-24 |
415. | 30/08/2023 | List of provisionally selected candidates for LL.M-OYC at UILS, PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR session 2023-24 |
416. | 30/08/2023 | Fee Notice of MCA 1st year for the session 2023-24 |
417. | 29/08/2023 | Regarding fee notice of selected candidates of LLB - 1st sem , session - 2023-24 after 2nd counseling. |
418. | 29/08/2023 | Regarding submission of reimbursement bills |
419. | 29/08/2023 | LL.B.1st Semester classes to commence from 30-08-2023 |
420. | 29/08/2023 | 8th waiting for Admission B.A..LL.B. 1st Sem. Session 2023-24 |
421. | 29/08/2023 | Reliance Foundation Scholarships 2023-24 |
422. | 29/08/2023 | 1st Waiting list of LL.M-OYC for session 2023-24 |
423. | 29/08/2023 | Counseling Schedule of NRI category for B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. session 2023-24 |
424. | 29/08/2023 | Circulating corrigendum for walk-in-interview for two guest faculties. |
425. | 28/08/2023 | List of provisionally selected candidates for LL.M-OYC at UILS, PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR session 2023-24 |
426. | 28/08/2023 | Second Counselling for MCA at DCSA, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 29 th August 2023 (Tuesday) |
427. | 28/08/2023 | Counseling Schedule for LL.M - One Year Course under categories NRI, Sports and PwD for session 2023-24 |
428. | 28/08/2023 | Counseling Schedule for LL.B - 3 Year Course under categories NRI, Sports and PwD for session 2023-24 |
429. | 25/08/2023 | Revised schedule of LL.B 2nd Counseling for the session 2023-24 |
430. | 25/08/2023 | 2nd Counseling Schedule of LL.B. 1st year session 2023-24 |
431. | 24/08/2023 | Revision of rates of stipend and extension of NATS of Graduate of general streams |
432. | 24/08/2023 | Exam. Schedule 2023-2024 |
433. | 24/08/2023 | Guidance and Counselling session for students admitted under reserved category of sports in all the teaching department of P.U. 2023 |
434. | 24/08/2023 | Regarding sports registration for the session 2023 |
435. | 24/08/2023 | Office Order |
436. | 23/08/2023 | 1st Waiting for Admission LL,B. 1st sem. session 2023-24 |
437. | 23/08/2023 | 7th waiting for Admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. 2023-24 |
438. | 22/08/2023 | REMINDER No. 1: Notice Regarding Second round of Sports Trials for admission in all the Under Graduate Courses (Teaching departments) in Panjab University 2023. |
439. | 22/08/2023 | NCC Recruitment Drive 2023 |
440. | 22/08/2023 | Merit cum Means Loan subsidy Scheme' in self financing courses for the session 2023-2024 |
441. | 21/08/2023 | 6th waiting for Admission B.A.LL.B. 1st sem. 2023-24 |
442. | 21/08/2023 | Important Notice Regarding Admission under NRI Category. |
443. | 21/08/2023 | Notice Regarding Admission under Sports & PWD category in B.A.LL.B. 1st year session 2023-24 |
444. | 21/08/2023 | NSS Enrollment notice (1st year Students of UILS, UIET & DCSA) with an active link to the online form |
445. | 21/08/2023 | Counseling schedule of PWD, Sports and NRI for BA.LL.B -5 year course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur, session 2023-24 |
448. | 18/08/2023 | 5th Waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st semester 2023-24 |
449. | 18/08/2023 | Related to selection of NSS Co-ordinator & Co-coordinator for various activities held at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
450. | 18/08/2023 | Extension of last date for fee submission for ongoing students |
451. | 17/08/2023 | Classes Notice for B.A.LL.B. 9th semester. |
452. | 16/08/2023 | 4th Waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st semester 2023-24 |
453. | 12/08/2023 | Scruitny form and documents(original and their photocopies)required at time for physical reporting (B.E first year) on 16/8/2023 |
454. | 12/08/2023 | Physical reporting of (B.E first year) candidates on 16/8/2023 after spot round. |
455. | 11/08/2023 | Live webcast of the Independence Day Celebration - 15.08.2023 (Tuesday) at webcast.pu.ac.in. |
456. | 11/08/2023 | Notice Regarding Sports Trials for admission in all the Post Graduate Courses (Teaching departments) in Panjab University 2023. |
457. | 10/08/2023 | REVISED TENTATIVE TIME TABLE FOR 3rd, 5th and 7th SEM CSE (JUL-DEC2023) |
458. | 08/08/2023 | 3rd Waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st semester Session 2023-24 |
459. | 08/08/2023 | SSGPURC Student Society (SWS) fee UIET,UILS & DCSA students for the session 2023-24. |
460. | 07/08/2023 | Advt.for Guest Faculty-Deptt. of Life Long Learning & Ext. |
461. | 07/08/2023 | Foreign Nationals: Application Form for requesting S-Form for FSIS |
462. | 04/08/2023 | Revised counseling Schedule of LL.B 3 year for the session 2023-24, at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
463. | 04/08/2023 | Director Law fee UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2023-24 |
464. | 03/08/2023 | 2nd Waiting for admission B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2023-24 |
465. | 03/08/2023 | Information regarding sports activities and notices of P.U. Campus sports |
466. | 03/08/2023 | Revised Tentative Proposed Time Table 7th Sem. Information Technology 2023-24 |
467. | 03/08/2023 | Revised Tentative Proposed Time Table 5th Sem. Information Technology 2023-24 |
468. | 03/08/2023 | Revised Tentative Proposed Time Table 3rd Sem. Information Technology 2023-24 |
469. | 02/08/2023 | Regarding optional subjects for Law Students of PUSSGRC |
470. | 02/08/2023 | Time Table for BE First Semester 2023-24 (Tentative) |
471. | 02/08/2023 | Regarding NAAC Visit 2-4 August, 2023 - Opening of Departments, Cleanliness and wearing of ID cards by faculty and non-teaching staff |
472. | 01/08/2023 | 1st waiting list for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester Session 2023-24 |
473. | 01/08/2023 | 5th Convocation of the Faculty of Law on 12th August, 2023 |
474. | 01/08/2023 | Advisory to PU Students NAAC Team visit on 02.08.2023 to 04.08.2023 |
475. | 01/08/2023 | Notice Regarding B.A.LL.B. 1st semester Classes for session 2023-24 |
476. | 01/08/2023 | (Urgent) To display the SC/ST Scholarship Schemes |
477. | 01/08/2023 | Counseling schedule for LL.B 3year course, session 2023-24 at PUSSGRC, HOSHIARPUR |
478. | 31/07/2023 | Counseling Schedule of PUMEET admissions 2023 |
479. | 31/07/2023 | Admission form cum scrutiny form of PUMEET admissions 2023 |
480. | 31/07/2023 | Counseling Schedule of PULEET admissions 2023 |
481. | 31/07/2023 | Scrutiny Form of PULEET admissions 2023 |
482. | 31/07/2023 | Admission form of PULEET admissions 2023 |
483. | 31/07/2023 | Time-Table CSE jul-dec2023 Revised |
484. | 29/07/2023 | Updated Schedule of Physical Reporting cum Document Verification on 31-07-2023 |
485. | 28/07/2023 | Office order regarding working day on 29-07-2023 with Tuesday time table |
486. | 28/07/2023 | Tentative Time table of BA.LL.B and LL.B |
487. | 28/07/2023 | Hostel Admission Form for session 2023-24 |
488. | 28/07/2023 | Handbook of Hostel Rules of session 2023-24 |
489. | 28/07/2023 | Fee Notice for Provisionally selected candidates of B.A.LL.B. 1st Semester alongwith Merit list. Session 2023-24 |
490. | 28/07/2023 | List of provisional Selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st semester at UILS, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur Session 2023-24 |
491. | 28/07/2023 | NSS Enrollment Notice |
492. | 27/07/2023 | Schedule of Physical reporting cum document verification on 31-07-2023 |
493. | 27/07/2023 | Physical reporting and documents verification of B. E (Ist year) on 31/7/2023 |
494. | 26/07/2023 | MCA 1st Sem. counseling Schedule 2023-24 |
495. | 25/07/2023 | 5th Law convocation Notice |
496. | 25/07/2023 | Notice regarding classes of ongoing batches of UIET, UILS and DCSA at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
497. | 25/07/2023 | Regarding Gym and Squash Game at Lajwanti Stadium, Hoshiarpur |
498. | 24/07/2023 | Revised Time Table 7th Sem (ME Dept) |
499. | 24/07/2023 | Universal Human Values (UHV) classes at Panjab University campus, session 2023-2024 |
500. | 21/07/2023 | Tentative Proposed Time Table of 7th Semester MECHANICAL ENGG DEPT (Session-July-Dec, 2023) |
501. | 21/07/2023 | Tentative Proposed Time Table of 5th Semester MECHANICAL ENGG DEPT (Session-July-Dec, 2023) |
502. | 21/07/2023 | Tentative Proposed Time Table of 3rd Semester MECHANICAL ENGG DEPT (Session-July-Dec, 2023) |
503. | 20/07/2023 | Corrigendum regarding PWD counselling of B.A.LLB. 1st year for session 2023-24 |
505. | 20/07/2023 | Circular regarding admission in IAS(Preliminary) Course |
506. | 19/07/2023 | (Urgent)Leaflet issued by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Govt. of India |
508. | 17/07/2023 | Admission Schedule PG courses 2023-24 |
509. | 17/07/2023 | 1st Installment detail of LL.B./ BA.LLB/MCA ongoing classes for session 2023-24 |
510. | 17/07/2023 | Norms/guidelines of PMS of SC of Punjab(2023-2024) |
511. | 14/07/2023 | Revised Counselling Schedule of BA.LL.B. 1st semester 2023-24 |
512. | 13/07/2023 | Fee structure for ongoing courses for Foreign Nationals /PIO/NRI Candidates admitted against the seats created for them ( Traditional Courses ) 2023-2024 |
513. | 13/07/2023 | Re-revised Admission Schedule for UG courses for the Session 2023-24. |
514. | 13/07/2023 | HOSTEL ADMISSION FORM 2023-24 |
515. | 13/07/2023 | Fee Notice for BA.LL.B/LL.B./MCA Course Students (admitted under EWS Category) for the session 2023-24 |
516. | 13/07/2023 | Fee Notice for BA.LL.B/LL.B./MCA Course for Single Parent Students. |
517. | 12/07/2023 | Request to share information about my course on 'International Human Rights System' available on UGC's SWAYAM with students |
518. | 12/07/2023 | Anti Ragging notice |
519. | 12/07/2023 | Postponement of walk-in Interview for 05 guest faculty positions in the Deptt. of Physics |
520. | 11/07/2023 | Counselling Schedule of BA.LL.B. 1st semester 2023-24 |
521. | 11/07/2023 | Postponement of BA.LL.B. 1st year Counseling schedule |
522. | 06/07/2023 | Admission Form for B.E. students for the session 2023-24 |
523. | 06/07/2023 | Fee Notice for B.E. course Single Parent Students |
524. | 06/07/2023 | Fee Notice for B.E. course students (admitted under EWS Category) for the session 2023-24 |
525. | 06/07/2023 | Admission and fee schedule (1st Installment) for ongoing students of B.E. course (CSE, ECE, IT & Mech.) for session 2023-24 |
526. | 06/07/2023 | Admission Notice for ongoing classes of BA.LL.B/LL.B./MCA for session 2023-24 |
527. | 05/07/2023 | Internship Notice of LL.B. 5th semester 2023. |
528. | 05/07/2023 | Internship Notice of B.A.LL.B. 9th semester 2023.. |
529. | 30/06/2023 | Regarding Help Desk for PWDs Students during Admission Schedule 2023-24 |
530. | 26/06/2023 | PMS Notice 2023 |
531. | 21/06/2023 | Help Desk for Admissions 2023 |
532. | 21/06/2023 | Brochure : MCA & PGDCA 2023-24 |
533. | 21/06/2023 | Brochure : PULEET 2023-24 |
534. | 21/06/2023 | Brochure : Bachelor of Engineering(B.E.) 1st Year at UIET, Hoshiarpur through (JAC) 2023-24 |
535. | 21/06/2023 | Advertisement Notice - Guest Faculty for Computer Science |
536. | 19/06/2023 | Advertisement for the post of Project Coordinator under the Project |
537. | 19/06/2023 | Advertisement for Faculty Positions - Professor - IRMA |
538. | 16/06/2023 | Admission Notice for MCA : Last Date to fill the admission form for taking admission in MCA is 10-07-2023. |
539. | 15/06/2023 | Admission Notice (PGDCA) |
540. | 15/06/2023 | Offline Admission Form for PGDCA for the session 2023-24 |
541. | 14/06/2023 | Committee for conducting Viva of 8th semester students |
543. | 14/06/2023 | Urgent Notice regarding 8th semester Industrial Training Viva of CSE Branch |
544. | 09/06/2023 | Circular regarding vehicles without stickers. |
545. | 07/06/2023 | PUAA Special Membership Drive |
546. | 07/06/2023 | University students to carry I-cards with them at all times |
547. | 30/05/2023 | Quiz Competition under SVEEP at PUSSGRC on 31/05/2023 |
548. | 30/05/2023 | Date-sheet for B.E. 7th, SEMESTER (Reappear) Theory Examination to be held JUNE -2023 |
549. | 30/05/2023 | Date-Sheet for B.E. 2nd Semester (Regular) 1st & 2nd Semester (Reappear) Theory Examination to be held JUNE -2023 |
550. | 30/05/2023 | Date-sheet for B.E. 3rd SEMESTER (Reappear) Theory Examination to be held JUNE-2023 |
551. | 30/05/2023 | Date-sheet for B.E. 5th SEMESTER (Reappear) Theory Examination to be held JUNE -2023 |
552. | 29/05/2023 | Vide Circulation CSDE Skill Enhancement Summer Course on Mastering Social Media Marketing Skills |
553. | 29/05/2023 | Admissions Open : USOL - MBA |
554. | 25/05/2023 | Date Sheet for MST-II B.E. Second Semester (May 2023) |
555. | 24/05/2023 | Poster Making Competition under SVEEP at PUSSGRC on 26/05/2023 |
556. | 22/05/2023 | Circular regarding booking of accommodation at THH Dalhousie/Shimla in Summer Vacation-2023 |
557. | 19/05/2023 | Reg. Ph.D. admission of BITSA Pilani. |
558. | 19/05/2023 | Date Sheet for MST-II B.E. Second Semester (May 2023) |
559. | 19/05/2023 | One Month B.E. (CSE, IT & Mech.) Industrial Training Letter |
560. | 19/05/2023 | Award of Degrees to the M.Phil./M.A. Students who passed their courses before 2021-22. |
561. | 16/05/2023 | Important information regarding 70th Annual Convocation |
562. | 15/05/2023 | B.E First year admissions (2023-24) registration: |
563. | 13/05/2023 | ADDITION for Subject in the Date-sheet for B.E. 4th, & 6th, Semester (Mechanical) (Reappear) Theory Examination to be held MAY -2023 |
564. | 13/05/2023 | Date-sheet for B.E. 6TH , Semester (Regular/ Reappear) Theory Examination to be held MAY -2023 |
565. | 13/05/2023 | Date-sheet for B.E. 8th , Semester (Regular/ Reappear) Theory Examination to be held MAY -2023 |
566. | 13/05/2023 | Date-sheet for B.E. 4th Semester (Regular/ Reappear) Theory Examination to be held MAY -2023 |
567. | 13/05/2023 | ADDITION for Subject in the Date-sheet for B.E. 8th, Semester (Regular/ Reappear) Theory Examination to be held MAY -2023 |
568. | 11/05/2023 | The Hon'ble Prime Minister's address will be webcast on May 11, 2023, from 11:00 a.m. on the occasion of National Technology Day |
569. | 08/05/2023 | The last teaching day for BALLB all semesters and LLB 4th and 6th sem would be 8th May 2023 |
570. | 08/05/2023 | PUAA Special Membership Drive |
571. | 05/05/2023 | Speech Competition under SVEEP in PUSSGRC |
572. | 05/05/2023 | Appreciation certificate for organizing a seminar on National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM)launched by the Government of India. |
573. | 04/05/2023 | AIU-INIHE Webinar on Fostering Knowledge Ecosystem. |
574. | 04/05/2023 | Reg. NOC to students willing to participate in Debate/Group discussion organized by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, GoI. |
575. | 03/05/2023 | REVISED Junior Research Fellowships (JRF through CSIR-UGC NET) guidelines w.e.f. from 1st March 2023 |
576. | 03/05/2023 | MOST URGENT: Reg. Conduct of Ph.D viva voce exam upto 10th May, 2023 |
577. | 03/05/2023 | The mileage rate of travel by own car/taxi in connection with university business and honorarium for Chancellor's/Vice-Chancellor 's Nominee and External on Selection committee meetings |
578. | 03/05/2023 | To encourage students to engage in academic collaboration with Foreign Higher Educational Institutions that offer Twinning, Joint Degree and Dual Degree Programmes in accordance with UGC |
579. | 02/05/2023 | Advertisement for the post of Field Investigator under the Project |
580. | 30/04/2023 | Rescheduled MSTs for MCA 2nd and 4th semester, DCSA Hoshiarpur |
581. | 29/04/2023 | Notice: BE MST-2 Exam scheduled on 1st May 2023 will now be held on 4th May 2023 |
582. | 27/04/2023 | Registration for B.E (2nd year) admissions through PUMEET - 2023 |
583. | 26/04/2023 | Circular regarding admission in UGC (NET) Paper-I Course |
584. | 26/04/2023 | Registration for B.E (2nd year) lateral entry admissions (PULEET 2023) |
585. | 26/04/2023 | P.U. Alumni Association in collaboration with Dr. S.S.B.U.I.C.E.T, PU is organising “Jashn-E-Entrepreneur” programme on the occasion of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 9 May, 2023 at 10:30 am |
586. | 26/04/2023 | Notice Regarding attendance for B.E. Students of UIET Hoshiarpur |
587. | 26/04/2023 | Notice for UIET Students |
588. | 25/04/2023 | Invitation for the registration for LPU's Global Open Fest YouthVibe 2023 to be held at Lovely Professional University |
589. | 25/04/2023 | MST Date Sheet of MCA course session 2023 |
590. | 25/04/2023 | MST-2 Examinations for B.E. 2nd semester (all branches) stands postponed and will be held later and for which dates will be notified by the department. |
591. | 24/04/2023 | PMS pending fee Notice for B.A.LL.B. students for the session 2020-21 |
592. | 24/04/2023 | Regional Seminar on Climate Crisis and Feminization of Poverty |
593. | 23/04/2023 | Admission Brochure MCA and PGDCA |
594. | 21/04/2023 | Invitation for the event- Commemoration of World Intellectual Property Day 2023 |
595. | 21/04/2023 | Datesheet for BE. MST 2 Exams (1-3 May 2022) |
596. | 20/04/2023 | Regarding celebration of Punjabi language a special Punjabi lecture would be conducted on date 24-4-2023. |
597. | 13/04/2023 | B.E Admissions 2023-24 helpdesk contact details |
598. | 11/04/2023 | Walk in interview of Guest Faculty (05) for Law, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
599. | 11/04/2023 | Rescheduling of MST-1 for 6th and 8th semester |
600. | 31/03/2023 | (Urgent) (Reminder)Lecture/Talk on 31.3.2023 |
601. | 31/03/2023 | Circular regarding Internal Complaint Committee for the period of two years w.e.f. 01.04.2023 |
602. | 29/03/2023 | Most Urgent notice B.A.LL.B students Examination form not complete |
603. | 29/03/2023 | PU link for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 5 year course for the session 2023-24 |
604. | 29/03/2023 | Invitation Letter for "CGCJ UTSAV-2023" |
605. | 24/03/2023 | Circular regarding admission 2023 , IIT Madras |
606. | 22/03/2023 | Urgent Notice regarding tuition fee |
607. | 22/03/2023 | MST datesheet of B.A.LL.B. & LL.M. |
608. | 20/03/2023 | Pending Exam form Notice of B.E. CSE branch students for May-2023 Examination |
609. | 20/03/2023 | Examination Notice for pending examination form of B.A.LL.B. |
610. | 20/03/2023 | Notice-cum-corrigendum for MST 1 Exams |
611. | 17/03/2023 | Exam Notice BA.LLB.pdf |
612. | 17/03/2023 | Examination Notice for MCA Students |
613. | 17/03/2023 | Examination Notice for LLB Students |
614. | 17/03/2023 | Leaflet issued by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Govt. of India |
615. | 17/03/2023 | Leaflet issued by the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment Govt. of India |
616. | 17/03/2023 | Invitation for EE-RSF Research Day at IIT Ropar |
617. | 17/03/2023 | Law/MCA Examination Notice Reminder-II |
618. | 16/03/2023 | Notice |
619. | 15/03/2023 | Advertisement Notice for the post of Junior Research Fellow under ICMR Sponsord research project |
620. | 14/03/2023 | Date Sheet for BE. Students MST-1 Exam (27-29 March 2023) |
621. | 11/03/2023 | Live Seminar on : Minor Degree in Universal Human Values on 27th March 2023 at 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM at Golden Jubilee Hall Sector 14, Chandigarh |
622. | 10/03/2023 | Students Medical Leave Performa |
623. | 10/03/2023 | Revised Examination Form & Fee Notice Dates |
624. | 09/03/2023 | Reminder- 1: Examination form and fee for BA.LL.B./LL.B./LL.M. & MCA class for May-June 2023. |
625. | 09/03/2023 | Circular regarding Inter College Debate Competition |
626. | 07/03/2023 | Admission to MBA(Sectoral) programmes at UIAMS for the session 2023-24 |
627. | 07/03/2023 | International Women's Day |
628. | 06/03/2023 | International Women's Day Celebrations |
629. | 03/03/2023 | Notice Regarding Earlier Office Order. |
630. | 03/03/2023 | WORLD WATER DAY - POSTER MAKING & EXTEMPORE CONTEST on 22-03-2023 (From 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Auditorium) |
631. | 03/03/2023 | INTERNATIONAL WOMEN DAY - ELOCUTION CONTEST on 07-03-2023 (From 2:00 to 5:00 pm at Auditorium) |
632. | 02/03/2023 | DATE EXTENDED upto 15.03.2023:Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2022. |
633. | 02/03/2023 | MST Date Sheet of MCA 2nd and 4th Sem. |
634. | 01/03/2023 | An Online Interactive Session on Intellectual Property Right awareness program on 3rd March 2023 (Friday) from 12:45 PM to 2:00 PM at Campus Auditorium |
635. | 01/03/2023 | Declamation Contest on Life and Contribution of Srimanta Sankardev to be held on 13.3.2023 at 10.00 am |
636. | 01/03/2023 | Circular for persons with disabilities for participation in Sports event |
637. | 28/02/2023 | Post-Budget Webinar Sessions on Unleashing the Potential - Ease of living using Technology - 28th February, 2023 at 10 am |
638. | 24/02/2023 | Seminar on "Post Matric scholarship schemes" |
639. | 23/02/2023 | Advertisement Notice for appointment of 05 Guest Faculties in UILS, Hoshiarpur. |
640. | 22/02/2023 | Advertisement for JRF in ICMR project |
641. | 21/02/2023 | Annual K.K. Grover Declamation Contest and A.C. Bali Memorial Contest on Friday, February 24, 2023 |
642. | 20/02/2023 | Examination form and fee Notice for BA.LL.B./LL.B./LL.M. & MCA class for May-June 2023. |
643. | 17/02/2023 | Workshop in VVBIS & IS, Hoshiarpur from 20-02-2023 to 26-02-2023 |
644. | 16/02/2023 | Special lecture on 17/02/2023 on "Analyses of India's Defence Budget 2023" |
645. | 15/02/2023 | Circular regarding PU G20 Youth International Seminar |
646. | 15/02/2023 | For Circulation the advertisement of Guest Faculty |
647. | 08/02/2023 | Annual award of Gold medal for Dr. Hazari Prasad Dwivedi Essay Contest |
648. | 08/02/2023 | Award of Prem Chand Kahani Puruskar Silver Medal |
649. | 08/02/2023 | Annual award for Translation of piece of English prose/verse |
650. | 08/02/2023 | Reminder - Mrs & Dr. V.S. Puri Scholarship @ 200/- p.m. for the year 2022-2023 |
651. | 08/02/2023 | Reminder - Award of Late Sh. Pritam Nath & Mrs . Ram Piari Scholarship @ 500/- p.m. for the year 2022-2023 |
652. | 08/02/2023 | Reminder- Award of Mrs Udham Kaur Menon Education Scholarship @ 800/- p.m. for the year 2022-2023 |
653. | 08/02/2023 | Reminder - Award of 25 Late Dewan Som Nath Scholarship @400/- p.m. & 10 Late Radha Krishan Prem Kaur Stipends @150/- p.m. for the year 2022-2023 |
654. | 08/02/2023 | Reminder - Milkhi Ram Sharma Memorial Scholarship @250/- p.m. for the 10 months for the session 2022-2023 |
655. | 08/02/2023 | Reminder - Award of Two Scholarship @400/- p.m. each for 10 months out of the P U Soldier 's Relief fund for the year 2022-2023 |
656. | 07/02/2023 | Invitation for the One-Day Physical Training Program at I. K. Gujral Punjab Technical University Punjab on 15 February 2023 (Wednesday) |
660. | 06/02/2023 | Admission Notice - MBA (sectoral) programmes at UIAMS, session 2023-24 |
661. | 06/02/2023 | FEE REMINDER for MCA/LLM/LLB & BALLB |
662. | 03/02/2023 | Stem Cell_Advertisement for the post of guest faculty (Tissue Engineering) |
663. | 03/02/2023 | Seeking nominations for the position of Director, CSIR-CSIR - NML, Jamshedpur and CSIR - NIO, Goa - reg. |
664. | 31/01/2023 | P.U. Campus Annual Athletic Meet 2023 |
665. | 31/01/2023 | Interview for the posts of Guest Faculty in Social Work |
666. | 28/01/2023 | Fwd: Fw: Regarding to organize a 15 days workshop on the topic “Introduction to Data Science” in online mode |
667. | 28/01/2023 | Fwd: Fw: GENTLE REMINDER: URGENT: Notice inviting Nominations/Applications for Shiv Nath Rai Kohli Memorial Mid-career Best Scientist Award for the year 2022 |
668. | 27/01/2023 | Regarding to organize a 15 days workshop on the topic “Introduction to Data Science” in online mode |
669. | 27/01/2023 | Notice inviting Nominations/Applications for Shiv Nath Rai Kohli Memorial Mid-career Best Scientist Award for the year 2022 |
670. | 25/01/2023 | EPledge on the eve of National Voters Day 2023 |
671. | 25/01/2023 | Regarding empanlement of advertisement agency(Last date 31.1.23 |
672. | 25/01/2023 | AIU-DAAD Conference from March 1-3, 2023 |
673. | 25/01/2023 | UGC Swayam Courses for January Semester 2023 |
674. | 25/01/2023 | Minimum Standards and Procedures for award of PhD Degree |
675. | 25/01/2023 | Satisfactory Report Certificate |
676. | 24/01/2023 | National Voters Day ( 25th January 2023 ) - Photography Competition-Regarding |
677. | 24/01/2023 | Circular regarding Launch of the electronic version of the Supreme court reports(e-SCR) |
678. | 24/01/2023 | Notice for Student Sports Committee |
679. | 23/01/2023 | Datesheet for BE 1st Sem MST-II |
680. | 23/01/2023 | UGC Guidelines for minimum standard & Procedure for award of Ph.D. |
681. | 20/01/2023 | Revised Migration List of BA.LL.B. 5 year for session 2022-23 |
682. | 20/01/2023 | PROPOSED TIME TABLE 4th, 6th and 8th SEM CSE (EVEN SEMESTER) ACADEMIC SESSION: 2022-2023 |
683. | 19/01/2023 | Migration List of BA.LL.B. 5 year for session 2022-23 |
684. | 19/01/2023 | Scholarship for first-year undergraduate students | Reliance Foundation Undergraduate Scholarships 2022-23 |
685. | 18/01/2023 | Circular regarding Proforma for Claiming the benefit of under Higher Education Allowance Inbox |
686. | 18/01/2023 | Circular regarding appointment of Prof. Krishan Kumar, UIET as Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor |
687. | 18/01/2023 | Request to Upload the PDF on the Panjab University Website and Email to all the Teaching And Non-Teaching Departments, P.U., Chd |
688. | 17/01/2023 | Advertisement for the post of guest faculty |
689. | 17/01/2023 | Advertisement for the post of guest faculty |
690. | 17/01/2023 | Circular to all the Chairpersons/Heads of Teaching Deptts/Institutes |
691. | 17/01/2023 | Circular from PU CHD |
692. | 13/01/2023 | UILS, Timetable for Even Semester |
693. | 12/01/2023 | As per the orders recieved, the arrangements have been made at Audio Visual Lab in the DCSA Dept. to watch live telecast of the speech by Ho'nble Prime Minister on 12-01-2023 at 04:00 to 05:00 PM |
694. | 11/01/2023 | Hobby Class in Deptt. of Music in Vocal and Instrumental |
695. | 10/01/2023 | Circular regarding Higher Education Scholarship Test 2023 |
696. | 10/01/2023 | Applications are invited under “Earn While One Learns Scheme” |
697. | 09/01/2023 | Seven Day NSS camp registration notice |
698. | 09/01/2023 | Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) (01 Post) in SERB-DST (CRG) PROJECT at Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh |
699. | 06/01/2023 | Urgent notice : Regarding the Institutional verification of Schoalraship form on NSP 2022-23 |
700. | 06/01/2023 | Award of Panjab University fellowship for Ph.D 2022. |
701. | 05/01/2023 | Award of Two Scholarship @ 400/- p.m. each for 10 months out of the Panjab University Soldier's Relief Fund for the year 2022-2023. |
702. | 05/01/2023 | Extension to Advertisement Agency upto January 31, 2023 |
703. | 05/01/2023 | Share information regarding upcoming events |
704. | 05/01/2023 | Conduct of Entrance Examination for IAS(Preliminary) 2023 |
705. | 05/01/2023 | Regarding updated and revised version of PU Accounts Manual-2022 in all future communications/proposals concerning Accounts and Finance Department. |
706. | 05/01/2023 | Fee Notice for All the students of MCA/LL.M/LL.B/BA.LL.B are required to submit their 2nd Installment fee receipt (Two Hard copy) in the office of student section (Law/MCA) before 15-01-2023. |
707. | 05/01/2023 | Counseling Schedule for Migration of BA.LL.B. and LL.B. at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
708. | 02/01/2023 | Conduct of Entrance Examination for IAS(Preliminary) 2023 |
709. | 30/12/2022 | List of publishers (UILS,Hoshiarpur). |
710. | 30/12/2022 | Fwd: Internship Notice LLB 3rd and 5th Sem |
711. | 27/12/2022 | Dated extended upto 13.1.2023 for submission of Financial Assistance (2020-2023) |
712. | 23/12/2022 | Last working day of LL. B 1 st sem, LLM 1st sem is 28 th Dec 22. |
713. | 22/12/2022 | Selection Trials for Rowing (Sports) in PU CHD |
714. | 19/12/2022 | NOTICE: PLEDGE on theme “Electoral Participation” under SVEEP for Awareness among Students/Staff at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 20 December 2022 at 11:55 AM |
715. | 16/12/2022 | Date Sheet for B.E 1st Semester (Session 2022-23) MST-I (Dec-2022). |
716. | 13/12/2022 | 8th Edition of International Conference on Nanotechnology for better living |
717. | 07/12/2022 | Date Sheet of B.E. 7th semester (Regular/ Reappear) Examination to be held December-2022 |
718. | 07/12/2022 | Date Sheet of B.E. 5th semester (Regular/ Reappear) Examination to be held December-2022 |
719. | 07/12/2022 | Date Sheet of B.E. 3rd semester (Regular/ Reappear) Examination to be held December-2022 |
720. | 06/12/2022 | Application opens for Hiyoshi International Internship Program 2023 |
721. | 06/12/2022 | Registration of HEIs on Fit India portal. |
722. | 06/12/2022 | KIND ATTENTION: Financial Assistance to the students for Innovative work/ project |
723. | 05/12/2022 | Notice:: POEM COMPETITION (SVEEP) at PUSSGRC on 06 December 2022 |
724. | 05/12/2022 | Walk-in- Interview to teach the subject of I.T at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
725. | 05/12/2022 | Cancellation of appointment of G.F. (03) in law, PUSSGRC, Bajwara, Hoshiarpur. |
726. | 03/12/2022 | Final Notice: students of LL. B 5th sem, who failed to submit their examination form. |
727. | 01/12/2022 | Advertisement for the Post of Guest Faculty |
728. | 01/12/2022 | Seminar in Department of Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
729. | 30/11/2022 | LLB. ongoing class Notice |
730. | 30/11/2022 | The last working, day of BA. LL. B 1st sem is 5th Dec 22. For rest ongoing classes, last working day will be 30th Nov, 22.. |
731. | 30/11/2022 | Form/Proforma & Guidelines of Financial Assistance for SC/ST (2022-2023) |
732. | 30/11/2022 | LETTER : Guidelines of Financial Assistance for SC/ST (2022-2023) |
733. | 29/11/2022 | An Interactive Session for "Enhancing Technical Skills and to provide an Insight on current marketing scenario" on 29th Nov, 2022 at 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM |
734. | 25/11/2022 | Walk in interview of G.F. in Physics on Dated 02-12-2022(Friday) at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
735. | 25/11/2022 | Appointment of Guest faculty in Law (03) at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 06/12/2022 (Tuesday). |
736. | 25/11/2022 | Circular regarding scholarship |
737. | 25/11/2022 | Online lecture on Constitution Day on 26-11-2022 by Dr. Kumari Monika Negi, Assistant Professor, UILS, PUSSGRC, Hsp. |
738. | 25/11/2022 | Coordinator & Co-coordinator for NSS activities for the session 2022-23 at PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur |
739. | 24/11/2022 | Revised 2nd installment fee notice for UILS and DCSA students. |
740. | 24/11/2022 | Internship Opportunities for Students | Studlence Edutech. |
741. | 24/11/2022 | Extension of the last date to submit the original documents for other university students of LLB 1st sem. |
742. | 23/11/2022 | One semester Industrial Training Guidelines for CSE, ECE, IT & Mechanical branch, batch 2019-23 for the session 2022-23. |
743. | 23/11/2022 | Mid Semester Examination (MST-2) B.E. 3rd, 5th & 7th semester for the session Aug-Dec 2022, For UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
744. | 23/11/2022 | One Semester Industrial Training of B.E. students after 7th semester, Starting from Jan 2023. |
745. | 23/11/2022 | Applications are invited under Earn While One Learns Scheme by 29.11.2022 |
746. | 21/11/2022 | Notice SPEECH COMPETITION (SVEEP) at PUSSGRC on 22 November 2022 |
747. | 21/11/2022 | UGC letter regarding talk on Taking Inspiration From [UTF-8?]India�s Educational Heritage on 22nd November, 2022 at 07:30 PM |
748. | 21/11/2022 | NOTICE & Schedule: Intra Moot Competition will be held on 21 & 22 Nov. 2022 at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshairpur |
749. | 16/11/2022 | Examination Notice for BA.LLB. Students |
750. | 15/11/2022 | NSS Coordinator Related Selection Notice |
751. | 15/11/2022 | Orientation program for 1st sem students of UILS, PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR will be held in Moot court on 16th November 2022 at 12:30p.m. |
752. | 15/11/2022 | Announcement of Hakeem Abdul Hameed Scholarship/Financial Aid 2022-23 |
753. | 15/11/2022 | UGC-Approved Short Term Professional Development Programme: |
754. | 15/11/2022 | Link of Seminar on Awareness about E-Waste Recycling on November 17th, 2022 at 3.00 pm |
755. | 14/11/2022 | Special Lecture (Webinar) on 15.11.2022 at 11.00 am |
756. | 14/11/2022 | Earn While One Learns |
757. | 13/11/2022 | Time table of MECH SEM 1 |
758. | 13/11/2022 | Time table of ECE SEM 1 |
759. | 13/11/2022 | Time table of IT SEM 1 |
760. | 13/11/2022 | Time table of CSE SEM 1 |
761. | 11/11/2022 | Walk in Interview : Appointment of Guest Faculty (01) in Hindi at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Session 2022-23 to be held on 15/11/2022 at 11.30 a.m |
762. | 11/11/2022 | Advertisement for the post of one (01) Guest Faculty (Revised) |
763. | 11/11/2022 | 2nd Installment Fee Notice of LL,B/LL.M/MCA and BA.LL.B for the session 2022-23. |
764. | 11/11/2022 | MST notice for BALLB |
765. | 11/11/2022 | NOTICE FOR "EARN WHILE ONE LEARNS SCHEME" in the department of Indian Theatre |
766. | 10/11/2022 | Examination notice of LLB 3rd and 5th sem |
767. | 10/11/2022 | Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 1st, LL.B 1st & LLM 1st semester for the session 2022-23. |
768. | 09/11/2022 | Regarding NCC Recruitment at panjab University S.S.G. Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur on 11-11-2022 as per schedule attached herewith |
769. | 09/11/2022 | CLPR Centre for Law & policy Research |
770. | 09/11/2022 | Revised dates of all UG and PG 1st semester classes. |
771. | 09/11/2022 | Event on day of draft electoral roll Publication dated 09.11.2022 at 11:55 am (Kindly instruct the students in their class to join this link, as per the orders of Deputy Commissioner Hsp |
772. | 07/11/2022 | Admission notice for llb, ballb & llm |
773. | 07/11/2022 | Special Enrollment Campaign for new voters and voter card- aadhar card linking |
774. | 07/11/2022 | Revision of Extension of various dates |
775. | 07/11/2022 | MST Date Sheet for B.A.LL.B. & LL.M for the Session 2022-23. |
776. | 07/11/2022 | circulate to all faculty members and research scholars of the university |
777. | 03/11/2022 | For LLB : Students who have failed to fill their examination form for the session Dec 2022, till date, are required to fill the examination form Immediately. (List Attached) |
778. | 03/11/2022 | SWS (Student Welfare Society) fee UIET,UILS & DCSA students for the session 2022-23 |
779. | 03/11/2022 | Revised walk-in-interview schedule for guest faculty |
780. | 03/11/2022 | Examination Notice of B.A.LL.B. ongoing Classes for the session 2022-23. |
781. | 02/11/2022 | Urgent notice for LL.B students |
782. | 02/11/2022 | Online Lecture by Professor Rattan Singh, Chief Vigilance Officer, Vigilance Cell, Panjab University, Chandigarh on 03-11-2022 at 12:00 noon onwards |
783. | 01/11/2022 | Revised NSS Enrollment Notice for the students of PUSSGRC ( UIET, UILS & DCSA) for the session 2022-23 |
784. | 01/11/2022 | Notice for Appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Physical Education, PU. Chandigarh |
785. | 01/11/2022 | PMS Notice for B.A.LL.B. Students at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
786. | 31/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
787. | 31/10/2022 | Circular Regarding Integrity Pledge (Date 31/10/2022 at 11:00 am) |
788. | 28/10/2022 | Revised schedule for B.E admissions second and third special round. |
789. | 28/10/2022 | Counseling schedule(Sports,PwD and NRI seats) of LL.M -One year course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for the session 2022-23. |
790. | 28/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
791. | 28/10/2022 | Reminder of Documents for LLB 1st year students of other universities |
792. | 28/10/2022 | Circular regarding election to the Executive Committee(Venue ,Auditorium, Department of Zoology,PU) |
793. | 28/10/2022 | (Revised): Prelude Conference in collaboration with IIPA on 28.10.2022 at 11:30 AM |
794. | 28/10/2022 | Examination Notice for B.A.LL.B. ongoing classes at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
795. | 28/10/2022 | Fee and Admission Form Notice for B.A.LL.B. ongoing classes at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
796. | 27/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidates (waiting list) for the L.L.M-One year course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
797. | 26/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
798. | 26/10/2022 | Revised time table of LL.b 1st sem |
799. | 22/10/2022 | POSTER MAKING COMPETITION on theme "Importance of Vote" at PUSSGRC (SVEEP) on 26 /10/2022 |
800. | 21/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidates (Waiting List)for LL.M one year course at Pussgrc, Hoshiarpur |
801. | 21/10/2022 | Revised Examination fee schedule. |
802. | 21/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
803. | 21/10/2022 | Revised Director Law fee B.A.LL.B, LL.B students for the session 2022-23. |
804. | 20/10/2022 | Examination Fee Notice for B.A.LL.B./ LL.B./ LL.M. /MCA Classes |
805. | 20/10/2022 | NSS Enrollment Notice for the students of PUSSGRC ( UIET, UILS & DCSA) for the session 2022-23 |
806. | 20/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidates list for LL.B. 1st semester for the session 2022-23 |
807. | 19/10/2022 | A lecture on "Supreme Court of India and the contemporary issues" |
808. | 19/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidate (waiting list) for llm at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
809. | 19/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
810. | 19/10/2022 | MST-1 datesheet B.E November 2022 |
811. | 19/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidates list for LL.B. 1st semester for the session 2022-23 |
812. | 19/10/2022 | URGENT: Request for support in inviting startups to apply for Infosys Energy Transition Challenge |
813. | 19/10/2022 | TEC:International Conference |
814. | 19/10/2022 | Invitation to Participate in CRIKC-CII Exhibition cum Industry Academia Meet 12th November, 2022 |
815. | 18/10/2022 | One-Week Induction-Cum-Orientation Programme |
816. | 18/10/2022 | Revision of dates of Late fees |
817. | 18/10/2022 | 1st MST of MCA course (DCSA dept.) |
818. | 17/10/2022 | Revised Schedule of Second Special Round of Counselling |
819. | 17/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of LL.B 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
820. | 17/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
821. | 17/10/2022 | Reminder-1 (Post Metric Scholarship/ Means cum Merit/ Single Parents scholarship) |
822. | 17/10/2022 | Intra-department Hackathon Event(Tech-A-Thon Event) by DCSA Dept. |
823. | 17/10/2022 | Walk in Interview for the appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Applications |
824. | 15/10/2022 | Revised Fee Notice from waiting list of LL.B 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
825. | 15/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of LL.B 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
826. | 14/10/2022 | Advertisement of Guest faculty (02) in B.E. IT |
827. | 14/10/2022 | Advertisement of Guest faculty in Physics |
828. | 14/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
829. | 14/10/2022 | Smt. Prem Lata and Prof. D.V.S. Jain Research Foundation Awards 2021 |
830. | 14/10/2022 | MCA Admission Notice : Second Counselling has been fixed on 17-10-22 for the remaining vacant seats of MCA first year at PUSSGRC with relaxed eligibility as given in the document. |
831. | 14/10/2022 | NOTICE: LL.B 1st sem. classes will be commence from 17-10-2022 for the session 2022-23. |
832. | 13/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
833. | 13/10/2022 | Gate No. 1 (PGI side) of PU will remain closed from 12.00 noon to 04.00 pm on 18.10.2022 |
834. | 13/10/2022 | Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme at UIAMS |
835. | 12/10/2022 | Applications are invited for the appointment of (03) Guest Faculty to teach the subject of Law at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hsp for the Odd Semester, Academic session 2022-23. |
836. | 12/10/2022 | Applications are invited for the appointment of (01) Guest Faculty to teach the subject of Hindi at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hsp for the Odd Semester, Academic session 2022-23. |
837. | 12/10/2022 | Urgent Circular regarding students' elections |
838. | 12/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
839. | 12/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidates list for LL.B. 1st semester for the session 2022-23 |
840. | 12/10/2022 | Proposed Dates for Mid Semester Examinations (MST)-1 for UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
841. | 10/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
842. | 10/10/2022 | Urgent Notice for Law/Mca ongoing classes regarding Fee and admission form. |
843. | 10/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidate in LLM -One year course at PUSSGRC , Hoshiarpur |
844. | 10/10/2022 | FEE : Imp. Notice from Panjab University, Chandigarh regarding Revised Rates of Examination Fee and other related Form Fee/Online Processing Fee and Fee Structure w.e.f. the session 2022-23 Exams |
845. | 10/10/2022 | NOTICE: Imp. Notice from Panjab University, Chandigarh regarding Revised Rates of Examination Fee and other related Form Fee/Online Processing Fee and Fee Structure w.e.f. the session 2022-23 Exams |
846. | 10/10/2022 | SCHEDULE: Imp. Notice from Panjab University, Chandigarh regarding Revised Rates of Examination Fee and other related Form Fee/Online Processing Fee and Fee Structure w.e.f. the session 2022-23 Exams |
847. | 10/10/2022 | Time table of LLM -One year at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur 2022. |
848. | 10/10/2022 | Regarding circulation of counter verification of medical certificates/medical leave of students |
849. | 07/10/2022 | Fee Notice from waiting list of B.A.LL.B (Hons.) 1st Semester session, 2022-23 |
850. | 07/10/2022 | Regarding change of nomenclature of " Foundation of Higher Education and Research Fund" to the " Promotion of Research , Innovation and Startups" |
851. | 07/10/2022 | QUIZ Competition on theme Electoral Process for Awareness at PUSSGRC (SVEEP) |
852. | 07/10/2022 | Commencement of LLM classes from 10-10-2022 (10th Oct 2022) |
853. | 04/10/2022 | Provisionally selected candidate for LLM -one year course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for the session 2022. |
854. | 04/10/2022 | Regarding Counselling and Merit List NRI Category of BALLB (Hons) 1st Semester for the session 2022-23 |
855. | 04/10/2022 | Get upto Rs 15 Lacs @ MSME Incubator of PU. 14th Oct is last date to apply |
856. | 04/10/2022 | Urgent Notice for Students admitted under 5% reserved category of sports |
857. | 03/10/2022 | Vacancy Notice dated 05.09.2022 of GoI NITI Ayog |
858. | 02/10/2022 | Fresh registrations for B.E first year 2022-23. |
859. | 30/09/2022 | 5th waiting list of BALLB. 1st semester selected candidate for session 2022-23 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
860. | 30/09/2022 | Urgent Notice for Law/MCA examination held on Nov/Dec, 2022 |
861. | 30/09/2022 | Last date Extended for NRI/Foreign Nationals. |
862. | 29/09/2022 | 4th waiting list of BALLB. 1st semester selected candidate for session 2022-23 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
863. | 29/09/2022 | Counseling Schedule of LLB 3 year Course |
864. | 28/09/2022 | 2023 ELITE Scholarship Programme |
865. | 28/09/2022 | First Year classes of all Post Graduate Courses are scheduled to be commenced from 30-09-2022 |
866. | 28/09/2022 | Inter College Tournament for the session 2022-23 |
867. | 28/09/2022 | Events to be organised on the sacred occasion of the Janma Diwas of Amar Balidani Bhagat Singh Ji on 28-09-2022. |
868. | 28/09/2022 | Notice for Baseball (Men) Selection Trials & Coaching Camp for Inter College |
869. | 27/09/2022 | Circular of PWD employees for House Allotment |
870. | 24/09/2022 | Schedule for Admission : ME (Information Technology) at UIET, PU Chandigarh |
871. | 24/09/2022 | Application form for Admission : ME (Information Technology) at UIET, PU Chandigarh |
872. | 24/09/2022 | Call for Admission : ME (Information Technology) at UIET, PU Chandigarh |
873. | 23/09/2022 | SLOGAN WRITING competition on Theme ETHICAL VOTING on 27-09-2022 at 10:30 AM |
874. | 23/09/2022 | Notice 2: Circulation of two audition notices for Panjab University Zonal Youth and Heritage Festival 2022-23 |
875. | 23/09/2022 | Notice 1: Circulation of two audition notices for Panjab University Zonal Youth and Heritage Festival 2022-23 |
876. | 23/09/2022 | A Webinar under SEWA PAKHWARA: ATMANIRBHARA BHARAT on Key to Success for Indian Students: Our Values, Our Pride on 23.9.2022 at 3.00 p.m. |
877. | 23/09/2022 | Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Centre for Socio-Economic Studies for the Weaker Sections of Society and Sarvadaman Chowla Hall, International Hostel, Panjab University, Chandigarh organizes a Webinar |
878. | 23/09/2022 | Advertisement for the guest faculty Session 2022-2023 |
879. | 23/09/2022 | KIND ATTENTION: Financial Assistance to the students for Innovative work/ project |
880. | 23/09/2022 | Tentative Merit list pertaining to 5% reserved category of sports for P.G. courses in P.U. duly approved by the Dean of University Instructions |
881. | 23/09/2022 | Solar bus demonstration + Lecture |
882. | 22/09/2022 | 3rd waiting list of BALLB. 1st semester selected candidate for session 2022-23 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
883. | 21/09/2022 | Provisional Merit list {overall ( all category)} for LL.M- One year course at Hoshiarpur for session 2022-23 |
884. | 21/09/2022 | Provisional merit list ( All reserved Category) for LL.M One year course for the session 2022-23 |
885. | 20/09/2022 | 2nd Waiting list of BALLB. 1st semester selected candidate for session 2022-23 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
886. | 20/09/2022 | Fee notice of 2nd waiting list of provisional selected candidates for ballb1st semester for session 2022 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
887. | 20/09/2022 | Regarding appointment of Honorary Professor |
888. | 20/09/2022 | Registrations for the upcoming workshop on green campus, to be held in online mode on 23 September 2022 from 11AM to 12:30PM |
889. | 20/09/2022 | Auditions notices for Panjab University Zonal Youth and Heritage Festival 2022-23 |
890. | 20/09/2022 | Registrations for the upcoming workshop on green campus |
892. | 20/09/2022 | Announcement: Visiting Scholars Program (VScP) 2022. |
893. | 19/09/2022 | Counseling schedule of BA.LLB (SPORTS AND PWD category (all eligible)) on 20th september (2:00p.m to 4:00 p.m) at UILS, PANJAB UNIVERSITY CHANDIGARH. |
894. | 19/09/2022 | NOTICE REGARDING CLASSES OF BA.LLB 1st SEM. from 21 Sept,2022 AT PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR |
895. | 19/09/2022 | Fee notice of first waiting list of provisional selected candidates for ballb1st semester for session 2022 |
896. | 16/09/2022 | Counselling schedule of LLB at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
897. | 16/09/2022 | Notice for English Olympiad from 26-09-2022 to 01-10-2022 |
898. | 16/09/2022 | Advertisement: One post of JRF under the 'Indo-UK International Joint Collaborative research project' |
899. | 16/09/2022 | A special lecture on Research Collaboration Opportunities on 30.08.2022 at 11:00 am |
900. | 15/09/2022 | Fee notice and list of selected candidate for BALLB (Hons) 5year Integrated course 1st Sem for session 2022-23 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
901. | 15/09/2022 | NOTICE FOR "EARN WHILE ONE LEARNS SCHEME" (For students and Research Scholars) |
902. | 15/09/2022 | Pushpa Gujral Science City invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting/an online “webinar" on ozone and climate change" on 16th September 2022 (link enclosed) |
903. | 15/09/2022 | ONE DAY NATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENTERPRENUERSHIP (15-09-2022) |
904. | 14/09/2022 | Rescheduled Interview for Guest Faculty in Social Work |
905. | 14/09/2022 | Trials for Women & Men Students of P.U. Campus in different games |
906. | 14/09/2022 | SC/ST Cell, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
907. | 13/09/2022 | Revised Time Table for IT 3rd, 5th, 7th sem for session 2022-23 |
908. | 13/09/2022 | Chess Trials for Women & Men Students of P.U. Campus |
909. | 13/09/2022 | Revision of dates of late fees for UG and PG courses of 1st Semester |
910. | 12/09/2022 | Debate Competition on the Voter Card-Aadhaar Card Linking (SVEEP) |
912. | 12/09/2022 | 12th National Conclave of Bhartiya Chhatra Sansad |
913. | 09/09/2022 | Regarding the circular of various Post Matric Scholarship Schemes under NSP 2022-23 : Requirement of Residence and income certificate proof under PMS 2022-23 |
914. | 09/09/2022 | Regarding the circular of various Post Matric Scholarship Schemes under NSP 2022-23 : Pre & Post Minority Schemes-1 session 2022-23 |
915. | 09/09/2022 | Regarding the circular of various Post Matric Scholarship Schemes under NSP 2022-23 : Pre & Post Matric Disability schemes-1 session 2022-23 |
916. | 09/09/2022 | Regarding the circular of various Post Matric Scholarship Schemes under NSP 2022-23 : Post Matric SC, OBC, EBC & Transgender-1 session 2022-23 |
917. | 09/09/2022 | Applications invited under "Earn while One Learns" scheme at IQAC |
918. | 09/09/2022 | Hostel : Approval Letter |
919. | 09/09/2022 | Hostel : Admission Form for year 2022 |
920. | 09/09/2022 | General circular for applicants under 5% reserved category of sports in P.G. courses of P.U. Campus Chandigarh |
921. | 08/09/2022 | Tentative Eligibility Status of PG applicants |
922. | 08/09/2022 | Advertisement for the post of guest faculty (2 in no.) in the dept of Microbial Biotechnology |
923. | 08/09/2022 | Tentative Eligibility Status of PG applicants |
924. | 07/09/2022 | Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme for the Project "Skill Gap Analysis" at UIAMS |
925. | 07/09/2022 | Link for the 2nd Colloquium on 9th September 2022 |
926. | 07/09/2022 | Eligible students for Post Matric Scholarships to apply afresh and for renewal of scholarship till 30-09-2022 |
927. | 07/09/2022 | Invitation to participate in an Online Weeklong GIAN course |
928. | 06/09/2022 | Counselling of PULEET and PUMEET 2022-23 (addendum) |
929. | 06/09/2022 | Notice Regarding Conduct of Punjab Jail Inmates Drug Use and Treatment Survey 2022 |
930. | 05/09/2022 | CORRIGENDUM : Regarding PWD counselling |
931. | 03/09/2022 | Registration for free online 6-days NEP - Professional Development Programme |
932. | 03/09/2022 | Invitation for Teachers' Day Celebration |
933. | 02/09/2022 | Advertisement for the post of Guest faculty in the Department of Biotechnology |
934. | 02/09/2022 | An online webinar on Human Rights and Disarmament organised by UILS on 3rd sept 22 at 1-2 pm. |
935. | 02/09/2022 | Vacancy Notice : One (01) Guest Faculty in the Institute of Forensic Science & Criminology, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
936. | 01/09/2022 | Award for blind students holding 1st and 2nd position in Master's degree |
937. | 01/09/2022 | Joint Admission Test for Masters (JAM) |
938. | 01/09/2022 | EWS notice |
939. | 01/09/2022 | Notice of LAW/MCA |
940. | 01/09/2022 | SWS (Student Welfare Society) fee UIET,UILS & DCSA students for the session 2022-23 |
941. | 31/08/2022 | Corrigendum : Counselling dates of PULEET and PUMEET 2022-23 |
942. | 31/08/2022 | To instruct Ph.D. Scholars to take library membership |
943. | 31/08/2022 | Admission Schedule for PG Courses 2022-2023 |
944. | 31/08/2022 | Special Camp for Linking of Voter Identity Card with Aadhar Card in the District Election office (Room No.217) from 01-09-2022 to 06-09-2022 |
945. | 31/08/2022 | Admission Notice PGDCA-2022-23 |
946. | 31/08/2022 | Counselling Schedule for Admission of B.A.LL.B. 5 year Course, 2022-23. |
947. | 31/08/2022 | UGC letter regarding Centrally Sponsored PMS Scheme |
948. | 30/08/2022 | Invitation to participate in an Online Weeklong GIAN course 194025F1, Manuals of Motherhood: Meditations on Transnational Literary tropes hosted by Women' s College, Aligarh Muslim University |
949. | 29/08/2022 | Registration link of B.E first year admissions 2022-23 |
950. | 29/08/2022 | Last date Extended to apply for admission under NRI/Foreign National category |
951. | 29/08/2022 | Fellowship Programmes - IIT Mandi iHub and HCI Foundation |
952. | 29/08/2022 | CII: Tried & Tested Technologies of PU |
953. | 27/08/2022 | Sony Research Award 2022 |
954. | 27/08/2022 | National Research Paper Writing Competition |
955. | 27/08/2022 | Invitation from CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Panjab University, Chandigarh (CDAAPU) is conducting online webinar on 30.08.2022 |
956. | 27/08/2022 | Invitation : Awareness Lecture organized by SC/ST Cell & EoC-PwDs, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
957. | 27/08/2022 | Announcement: Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program 2022. |
958. | 26/08/2022 | Inviting Applications For Migration (2022-23) |
959. | 26/08/2022 | REMINDER : Public Lecture by Prof. John Shanahan, DePaul University, Chicago |
960. | 26/08/2022 | Registration Schedule for IAS (Preliminary) Batch-2022 : Commencement of IAS(Preliminary) Batch at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examination |
961. | 26/08/2022 | Admission Notice : IAS(Preliminary) September’ 2022 Batch |
962. | 26/08/2022 | CHASCON-2022 (REGISTRATION) |
963. | 25/08/2022 | Earn While Learn-PURC Kauni |
964. | 25/08/2022 | Appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Geography Session 2022-23 |
965. | 25/08/2022 | Law/MCA fee Notice |
966. | 23/08/2022 | Invitation of invited talk on Wednesday, 24th August, 2022, from 10.00 A.M |
967. | 23/08/2022 | Invitation of “National Seminar on Intellectual Property Rights” on Monday, 29th August, 2022, from 11.00 A.M |
968. | 23/08/2022 | 7 Days Faculty Development Program organized by Human Resource Development Centre in collaboration with Deptt. of Chemistry, PU, Chd |
969. | 23/08/2022 | First Scientific Lecture under Medicinal Plant Garden on "Safety and Efficacy Issues of Herbal Drugs" on Tuesday August 23, 2022 at 04:00 pm IST |
970. | 23/08/2022 | Notice Regarding NAAC data verification on IRB Portal on Dated 24/08/2022, 10:00AM onwards. |
971. | 23/08/2022 | Commencement of IAS(Preliminary) Batch at the Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations |
972. | 23/08/2022 | CRIKC Lecture on 23.08.2022 at 10:00 A.M. |
973. | 23/08/2022 | Invitation for Value Added Course on Safety Measures and First Aid in Daily Life from 22-26 August 2022 |
974. | 22/08/2022 | Short Term Training Course by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Computer Centre, PU Chandigarh |
975. | 22/08/2022 | Value added course on Advanced Nanomaterial Fabrication and Applications 22-25 August |
976. | 22/08/2022 | Online Lecture-cum-Workshop on The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace on 22nd Aug, 2022 at 2.00 p.m. |
977. | 22/08/2022 | One day Online Lecture on "Why to study Mathematics?" by Mathematics Dept PU Chandigarh, on 23-08-2022 (brochure enclosed) |
978. | 22/08/2022 | Extension of date for seminar Proposals |
979. | 22/08/2022 | Extension of last date - PG courses |
981. | 18/08/2022 | Revised Director Law fee B.A.LL.B, LL.B students for the session 2022-23 |
982. | 17/08/2022 | Walk in Interview for the appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Computer Science and Applications |
983. | 17/08/2022 | CIIPP:- Upload your Technology |
984. | 17/08/2022 | Revised Timetable of TCS - BE (CSE -5th Sem) |
985. | 17/08/2022 | Two days Value Added Courses on 17.08.2022 and 18.08.2022 |
986. | 17/08/2022 | LAST DATE EXTENDED:Nominations/Applications for Shiv Nath Rai Kohli Memorial Mid-career Best Scientist Award-2021 |
987. | 16/08/2022 | Constitution of Committee |
988. | 16/08/2022 | Admission Notice (PGDCA) |
989. | 16/08/2022 | CHASCON-2022 |
990. | 16/08/2022 | ASCI Career Oriented Certificate Course on Social Impact Assessment |
991. | 14/08/2022 | Standing Committee for guidelines for processing of serious charges of Allegations against University, its Officers and Others for the year 2022 |
992. | 14/08/2022 | Constitutiuon of joint consultative machinery for the Ministerial, Secretarial, Laboratoty & Technical Staff and Class "C" staff of University for the year 2022 |
993. | 14/08/2022 | INVITATION : Celebration of 75th Independence Day on 15th August, 2022 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
994. | 12/08/2022 | CHASCON-2022 |
995. | 12/08/2022 | UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur organizes A Value Added Course on Modern Sustainable Technologies – Perspectives and Challenges 14-08-2022 to 20-08-2022 |
996. | 12/08/2022 | Regarding Online Examination for International Students |
997. | 12/08/2022 | Advertisement for the post of Guest Faculty |
998. | 11/08/2022 | Celebrating Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav on 12.08.2022 |
999. | 11/08/2022 | 1st Installment fee Notice for B.E. students for the session 2022-23 with Extended Dates |
1000. | 11/08/2022 | A Value Added Course on Law, Health and Technology is to be organized in UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur in online mode (Form link enclosed) |
1001. | 10/08/2022 | Applications invited for IBSC approval |
1002. | 10/08/2022 | Invitation: UIPS, PU conducting Capacity Development Program - 10-13 August 2022 |
1003. | 08/08/2022 | A lecture on "Immigration Frauds: Issues and Challenges" by Dr. Varinder Singh, Assistant Professor, Deptt. of Laws GNDU Reginal Campus Laddewali on 9th Aug 22 at 2.00-3.00pm. |
1004. | 08/08/2022 | Lecture on RTI in online mode on 08-08-2022 at 02:30 PM |
1005. | 08/08/2022 | Regarding the Scholarship for MinorityCommunity PreMatric,Post Matric and Merit-cum-Means year 2022-23 |
1006. | 05/08/2022 | Earn While One Learns Scheme |
1007. | 05/08/2022 | Regarding News Clipping of Online Exams for Afghan Students |
1008. | 05/08/2022 | Director Law Fee to be paid for all semesters |
1009. | 03/08/2022 | Optional Subject Notice of LL.B. and B.A.LL.B. Students for the session 2022-23 |
1010. | 03/08/2022 | Circular regarding scholarship schemes under National Scholarship Portal for the year 2022-23 |
1011. | 03/08/2022 | Request to advertise three posts of guest faculty of UIHTM at university main portal |
1012. | 03/08/2022 | Earn While One Learns Scheme |
1013. | 03/08/2022 | Admission and fee Schedule for ongoing classes of Law/MCA Course for the session 2022-23 |
1014. | 03/08/2022 | Offline Admission Form for PGDCA only |
1015. | 03/08/2022 | One Day National Seminar on Partition Horror Remembrance Day on 5 Aug, 2022 |
1016. | 03/08/2022 | 1st Installment fee Notice for B.E. students for the session 2022-23 |
1017. | 02/08/2022 | Tentative Time Table Information Technology 7th Semester for SESSION 2022-23 |
1018. | 02/08/2022 | Tentative Time Table Information Technology 5th Semester for SESSION 2022-23 |
1019. | 02/08/2022 | Tentative Time Table Information Technology 3rd Semester for SESSION 2022-23 |
1020. | 01/08/2022 | Time Table of ECE 7th Semester (Aug-Dec 2022) w.e.f. 01-08-2022 |
1021. | 01/08/2022 | Time Table of ECE 5th Semester (Aug-Dec 2022) w.e.f. 01-08-2022 |
1022. | 01/08/2022 | Time Table of ECE 3rd Semester (Aug-Dec 2022) w.e.f. 01-08-2022 |
1023. | 01/08/2022 | UGC letter regarding consultative meeting : Har Ghar Tiranga Programme and COVID Vaccination under Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav with the Vice Chancellors,/Principles of the Colleges on 1st Aug 22,11:00 AM |
1024. | 01/08/2022 | PROPOSED TIME TABLE, 3rd, 5th and 7th SEMESTER CSE, ACADEMIC SESSION: 2022-2023 |
1025. | 29/07/2022 | Tentative time table of Mechanical Engineering Department for session Aug-Dec 2022.(odd sem) |
1026. | 29/07/2022 | L.R.Mundra Memorial Scholarship for the year 2022-23 |
1027. | 29/07/2022 | Honours/incentives to non teachning employees on the eve of Independence Day i.e. 15th August 2022 |
1028. | 29/07/2022 | L.R. Mundra Memorial Scholarship 2022-23 |
1029. | 28/07/2022 | Circular regarding uploading Biodata on PU website |
1030. | 26/07/2022 | Format : Regarding norms/guidelines of PMS of SC of Punjab (2022-2023) |
1031. | 26/07/2022 | AFFIDAVIT/UNDERTAKING TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE SC STUDENTS OF PUN JAB STATE, AT THE TIME OF ADMISSION: Regarding norms/guidelines of PMS of SC of Punjab (2022-2023) |
1032. | 26/07/2022 | Regarding norms/guidelines of PMS of SC of Punjab (2022-2023) |
1033. | 26/07/2022 | UGC online meeting regarding Higher Education Qualification Framework |
1034. | 26/07/2022 | Invitation for IIT Gandhinagar Convocation 2022 |
1035. | 25/07/2022 | Draft roster in promotion. |
1036. | 25/07/2022 | DCSA Odd Semester Time Table 2022 |
1037. | 22/07/2022 | Extension of last date - PG courses |
1038. | 22/07/2022 | Important dates of Post Matric scholarship for the session 2022-23 |
1039. | 15/07/2022 | Forwarding: Activity Schedule 2022-2023(SC of Punjab state) |
1040. | 15/07/2022 | Activity Schedule 2022-2023(SC of Punjab state) |
1041. | 12/07/2022 | Internship performa of BA.LL.B 9th sem. |
1042. | 09/07/2022 | Form for consent and confirmation regarding Internship of LLB 5th Sem Students |
1043. | 09/07/2022 | Internship Notice for LLB 5th Semester Students / Format for 6th sem internship |
1044. | 04/07/2022 | Notice Regarding charge of Director PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur given to Sh. Rahul Jassal during Summer Vacations i.e. till 31-07-2022 |
1045. | 04/07/2022 | Notice :-Application are invited from contractors for running the Mess, canteen, Shops(Barber, Washer man/woman, Tailors, Beauty Parlour and Stationary shops. |
1046. | 30/06/2022 | Urgent Reminder-I : Regarding uploading 8th Semester Result |
1047. | 30/06/2022 | Notice for Earn While One Learns Scheme in Deptt. of Chemistry |
1048. | 27/06/2022 | Award of Prem Chand Kahani Pruskar Silver Medal |
1049. | 27/06/2022 | Award in memory of Late Shri Shiv Kumar Batalvi |
1050. | 27/06/2022 | Regarding Revision/fixation of pay of Certain categories of PU Non-Teaching employees |
1051. | 24/06/2022 | Circular regarding Credit Framework for online learning courses |
1052. | 23/06/2022 | PUMEET 2022-23 admission brochure |
1053. | 23/06/2022 | Schedule for walk-in-interview for appointing Guest faculty to teach the subject of Chemistry at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur 24/06/2022 Documents Verification- 09.00 a.m to 10.30 a.m Interview- 11.00 AM |
1054. | 23/06/2022 | Observance of 26th June 2022 as International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficing |
1055. | 23/06/2022 | Help desk for DCSA admission 2022-23. |
1056. | 23/06/2022 | PULEET 2022-23 Admission Brochure |
1057. | 22/06/2022 | Admission Notice 2022-23 : ENTRANCE TEST-cum-ADMISSION NOTICE-2 (Academic Session 2022-2023) |
1058. | 22/06/2022 | Ph.D. Entrance Test 2022 |
1059. | 22/06/2022 | Applications invited for enlisting for "Earn while One Learns" scheme at UIAMS |
1060. | 21/06/2022 | A lecture on the Topic “Yoga for Health and Happiness” on 21st June 2022 on the eve of International Yoga Day. Venue: Campus Auditorium, Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM |
1061. | 20/06/2022 | Annual award of Gold medal for Dr. Hazari Prasad Dwivedi Essay contest |
1062. | 17/06/2022 | Last working day of LLM course at UILS, PUSSGRC -Hoshiarpur is 20th June 22. |
1063. | 17/06/2022 | National Symposium-cum Workshop July 2022 for wide circulation |
1064. | 17/06/2022 | CHASCON logo competition information |
1065. | 16/06/2022 | Corrigendum:Applications are invited for the appointment of (01) Guest Faculty to teach the subject of Chemistry at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur through Speed Post/Registered Post/By Hand upto 22/06/2022 |
1066. | 16/06/2022 | Website link for Registration in MCA Course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur (Last date is approaching) |
1067. | 15/06/2022 | The last date of teaching classes of B.A.LL.B. course is 16.06.2022. |
1068. | 13/06/2022 | URGENT: SICI Canada: Open discussion on Partnership Building with Indian Institutions on 27th June, 2022, 7.30 to 8.30 p.m. |
1069. | 13/06/2022 | Position for Assistant Professor in Department of Biochemistry under DBT |
1070. | 13/06/2022 | URGENT: Free Digital Marketing Course: Start Date : 25 Jul 2022 |
1072. | 10/06/2022 | Regarding notification of holiday of the occasion of Sant Kabir Jayanti on 14.06.2022 |
1073. | 09/06/2022 | Notice regarding postponement of exam scheduled on 14 June to 16 June 2022 |
1074. | 09/06/2022 | Notice of seminar on June 10, 2022 by Dept of Defence and National Security Studies |
1075. | 08/06/2022 | Rs 11000/- each award to PU faculty & Rs 6 Lacs for patenting |
1076. | 02/06/2022 | Cyber Swachhta Mission internship programme for the students of Panjab University |
1077. | 02/06/2022 | Notice regarding last date of teaching classes for LL.B |
1078. | 02/06/2022 | A lecture on Practical aspects of Procedural law will be held today at 12 noon in the moot court hall by Honb'le Sh Avinash Rai Khanna |
1079. | 01/06/2022 | Regarding Dispose off the record for the period from 01/04/2011 to 31/03/2014 (3 years) |
1080. | 01/06/2022 | To increase number of applicants for admission |
1081. | 01/06/2022 | Office Order regarding Superintendent Campus Health Centre PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1082. | 01/06/2022 | Date sheet of LL.B course |
1083. | 01/06/2022 | BA/BCOM LLB Hons 5 Year Integrated Course Entrance Test - 2022 on 17th July 2022. Prospectus (including Application Form) available online from 31st May 2022 |
1084. | 01/06/2022 | Three-Day Workshop on "Research & Publication Ethics" from June 6 to 8, 2022 for Research Scholars |
1085. | 01/06/2022 | Special lecture by Vice Admiral Raman puri on 02-06-2022 |
1086. | 31/05/2022 | Applications invited for the appointment of (01) Guest Faculty for Chemistry at UIET, PUSSGRC for the Even Sem, Academic session 2021-2022 Speed Post/Registered Post/By Hand upto 10/06/2022, 4:00 p.m |
1087. | 31/05/2022 | District Level SLOGAN WRITING & POSTER MAKING Contest on Theme "Towards Cleaner Environment & Stronger Democracy" by District Election Office, Hoshiarpur |
1088. | 31/05/2022 | SLOGAN WRITING & POSTER MAKING Contest on Theme "Towards Cleaner Environment & Stronger Democracy" by PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1089. | 31/05/2022 | Last date of submission of synopsis of M.Ed Semester II be extended upto 25.8.2022 |
1090. | 30/05/2022 | Mst 2nd Date Sheet Uiet ,Hoshiarpur |
1091. | 30/05/2022 | Vide Circulation EARN WHILE ONE LEARN SCHEME |
1092. | 27/05/2022 | CSE & IT Dept, UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur are organising One Day Workshop on "Technological Trends In Industry" on 31-05-22 from 10:00 AM to 05:00 PM |
1093. | 27/05/2022 | Online Viva Ms. Monika Chetal will be held on 08.06.2022 at 02:30 P.M. |
1094. | 27/05/2022 | Regarding deposit the PMS scholarship amount( within 7 days) in the university account. |
1095. | 27/05/2022 | Recruitment Process for the post of Officer in Junior Management Grade I (Scale I) |
1096. | 27/05/2022 | Shodh Setu - Platform for Faculties and Researchers of BHARAT |
1097. | 26/05/2022 | Contact details of help desk for B.E admissions (UIET PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur) 2022-23: |
1098. | 26/05/2022 | For updates regarding B.E 2nd year admissions(PUMEET) 2022-23,kindly visit: |
1099. | 26/05/2022 | For updates regarding B.E 2nd year admissions(LEET) 2022-23,kindly visit: |
1100. | 26/05/2022 | For updates regarding B.E admissions(Ist year) 2022-23, kindly visit: |
1101. | 25/05/2022 | Procedure for the implementation of Scheme of Earn while you Learn |
1102. | 25/05/2022 | One day workshop on "Save Environment Save Life" on 26th May 2022, 11:00 AM Onwards |
1103. | 24/05/2022 | Circular- for all indian citizens or international students to appear for upcoming offline examination w.e.f m/o June 2022 |
1104. | 24/05/2022 | Instructions regarding keeping pet dogs by the residents of PU Campuses, Sector 14 & 25, Chandigarh. |
1105. | 24/05/2022 | Reg: EARN WHILE ONE LEARNS SCHEME |
1106. | 23/05/2022 | UGC's Inter University Centres to connect with Stakeholders on 24th May, 2022 at 10:00 AM |
1107. | 23/05/2022 | Alliance Française de Chandigarh World Music Day celebration. |
1108. | 23/05/2022 | Setting of question paper/s for the upcoming even semester examinations scheduled in June, 2022, latest by 11.00 am on Monday, 23rd May, 2022. |
1109. | 20/05/2022 | Disciplinary Committee |
1110. | 20/05/2022 | Notice for Pending fee of ECE 1st year |
1111. | 20/05/2022 | Notice for Pending Fee Installment for branch ECE, UIET Hoshiarpur |
1112. | 20/05/2022 | Notice for Pending Fee Installment for branch Mechanical, UIET Hoshiarpur |
1113. | 19/05/2022 | BALLB fee reminder III |
1114. | 18/05/2022 | Regarding Earn while one learns scheme |
1115. | 16/05/2022 | Admission of International students in various programmes of IIT Ropar |
1116. | 13/05/2022 | OFFLINE MST DATESHEET OF B.A.LL.B |
1117. | 13/05/2022 | OFFLINE MST Datesheet of LL.M |
1118. | 13/05/2022 | Duty chart for MST for the session 2021-22 (BALLB and LLM) |
1120. | 09/05/2022 | Interaction with the students of UILS, UIET, DCSA Hoshiarpur with Sh. Avinash Rai Khanna on 09-05-2022 at 02:00 PM, Venue: Campus Auditorium |
1121. | 05/05/2022 | Invites you to a lecture on " Adolescent Gynecological consolation through mobile App" |
1122. | 04/05/2022 | EXAMINATION FORM NOTICE for UIET, Hoshiarpur |
1123. | 04/05/2022 | Department of Biochemistry : NOTICE FOR "EARN WHILE ONE LEARNS SCHEME" (For students and Research Scholars) |
1125. | 02/05/2022 | Notice for Earn While One Learns Scheme in Deptt. of Music, PU |
1126. | 29/04/2022 | Notice regarding designated Dharna/Protest/Rally Site. |
1127. | 28/04/2022 | Viva notice for circulation 29-04-2022 at 11:30 hrs |
1128. | 27/04/2022 | Poster Making Competition |
1129. | 27/04/2022 | Names are invited from interested students to act as coordinators/volunteers for the national seminar to be held on 17 may 2022 till 28th April 2022. |
1130. | 27/04/2022 | Regarding enrollment of students in Cyber Swachhta YUVA Club under Cyber Swachhta Mission. |
1131. | 26/04/2022 | B.A.LL.B fee reminder II.pdf |
1132. | 25/04/2022 | WORLD BOOK DAY (23-04-2022) :UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur will celebrate as a “Book Donation Week” in the Campus (more information enclosed) |
1133. | 22/04/2022 | The Department of English and Cultural Studies is organizing a Panel discussion on the topic of "Is Climate Change a gender issue?" on April 22, 2022 |
1134. | 22/04/2022 | Procedure for implementation of Scheme of "Earn While One Learns Scheme |
1135. | 22/04/2022 | Training Letter/ training Guidelines for 2nd, 4th, and 6th semester (CSE, ECE, IT & MECH) for the session 2021-22 |
1136. | 22/04/2022 | Notice regarding 69th Annual Convocation |
1137. | 21/04/2022 | Ph.D Viva voce of Mr. Shiv Lal Bhardwaj |
1138. | 21/04/2022 | Online viva-voce of Mr. Loveneesh Sharma on 28.4.22. |
1139. | 20/04/2022 | REVISED - UIET, Hoshiarpur : MST-1 Date Sheet for B.E. students 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester (27-29 April 2022) |
1140. | 20/04/2022 | Revised coverpage for marathan and walkathon on 22-04-2022 |
1141. | 20/04/2022 | UIET, Hoshiarpur : MST-1 Date Sheet for B.E. students 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester (27-29 April 2022) |
1142. | 20/04/2022 | Fees and other details : PCS(Executive) Coaching Classes at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations |
1143. | 20/04/2022 | POSTER : PCS(Executive) Coaching Classes at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations |
1144. | 18/04/2022 | Office orders regarding Superintendent and operating Supdt email id |
1145. | 18/04/2022 | Office orders regarding Incharge Student Section, Centre Store and Library |
1146. | 18/04/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 1st year for the session 2021-22 |
1147. | 18/04/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee LL.B & LL.M for the session 2021-22 |
1148. | 18/04/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th & LL.B 3rd & 5th for the session 2021-22 |
1149. | 18/04/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B & LL.B for the session 2020-21 |
1150. | 18/04/2022 | Quad partners Australia, India, Japan, and the United States announced the Quad Fellowship. |
1151. | 13/04/2022 | Marathon and walkathon on 22-04-2022 at 05:30 am |
1152. | 13/04/2022 | Regarding Walk in Interview for Two Posts of Guest Faculty |
1153. | 13/04/2022 | IMPORTANT: Online Short Term Course on Design and Development of Online Courses |
1154. | 13/04/2022 | Call to become a member of Forum for Industrial Consultancy |
1155. | 13/04/2022 | SEVEN DAYS ONLINE WORKSHOP IN SPSS May 16- 23, 2022 (Excluding Sunday), Organized by Department of Statistics Panjab University, Chandigarh |
1156. | 13/04/2022 | MST Notice for B.E. students |
1157. | 13/04/2022 | Revised schedule /venue of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Seminar |
1158. | 12/04/2022 | Online Classes for Foreign National Students |
1161. | 11/04/2022 | Sports Committee 2022 |
1162. | 11/04/2022 | USIEF’s Fulbright-Hubert H Humphrey Fellowship Program 2023-24: Apply by June 15 |
1163. | 11/04/2022 | Notice : Last dates for the submission of Examination Forms |
1164. | 11/04/2022 | Revised MET dates for admission to MBA (sectoral) programmes at UIAMS, session 2022-23 |
1165. | 08/04/2022 | Circular regarding holiday on 08.04.2022 |
1166. | 07/04/2022 | Advertisement for two posts of guest faculty at UIHTM, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
1167. | 06/04/2022 | Interaction with all the research scholars/ Post-docs entitled “SHODH SAMWAD” on 22/04/2022 at 11:00 AM in Bhatnagar Auditorium (UICET). |
1168. | 06/04/2022 | Circular regarding panel of examiners |
1169. | 06/04/2022 | 3. FDP-Application Form- FDP on Intellectual Property, May 7-13, 2022, Off-line |
1170. | 06/04/2022 | 2. Programme-FDP on Intellectual Property, May 7-13, 2022, Off-line |
1171. | 06/04/2022 | 1. FDP Flyer - FDP on Intellectual Property, May 7-13, 2022, Off-line |
1172. | 06/04/2022 | Mission Swachh Chandigarh is participating in Swachh Survekshan 2022. |
1173. | 05/04/2022 | A talk is being organized for Third and Final year Engineering Students on the Topic "Creative Thinking: How to have Human Centered Approach", by Ms. Manvi, on Date: 06-04-2022 |
1174. | 05/04/2022 | Circular in regard to engagement as Counsel to conduct cases of Panjab University before the Labour Court/Assistant Labour Commissioner/Labour Inspector/Consumer Forum/State Commissioner etc. |
1175. | 05/04/2022 | Constitution of Transport & Generator Set Committee |
1176. | 04/04/2022 | Fee Reminder -1 for BALLB |
1177. | 01/04/2022 | Walk-in-Interview for appointing of Guest Faculty in Chemical Engineering & Food Technology |
1178. | 01/04/2022 | Call for proposal under S&T Cluster (Chandigarh) |
1179. | 01/04/2022 | Circular regarding Short-term Indian Faculty Secondment to Asian Institute of Technology |
1180. | 31/03/2022 | Circulation of Patent filing guidance video of DST-Centre for Policy Research, PU, Chandigarh Regd. |
1181. | 30/03/2022 | Last Date Extended-UCG-NET(Paper-I) |
1182. | 30/03/2022 | Announcement by Ministry of Mines inviting Science and Technology Project Proposals on SATYABHAMA Portal for FY 2022-23 till 15.04.2022 |
1183. | 29/03/2022 | One day workshop on " Applications of Statistics in Social Science & Research" which will be held on March 30, 2022 |
1184. | 28/03/2022 | Revised Time Table of CSE Dept. Even Semesters(4th,6th & 8th) 2021-22 |
1185. | 24/03/2022 | Scholarships for Indian students to learn, explore and enjoy a summer school programme in France! Your Chance to Learn, Explore and Enjoy a Summer in France. |
1186. | 24/03/2022 | DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY : Essay writing competition on the topic “Water Conservation – in context of India” on Date: 25-03-2022, Time : 03: PM to 04:30 PM |
1187. | 22/03/2022 | NSS PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR, is observing the Saheedi Diwas of Saheed Bhagat Singh (online mode) on Date: 23-03-2022 Time 11:00 AM |
1188. | 22/03/2022 | Ph D viva Voce examination of Mr Rajkumar on March30, 2022 at 12:00 Noon |
1189. | 22/03/2022 | DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING : Essay writing competition on the topic “Water Conservation – in context of India”, Date: 24-03-2022, Time: 03: PM to 04:30 PM |
1190. | 22/03/2022 | DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE & ENGINEERING : Essay writing competition on the topic “Water Conservation – in context of India” on Date: 24-03-2022, Time : 03: PM to 04:30 PM |
1191. | 22/03/2022 | Essay writing competition on the topic “Water Conservation – in context of India” to celebrate “World Water Day” by CSE Dept. |
1192. | 22/03/2022 | Essay writing competition on the topic “Water Conservation – in context of India” to celebrate “World Water Day” by ME Dept. |
1193. | 22/03/2022 | Last Date Extended-UGC-NET(Paper-I) Course |
1194. | 22/03/2022 | Notice : Classes of LL. M to commence from 22-03-2022. |
1195. | 22/03/2022 | Date extended for PMS(Haryana)(2021-2022) upto 31-03-2022 |
1196. | 21/03/2022 | Professor Positions - Faculty Posts in Higher Education |
1197. | 21/03/2022 | Revised Academic Calendar for Even Semesters of the session 2021-22 |
1198. | 17/03/2022 | NSS Camp from 25-03-2022 to 31-03-2022 at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1199. | 17/03/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th & LL.B 3rd & 5th for the session 2021-22. |
1200. | 17/03/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B & LL.B for the session 2020-21. |
1201. | 17/03/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee B.A.LL.B 1st year for the session 2021-22. |
1202. | 17/03/2022 | Pending Director Law Fee LL.B & LL.M for the session 2021-22. |
1203. | 17/03/2022 | Inauguration Function of the 7-Days Training Program on Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques under STUTI Program on 21.03.2022 |
1204. | 17/03/2022 | MSME Funding for Start-up ideas |
1205. | 17/03/2022 | Revised Academic Calendar for Even Semesters of the session 2021-22 |
1206. | 17/03/2022 | Invitation - Holi Function at PU Staff Club on 18th March 2022 |
1207. | 16/03/2022 | Fee Notice of B.A.LL.B. |
1208. | 16/03/2022 | Invitation of a symposium on "Significant of Science Communication and Intellectual Property" on Monday, 21st March, 2022 |
1209. | 15/03/2022 | Circular regarding technical textbooks award 2021 |
1210. | 15/03/2022 | Library Security Refund Form for all Law Students (LLB, BALLB and LLM) |
1211. | 15/03/2022 | Even Semester Time Table of IT Department for the session 2021-2022 |
1212. | 15/03/2022 | Even Semester Time Table of ECE Department for the session 2021-2022 |
1213. | 14/03/2022 | Scholarship for girls from North-Eastern States |
1214. | 14/03/2022 | Higher Studies |
1215. | 12/03/2022 | Examination form Notice for B.E. students (2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester) Regular & Reappear |
1216. | 12/03/2022 | Training Programme on Advanced Molecular Biology Techniques under STUTI Program on 21-27 March, 2022 |
1217. | 12/03/2022 | Revised examination date |
1218. | 12/03/2022 | To invite feedback and suggestions in respect of Draft Guidelines for transforming higher education institutions into multidisciplinary, developed by UGC |
1219. | 11/03/2022 | Fellowship opportunities for students as Saaarthi Fellowship |
1220. | 11/03/2022 | Revised-Reg. signature of the Chairperson and Supervisor in Ph.D thesis. |
1221. | 08/03/2022 | Mechanical Branch Time Table 4th,6th,8th |
1222. | 07/03/2022 | Invitation of International Women's Day 2022 |
1223. | 07/03/2022 | International Women's Day 2022 Schedule |
1224. | 07/03/2022 | Contest |
1225. | 07/03/2022 | Applications are invited for various posts in the Department of SAIF under the STUTI Program |
1226. | 07/03/2022 | Even Semester Time Table of Computer Science & Engineering Department for the session 2021-2022 |
1227. | 07/03/2022 | UGC-NET(Paper-1) Coaching Classes at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations |
1228. | 05/03/2022 | Circular regarding information of admission at both the hostels of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1229. | 04/03/2022 | submission of bills for payment for the financial year 2021-22 |
1230. | 04/03/2022 | Revised Exam. Schedule |
1231. | 03/03/2022 | Fee reminder for MCA AND LAW Students |
1232. | 03/03/2022 | Circular regarding reopening of University |
1233. | 02/03/2022 | Classes of Ba .LL B even sem 2, 4,6,8 th sem starts in online mode from 4 th March 22. |
1234. | 02/03/2022 | Classes of BA. LL.B 10 th commences from 4 th March 22 in offline mode. |
1235. | 02/03/2022 | Guest Lecture MATLAB 03/03/2022 |
1236. | 02/03/2022 | Most urgent Notice |
1237. | 25/02/2022 | Anti-Drug E-Pledge and download the Certificate on or before 27-02-2022 (05:00 PM |
1238. | 24/02/2022 | URGENT: KIND ATTENTION: Clarification regarding clause 6.5 of PU Ph.D. Guidelines-2017 |
1239. | 23/02/2022 | NOTICE 2nd SEMESTER FEE OF LLM ONE YEAR COURSE 2021-22. |
1240. | 22/02/2022 | Notice regarding commencement of offline classes for LL.B 6th sem. |
1241. | 22/02/2022 | Notice for offline classes of LLB 6th Semester |
1243. | 18/02/2022 | Notice regarding MST-2 exam for 1st year |
1244. | 18/02/2022 | Invitation: UGC NRC Web Training Course: Talks on Patenting on 18 February 2022 |
1245. | 18/02/2022 | Regarding Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Komal Research Scholar |
1246. | 18/02/2022 | Link for online viva voce examination of Ms.Parvinder Kaur and Ms. Renu Bala for wide circulation |
1247. | 18/02/2022 | Ph.D Viva voce of Mr. Rajiv Atwal |
1248. | 17/02/2022 | Two-Day National Workshop on 24-25th February 2022. |
1249. | 17/02/2022 | Mrs. & Dr. V.S. Puri Scholarship @ Rs. 200/- p.m. for 10 months for the year 2021-22 |
1250. | 17/02/2022 | Annual Essay Prize Competition & members Annual Conference |
1251. | 11/02/2022 | Time table for LL.B. 2nd and4th sem w.e.f. from 12/02/2022 |
1252. | 11/02/2022 | Last date of submission of applications for M.Phil & Ph.D extended |
1253. | 11/02/2022 | Latest opportunities |
1254. | 11/02/2022 | National Webinar on Mental Health on 11th February 2022 at 11.00 am |
1255. | 11/02/2022 | Webinar to celebrate Intl. day for women and girls in science |
1256. | 11/02/2022 | Online Ph.D Viva-Voce examination of Ms. Pragti Dixit. |
1257. | 11/02/2022 | Online Ph.D Viva-Voce examination of Mr. Vikas. |
1258. | 11/02/2022 | Viva of Vipin Handa on 17.2.2022 at 3.00 P.M. |
1259. | 11/02/2022 | Invitation ‘Regional Consultation on Review of Criminal Law-Improvement of Status of Women’ |
1260. | 11/02/2022 | Inviting application Under the scheme '' free Education for Mritorious Schedual Caste and Other Backward Class student '' for the year 2021-22. |
1261. | 09/02/2022 | Regarding M.Phil/ Ph.D Admission, Session 2021-22. |
1262. | 08/02/2022 | Financial Assistance to the students for Innovative work/ project |
1263. | 08/02/2022 | KIND ATTENTION:Vidyanjali Higher Education Volunteer Programme |
1264. | 07/02/2022 | Urgent Notice: Regarding fake emails on behalf of Director PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1265. | 07/02/2022 | KIND ATTENTION: Fulbright Fellowships for Indian Citizens:2023-2024 |
1266. | 07/02/2022 | Circular for Inviting nomination for Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Price |
1267. | 07/02/2022 | Notice regarding deficit documents for registration purpose by 11Feb 2021. |
1268. | 07/02/2022 | Notice regarding National Portal |
1269. | 05/02/2022 | Tentative Date sheet for LL.M. One year |
1270. | 04/02/2022 | Fee Notice for B.E. 1st year students (2nd Installment) for the session 2021-22 |
1271. | 04/02/2022 | Expression of Interest for Transfer of Technology (ToT): CIIPP/TEC @ commercialization of technology |
1272. | 04/02/2022 | UGC-NRC Web Training Program at UIPS, Panjab University - February 14-19, 2022 |
1273. | 04/02/2022 | Fee Notice for B.E. 1st year students (2nd Installment) for the session 2021-22 |
1274. | 03/02/2022 | GIL MOOT FORM |
1275. | 03/02/2022 | Detailed Brochure of Moot Court |
1276. | 03/02/2022 | National Moot Proposition |
1277. | 03/02/2022 | INVITATION Banner: GIL - Justice Dipak Misra National Moot Court Competition 3(12) of 2022 on 12th & 13th March 2022 |
1278. | 01/02/2022 | World Interfaith Harmony Week starting from February2, 2022. |
1279. | 01/02/2022 | Office order regarding functioning of offices w.e.f. 01.02.2022, COVID-19 appropriate behaviour, etc. |
1281. | 28/01/2022 | Regarding Extension of provisional temporary approval of affiliation to Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur for LL.B & BA.LL.B Courses |
1282. | 28/01/2022 | Regarding Extension of provisional temporary approval of affiliation to Swami Sarvanand Giri Regional Centre, Hoshiarpur for LL.B & BA.LL.B Courses |
1283. | 25/01/2022 | NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is celebrating the National Voters Day (25-01-2022), Timing: 10:35 AM to 10:45 AM |
1284. | 24/01/2022 | Circular regarding admission in IAS(Preliminary) Course |
1285. | 24/01/2022 | Urgent: For wide circulation to PU faculty and research scholars /students |
1286. | 24/01/2022 | Gentle Reminder:Notice inviting Nominations/Applications for Shiv Nath Rai Kohli Memorial Mid-career Best Scientist Award of Rs. 1,00,000/- for the year 2021 |
1287. | 24/01/2022 | PAN Updation and DMAT/ Trading account opening for LIC policy holders |
1288. | 24/01/2022 | Webex meeting scheduled: Republic Day- Lecture |
1289. | 24/01/2022 | Invitation and Minute to Minute Programme for Republic Day Celebrations on 26th January, 2022 (WEDNESDAY). |
1290. | 21/01/2022 | BALLB Sem 1 MST Datesheet |
1291. | 21/01/2022 | Email for MST 1st sem of UILS DEPT. for the session of 2021-22. |
1292. | 21/01/2022 | SOP for MST 1st sem of UILS DEPT. for the session of 2021-22. |
1293. | 21/01/2022 | MST Date sheet BE First Year 27-29 Jan 2022 |
1294. | 21/01/2022 | Datesheet of MST-1 for 1st semester |
1295. | 21/01/2022 | Extended date to fill examination form of LL.B , BA.LL.B and LL.M courses. |
1296. | 21/01/2022 | Extended date to fill examination form of LL.B , BA.LL.B and LL.M courses. |
1297. | 21/01/2022 | URGENT & KIND ATTENTION: Reg. Uploading of full text theses in Shodhganga.... |
1298. | 21/01/2022 | Online Meeting with Textile Unit for their R&D Projects |
1299. | 18/01/2022 | Regarding Office orders vide no. 213/PUSSGRC dated: 18/01/2022, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1300. | 17/01/2022 | Circular |
1301. | 14/01/2022 | BA.LL.B MST datesheet. |
1302. | 14/01/2022 | MST datesheet of LL.M 1st sem. |
1303. | 14/01/2022 | Regarding internet/online allowance |
1304. | 13/01/2022 | Viva-voce of Ms. Priyanka Kaliya to be held on 17.1.2022 at 12.30 pm |
1305. | 12/01/2022 | Haryana State Commission for Protection of Child Rights is offering internship opportunities for interested individuals. |
1306. | 12/01/2022 | Constitution of Committee PDC for year 2022 |
1307. | 11/01/2022 | On the Spot Essay Writing Competition-2022 for Post-Graduate Students of Statistics. |
1308. | 11/01/2022 | Circular regarding Standing Committee - 2022 |
1309. | 11/01/2022 | Submission of fee for the session of 2021-22 by 15-01-2022 (B. A. LL.B/LL.B/LL.M. and MCA) |
1310. | 10/01/2022 | Instructions for examination form |
1311. | 10/01/2022 | Notice for filling of examination form 1st semester B.A.LL.B. and LL.M. |
1312. | 07/01/2022 | Director Law fee B.A.LL.B, LL.B & L.L.M 1st year students for the session 2021-22. |
1313. | 05/01/2022 | Last date for concession forms/refund of fee for left out students will be 31-01-2022(B.A.LL.B./LL.B./LL.M./MCA). |
1314. | 05/01/2022 | Scholarship of Means-Cum-Merit based Tuition fee support for B.E 1st year students. |
1316. | 03/01/2022 | Ph.D. Viva Voce Examination of Ms. Amrita on 4th Jan 2022 at 3pm thru online mode |
1317. | 03/01/2022 | Revised Ph.D. Viva voce notice of Ms. Neha Thakur for wide circulation |
1318. | 03/01/2022 | NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is organizing the Seminar on “Democratic India and Electoral Process” for the awareness among the students. Date: 05-01-2022. Timing: 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM |
1319. | 03/01/2022 | NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is organizing the “Essay Writing / Write Up” Competition on “Democracy and Indian Society” Date: 08-01-2022. Timing: 09:30 AM to 10:30 AM |
1320. | 03/01/2022 | PUSSGRC Office Order |
1321. | 03/01/2022 | "Walk in interview" Advertisement for three Positions of Assistant Professor (Guest Faculty) in Department of Microbiology, Panjab University Chandigarh |
1322. | 01/01/2022 | Admission Notice: LL.B 3year course at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1323. | 01/01/2022 | Provisionally selected candidates for LL.B at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1324. | 31/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidate for LL.M |
1325. | 31/12/2021 | Get DST projects: HIGH chances |
1326. | 31/12/2021 | Award of " Mrs Udham kaur Menon Education Scholarship 800p.m. for the year 2021-2022. |
1327. | 31/12/2021 | Award of '25' Late Dewan Som Nath Scholarship @400 & '10' Late Radha Krishan Prem Kaur Stipends 150/- p.m. for the year 2021-2022 |
1328. | 31/12/2021 | Award of Two Scholarship @ 400/- p.m. out of the Panjab University Soldier's Relief fund for the year 2021-2022 |
1329. | 31/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLB course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1330. | 31/12/2021 | Fees of provisionally selected candidate for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1331. | 31/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidate for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1332. | 31/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLM at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1333. | 31/12/2021 | Fees of NRI provisionally selected candidate for admission to NRI category for B. A.LL.B. 1st year |
1334. | 31/12/2021 | Fees of provisionally selected candidate for admission to NRI category for B. A.LL.B. 1st year |
1335. | 31/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidate for admission to NRI category for B. A.LL.B. 1st year |
1336. | 30/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLM at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1337. | 29/12/2021 | Online counseling schedule for LLB course (sports category)at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur. |
1338. | 29/12/2021 | Online counseling schedule for LLM-one year course (sports category) at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1339. | 29/12/2021 | NOTICE : NSS REGISTRATION 2021-22 |
1340. | 29/12/2021 | Fees of provisonally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1341. | 29/12/2021 | List of provisonally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1342. | 29/12/2021 | Last date of fees for MCA 1st year for the session of 2021-22 is 31-01-2022. |
1343. | 29/12/2021 | Last date for fee of 2nd installment (B.A.LL.B., LL.B., LL.M.) 28 feb, 2022 (2021-22) |
1344. | 28/12/2021 | Online NRI counseling schedule on 29-12-2021 at 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1345. | 28/12/2021 | Fees of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1346. | 28/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1347. | 27/12/2021 | Fees of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1348. | 27/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1349. | 27/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidate for LLM at PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR |
1350. | 24/12/2021 | Admission Notice: Provisionally selected candidates for LL.B |
1351. | 24/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1352. | 24/12/2021 | Fees for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1353. | 24/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LL.B at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur (24-12) |
1354. | 23/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1355. | 23/12/2021 | Fees for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year candidates for the session of 2021-22. |
1356. | 23/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LL.B 3year course at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur(23-12) |
1357. | 22/12/2021 | Circular regarding submission of original documents for registration return 2021-22 |
1358. | 22/12/2021 | Request to register on AICTE Internship Portal for availing benefits of 12 Lakhs free coupons –reg. |
1359. | 22/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1360. | 22/12/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1361. | 22/12/2021 | Waiting list of provisionally selected candidates for LLM. |
1362. | 21/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1363. | 21/12/2021 | Fees for admission to B. A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1364. | 20/12/2021 | Prof. H. S. Bains, Director, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is on leave from 20-12-2021 to 25-12-2021 |
1365. | 20/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22 |
1366. | 20/12/2021 | Fees for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2021-22 |
1367. | 18/12/2021 | Fee Notice for MCA Students for session 2021-22 |
1368. | 17/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1369. | 17/12/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1370. | 17/12/2021 | Last date for fee B. A. LL.B & LL.B 2nd year, 3rd year, 4th year and 5th year |
1371. | 16/12/2021 | Fees for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1372. | 16/12/2021 | list of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1373. | 16/12/2021 | Advertisement for the post of Project Assistant at UIPS |
1374. | 15/12/2021 | CSR Mobilization committee |
1375. | 15/12/2021 | Award of stipends to poor and deserving students of University Teaching Departments for the session 2021-22. |
1376. | 15/12/2021 | Award of stipends to the wards/dependents of the university Employees (Class B & C) for the session 2021-22. |
1377. | 15/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1378. | 15/12/2021 | Fees for provisional selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1380. | 14/12/2021 | List of provisional merit list for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1381. | 14/12/2021 | Fees for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1382. | 14/12/2021 | Inviting application for the Scholarship “SARBAT DA BHALLA CHARITABLE TRUST” |
1383. | 14/12/2021 | Brouchure for Training Programme on Research Methodology in Social Sciences |
1385. | 13/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22 |
1386. | 13/12/2021 | Fees for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year course for the session of 2021-22 |
1387. | 11/12/2021 | Revised examination date for LL.B 1st year students. |
1388. | 10/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidate list for LLB (10-12-21) |
1389. | 10/12/2021 | Circular Regarding Vidyanaji Program |
1390. | 10/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLB course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1391. | 09/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1392. | 09/12/2021 | List of fee for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year candidates for the session of 2021-22. |
1393. | 09/12/2021 | Papaer of Forensic Science |
1394. | 09/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLB course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur (9-12-2021) |
1395. | 08/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LL.B 3year course at UILS.(8-12-2021) |
1396. | 03/12/2021 | CLASSES FOR LLM COMMENCE FROM 4th Dec.2021. |
1397. | 03/12/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1398. | 03/12/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B. A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1399. | 03/12/2021 | Admission Notice (3rd Dec): list of provisionally selected candidates LL.M-One year course. |
1400. | 03/12/2021 | Urgent notice for LL.B students |
1401. | 03/12/2021 | Urgent notice for B. A. LL.B students |
1402. | 01/12/2021 | Fees and list of Provisionally selected candidate (BAS) for admission to LL.M.1ST year |
1403. | 01/12/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1404. | 01/12/2021 | Fees for Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1405. | 01/12/2021 | Fees and list of Provisionally selected candidates for admission of LL.M 1st year for the session 2021-22 |
1406. | 30/11/2021 | List for provisionally selected candidates for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1407. | 30/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for the admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2021-22. |
1408. | 30/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission to LL.B. 1st year General Category for the session of 2021-22. |
1409. | 29/11/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLB course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1410. | 29/11/2021 | Online schedule for Migration from University/other university |
1411. | 29/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1412. | 29/11/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1413. | 27/11/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLB list at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1414. | 26/11/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLB 3year course at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1415. | 26/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1416. | 26/11/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates list for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22 |
1417. | 26/11/2021 | Nadi Ko Jano-Know your Rivers, e-mail received from UGC (through AISHE) |
1418. | 26/11/2021 | Online Schedule for LL.M. Counseling on dated 27-11-2021 at PUSSGRC, Bajwara, Hoshiarpur. |
1419. | 26/11/2021 | Datesheet for MCA - Practical/ Seminar (Regular & Reappear) Dec - 2021 |
1420. | 25/11/2021 | Revised Examination schedule 2021 - 2022 |
1421. | 25/11/2021 | Celebration of Constitution Day on 26th Nov., 2021. |
1422. | 25/11/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1423. | 25/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for session 2021-22. |
1424. | 25/11/2021 | A webinar on “Cybersecurity and an Insight to become an Entrepreneur” on 26 Nov, 2021 at 03:00 PM to 05:00 PM, Under the aegis of National Cybersecurity Awareness Program |
1425. | 25/11/2021 | MST-2 Notice for UIET, Hoshiarpur |
1426. | 24/11/2021 | List of Provisionally selected candidates for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year course. |
1427. | 24/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1428. | 24/11/2021 | Notice for migration for BALLB course |
1429. | 24/11/2021 | Last date Extended to apply for admission under NRI/Foreign National category |
1430. | 23/11/2021 | Extension of last to submit the students Registration Returns along with original documents, for the Session 2021-22. |
1431. | 23/11/2021 | Extension of last date to submit the students’ Registration Returns along with original documents, for the session 2021-22. |
1432. | 23/11/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1433. | 23/11/2021 | Fee for provisionally selected candidates for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1434. | 23/11/2021 | Regarding non submission of exam form for the session December-2021 |
1435. | 23/11/2021 | Circular regarding Merit-cum-Means Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2021-22 |
1436. | 22/11/2021 | Webinar with E-Waste Management & Recycling with your college |
1437. | 22/11/2021 | Circular in regard to engagement as Counsel to conduct cases of Panjab University before the Labour Court/Assistant Labour Commissioner/Labour Inspector/Consumer Forum/State Commissioner etc. |
1438. | 22/11/2021 | Letter of Invitation for conducting panel discussion on the topic of "Future of Legal Education in India: Issue and Challenges |
1439. | 22/11/2021 | INSA Medal for Young Scientists-2022. |
1440. | 22/11/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1441. | 22/11/2021 | Fee notice of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for provisionally selected candidates for the session of 2021-22 |
1442. | 22/11/2021 | 'Merit-cum-Means Loan subsidy Scheme' for self financing courses session 2021-2022 |
1443. | 22/11/2021 | Inviting application for the Scholarship “SARBAT DA BHALLA CHARITABLE TRUST” |
1444. | 20/11/2021 | Admission Notice : Provisionally selected candidates from waiting list for LL.B 1st Sem. |
1445. | 19/11/2021 | Admission Notice: List of Provisionally Selected candidates for LL.B 1st sem for the session 2021-22. |
1446. | 19/11/2021 | List of Provisionally Selected candidates for LL.B 1st sem for the session 2021-22. |
1447. | 18/11/2021 | Admission notice of LL.B 1st sem at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1448. | 18/11/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A .LL.B. 1st year course. |
1449. | 18/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for the admission purposes of B.A.LL.B. 1st year. |
1450. | 17/11/2021 | Commencement of B. A. LL.B 1st year classes |
1451. | 17/11/2021 | Revised list of selected candidates LL.B 3year course under General category for the session 2021-22. |
1452. | 17/11/2021 | Selected candidates for LLB 3year course under GENERAL CATEGORY session 2021-22. |
1453. | 17/11/2021 | Selected candidate under OGC category for the LL.B 3 year course |
1454. | 17/11/2021 | Revised Time Table (Online Mode) Information Technology 3rd , 5th , & 7th Sem for the session 2021-22. |
1455. | 16/11/2021 | List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission of B. A. LL.B 1st year |
1456. | 16/11/2021 | Fee for NRI : Fee for provisional selected candidates for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1457. | 16/11/2021 | Fee for provisional selected candidates for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1458. | 16/11/2021 | Tentative Time Table for Online Classes of B.E. Mechanical Engg. (1st sem (Nov'21 onwards)) (Session:2021-22) |
1459. | 16/11/2021 | Tentative Time Table of Online Classes for B.E. Information Technology (1st sem (Nov'21 onwards)) (Session:2021-22) |
1460. | 16/11/2021 | Tentative Time Table for Online Classes of B.E. ECE (1st sem (Nov'21 onwards)) (Session:2021-22) |
1461. | 16/11/2021 | Tentative Time Table for Online Classes of B.E. CSE (1st sem (Nov'21 onwards)) (Session:2021-22) |
1463. | 15/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1464. | 15/11/2021 | List of Provisionally selected candidates for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1465. | 12/11/2021 | List of Provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22 |
1466. | 12/11/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidates for admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22. |
1467. | 12/11/2021 | Counseling for B. A. LL.B 1st NRI category on 13-11-2021 |
1468. | 12/11/2021 | Admission Notice: Selected candidates(OGC category) for LL.B 1st Sem. for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1469. | 11/11/2021 | FEE Notice : For the provisional selected students for B.A.LL.B. for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22 |
1470. | 11/11/2021 | List of Provisional selected students for B.A.LL.B. for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2021-22 |
1471. | 11/11/2021 | Circular regarding VOTER ENROLLMENT |
1472. | 10/11/2021 | Notice of NSS UNIT (PUSSGRC) |
1473. | 10/11/2021 | SENSITIZATION PROGRAMME (Under the aegis of Central Placement Cell, Panjab University, Chandigarh) at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 11-11-2021, TIME: 12:00 Noon onwards |
1474. | 10/11/2021 | Circular regarding name of Experts for NCTE |
1475. | 10/11/2021 | Circular regarding reopening of University for the students in the phased manner |
1476. | 10/11/2021 | Schedule of One Day Intra Moot Court Competition |
1477. | 10/11/2021 | One Day Intra Moot Court Competition in collaboration with DLSA Hoshiarpur at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 10 Nov 2021 |
1478. | 09/11/2021 | Fee Notice : For Provisional selected candidates for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2021-22 |
1479. | 09/11/2021 | Provisional selected candidates for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2021-22 |
1480. | 09/11/2021 | Admission notice for selected candidates for LL.B. 1st sem from waiting list |
1481. | 08/11/2021 | A Special Address by Hon’ble Law and Justice Minister Sh. Kiren Rijiju on 09.11.2021 at 10:50 A.M. |
1482. | 06/11/2021 | Admission Notice: Selected candidates for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1483. | 05/11/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1484. | 03/11/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1485. | 02/11/2021 | Notice for students admitted through DASA |
1486. | 30/10/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1487. | 30/10/2021 | Schedule for LL.B 1st year OGC category counseling on monday |
1488. | 30/10/2021 | Candidates who could not attend the counseling due to late declaration of result |
1489. | 30/10/2021 | Pledge : National Ekta Diwas Pledge by NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 31-10-2021 at 11:00 AM (link given in the notice) |
1490. | 29/10/2021 | Notice : National Ekta Diwas Pledge by NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 31-10-2021 at 11:00 AM (link given in the notice) |
1491. | 29/10/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1492. | 28/10/2021 | Circular for information of the employees of the University to abide by the provision of Rule 9 (Part V) at page 111 Cal. Vol.-III, 2019 "Insolvency and Habitual Indebtedness" |
1493. | 27/10/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1494. | 27/10/2021 | A webinar on Opportunities and Challenges of Machine Learning based Solutions on October 27th, 2021, Time: 4.00 - 5.30 pm, organized by DCSA Chandigarh in collaboration with DCSA, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1495. | 26/10/2021 | Online classes of LL.B 1st sem will be commence from 27th October 2021. |
1496. | 26/10/2021 | For Engg. and MCA : Schedule for UG/PG (Odd Semester) Practical Examinations, December, 2021 |
1497. | 26/10/2021 | Director PUSSGRC Dr H S Bains administering Integrity Pledge on commencement of Vigilance Awareness Week 2021 |
1498. | 26/10/2021 | MST BALLB 3rd English |
1499. | 26/10/2021 | MST BALLB 5th Cr P C |
1500. | 26/10/2021 | MST BALLB 7th Civil Procedure-I |
1502. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Scheduled Tribes) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1503. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Sports) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1504. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Scheduled Castes) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1505. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Persons with Disability) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1506. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (OGC) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1507. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (General) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1508. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Freedom Fighter) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1509. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Defence) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1510. | 25/10/2021 | Lists of B.A.LL.B. candidates (Backward Classes) for counseling 2021-22 at UILS, Hoshiarpur |
1511. | 25/10/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur |
1512. | 21/10/2021 | Schedule for the admission counseling of B.A.LL.B. 1st year on 27th and 28th Oct., 2021. |
1513. | 21/10/2021 | Fee notice for provisional selected students for MCA 1st year. |
1514. | 21/10/2021 | Notice for filling of examination form (LAW/MCA). |
1515. | 21/10/2021 | Extension in last date of submission of Students’ Registration Returns, etc., for the Session 2021-22. |
1516. | 21/10/2021 | Admission Notice for LL.B 1st Sem. from the waiting list for session 2021-22 at UILS, PUSSRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1517. | 19/10/2021 | Notice: NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is organizing a Cleanliness cum Awareness Drive in the online mode on 23-10-2021 |
1518. | 19/10/2021 | Schedule : NSS Unit of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is organizing a Cleanliness cum Awareness Drive in the online mode on 23-10-2021 |
1519. | 19/10/2021 | Electoral Literacy Club, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is organizing a Poem Recitation Competition on 21st Oct 2021 at 11:00 AM |
1520. | 19/10/2021 | Revised Examination Schedule 2021-2022: Last dates for submission of examination forms |
1521. | 18/10/2021 | List of provisionaly selected LLB Candidates for LLB at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for session 2021-22 |
1522. | 13/10/2021 | Admission notice regarding 2nd counseling for MCA |
1523. | 13/10/2021 | Emails of the faculty members of Law department for MST Oct. 2021 |
1524. | 12/10/2021 | SOP for faculty and students for MST |
1525. | 11/10/2021 | Datesheet for the MST for BALLB 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th Semester (2021- 22) |
1526. | 11/10/2021 | Datesheet for MST of BALLB (3rd, 5th, 7th & 9th Sem)(2021-22) |
1527. | 11/10/2021 | Circular regarding nominations for awards |
1528. | 11/10/2021 | Advertisement Notice for inviting applications for appointment of 01 Guest Faculty to teach the subject of Economics for Odd Semester (Academic Session 2021-22) at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1529. | 06/10/2021 | National Essay Contest on "Election & Democracy" by Election Commission of India : Annual National Essay Contest |
1530. | 06/10/2021 | Letter of Invitation : National Essay Contest on "Election & Democracy" by Election Commission of India : Annual National Essay Contest |
1531. | 06/10/2021 | Circular - Lets Celebrate Democracy. |
1532. | 06/10/2021 | URGENT: Proposals from faculty of Panjab University for DIC PU |
1533. | 06/10/2021 | Admission Notice for ongoing classes of UILS and DCSA department at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1534. | 06/10/2021 | PGRKAM - Circular Regarding Foreign Language Teaching Fellowship |
1535. | 05/10/2021 | Contact details for B.E admissions UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur 2021-22 |
1536. | 05/10/2021 | B.E first year admissions 2021-22 |
1537. | 05/10/2021 | Director Law Fee, UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2021-22 |
1538. | 05/10/2021 | Invitation for the webinar to be held on, 8th October, 2021 (Friday), from 03.00 P.M |
1539. | 05/10/2021 | Special Talk at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations. |
1540. | 01/10/2021 | Invitation of the 2nd October, 2021 Online Programme of Professor Anamik Shah, Former Vice Chancellor, Gujarat Vidyapith, Ahmedabad |
1541. | 01/10/2021 | University forms for fee concession : Application Form for Grant of “Means-cum-Merit based Tuition Fee Support” |
1542. | 30/09/2021 | UGC-NET(Paper-1) Coaching Classes at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations |
1543. | 30/09/2021 | Scholarship for single parent and Means cum Merit session 2021-22 |
1544. | 30/09/2021 | Notice for Direct Beneficiary transfer |
1545. | 30/09/2021 | Press Release for answers key along with question booklet pu-cet(ug) 2021 |
1546. | 30/09/2021 | Advertisement Notice for the post of Guest Faculty for Computer Science |
1547. | 30/09/2021 | Special Lecture on Role of Police in Protecting Children from Sexual Offences on 01.10.2021 |
1548. | 29/09/2021 | Smt. Prem Lata and Prof. D.V.S. Jain Research Foundation Awards 2020 |
1549. | 28/09/2021 | Special Talk at Centre for IAS and Other Competitive Examinations. |
1550. | 28/09/2021 | Date Extended for Admission of Foreign Nationals and NRIs in Panjab University. |
1551. | 28/09/2021 | Urgent Notice regarding Online Counselling Schedule for admission to LL.B 3 year course session 2021-22 (New link against Dr. Ritu Salaria Slot) |
1552. | 28/09/2021 | 1st MST Notice and Datesheet for 3rd, 5th & 7th sem (CSE, IT, ECE, MEC) UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1553. | 27/09/2021 | Provisional Merit List For SC Category. |
1554. | 27/09/2021 | Provisional merit List for ST category. |
1555. | 27/09/2021 | Provisional Merit List for FF category. |
1556. | 27/09/2021 | Provisional Merit List for Defence Category. |
1557. | 27/09/2021 | Provisional Merit list of LL.B 3year (BC category) |
1558. | 27/09/2021 | Provisional merit list of LL.b 3year course(Chandigarh, ludhiana, Hoshiarpur, Mukatsar) 2021-22. |
1559. | 27/09/2021 | Online Quiz Competition for All the Members of E.L.C Punjab, on 27 Sept 2021, at 04:00 PM |
1560. | 25/09/2021 | Online Counselling Schedule for admission to LL.B 3year course session 2021-22 (General{all category candidates from 1-1200} and for reserve categories, SC,ST,BC,DEF,FF) |
1561. | 24/09/2021 | Admission Notice for University School of Open Learning 2021-22 : w.e.f. 1st Sept 2021 |
1562. | 24/09/2021 | NSS Day Celebration on 24.09.2021 |
1563. | 23/09/2021 | Urgent & Kind Attention: Clarification regarding clause 6.5 of PU Ph.D. Guidelines |
1564. | 23/09/2021 | Circulation of advertisement for Guest Faculty in Department of Art History & Visual Arts |
1565. | 22/09/2021 | B.E. Examination Form Notice |
1566. | 21/09/2021 | Examination dates for LL.B, BA.LL.B and MCA ongoing classes. |
1567. | 18/09/2021 | Advertisement for the post of GF |
1568. | 17/09/2021 | Invitation for a webinar session on September 18th 2021 |
1569. | 17/09/2021 | DST-Centre for Policy Research at P U, Chandigarh in collaboration with World Bamboo Organization, USA is celebrating WORLD BAMBOO DAY 2021 on Saturday, 18th September 2021, from 11.00 A.M onwards |
1570. | 17/09/2021 | Guidelines with regard to payment of Honorarium/Remuneration to members of various committees/experts etc. |
1571. | 17/09/2021 | Going Global Partnership Programme |
1572. | 16/09/2021 | Circular Regarding Internship |
1573. | 16/09/2021 | Ministry of External Affairs - Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children for Academic Year 2021-2022 (5) |
1574. | 16/09/2021 | Application for the award of "Pre Matric, post Matric and Top Class Education Scholarship for Students with Disabilities" for the year 2021-22 |
1575. | 15/09/2021 | L' R' Mundra Memorial Scholarship -2021 -22 |
1576. | 15/09/2021 | Regarding Walk-In-Interview on 29/9/2021 (Wednesday) for appointment of 2 Guest Faculty in Information Technology for Odd Semester (Academic Session 2021-22) at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1577. | 15/09/2021 | Circular regarding scholarship of state Merit/Danga Perrit 2021-22 |
1578. | 10/09/2021 | Walk-In-Interview for appointing Guest Faculty to teach the subject of Law at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester (Academic Session 2021-22) to be held on 24/9/2021 (Friday) |
1579. | 09/09/2021 | Regarding award for blind studnets PG and M.Phil |
1580. | 09/09/2021 | Revise fee structure of B.E. 7th and 8th Semester (4th year) |
1581. | 09/09/2021 | Circular regarding Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2021-22: Scholarship NS Portal |
1582. | 09/09/2021 | Circular regarding Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2021-22: PWD SCHOLARSHIP |
1583. | 09/09/2021 | Circular regarding Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2021-22: MERIT CUM MEANS |
1584. | 08/09/2021 | Information pertaining to deposit of tuition fee in the current Semester 2021-2022 |
1585. | 08/09/2021 | Application for minor and major research -MGNCRE |
1586. | 08/09/2021 | Circular regarding Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2021-22 : MERIT CUM MEANS |
1587. | 08/09/2021 | Circular regarding Scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2021-22 : PWD SCHOLARSHIP |
1588. | 08/09/2021 | Circular regarding scholarship under NSP 2021-22 |
1589. | 07/09/2021 | Guidelines for Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC of Punjab (2021-2022) |
1590. | 07/09/2021 | Advertisement for SC Post Matric Scholarship Portal |
1591. | 06/09/2021 | One Semester Industrial Training of B.E. students after 7th semester, Starting from Jan 2022. |
1592. | 03/09/2021 | Specimen of freeship card for PMS students of Punjab for the session 2021-22 |
1593. | 03/09/2021 | Fee migration form |
1594. | 03/09/2021 | A cordial invitation from CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Panjab University, Chandigarh Online Webinar on 04.09.2021 |
1595. | 03/09/2021 | Circular regarding scholarship under NSP 2021-22 |
1596. | 02/09/2021 | Guidelines of online Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC of Punjab (2021-2022) |
1597. | 02/09/2021 | Circular regarding scholarship under NSP 2021-22 |
1598. | 01/09/2021 | Regarding updations in PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur website |
1599. | 31/08/2021 | Online workshop on Data Sciences in Industry on Date 01-09-2021, Time 02:00 PM to 04:00 PM by Ducat / Mr. Aditya. |
1600. | 31/08/2021 | Guidelines of online Post Matric Scholarship Scheme for SC of Punjab (2021-2022) |
1601. | 27/08/2021 | Notice regarding migration application of LLB & BALLB |
1602. | 26/08/2021 | Notice regarding migration application |
1603. | 24/08/2021 | DST-Centre for Policy Research at Panjab University invites for a webinar on Thursday, 26th August 2021, from 3:00 P.M |
1604. | 23/08/2021 | Extension of last date for applying for PG Courses for the session 2021-2022 |
1605. | 23/08/2021 | The Institutional Ethics Committee of Panjab University (PUIEC) next meeting shall be tentatively held in Last/First week of September/October 2021 |
1606. | 23/08/2021 | National Seminar on 75th Amrit Mahotsav of independent India, Importance of Books and Libraries in Independence on 24.08.2021 at 10.00 a.m. |
1607. | 19/08/2021 | Link for the online “Sadbhavana Divas” pledge ( at 11:00 AM on 20th August 2021) |
1608. | 19/08/2021 | Observance of "SADBHAVANA DIVAS" on 20 August 2021 at 11:00 AM (Friday) |
1609. | 18/08/2021 | SCHEDULE OF PULEET/PUMEET 2021 |
1610. | 18/08/2021 | Director Law Fee, UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2021-22. |
1611. | 12/08/2021 | Regarding extension of date for filling-up online admission forms for the undergraduate courses |
1612. | 10/08/2021 | Time Table of MCA for the session 2021-22 |
1613. | 10/08/2021 | Time Table CSE Branch odd semester session 2021-22 |
1614. | 10/08/2021 | IT time table odd semester (3rd, 5th & 7th ) session 2021-22 |
1615. | 10/08/2021 | ECE time table odd sem session 2021-22. |
1616. | 10/08/2021 | Mech time table odd sem session 2021-22 |
1617. | 09/08/2021 | Admission / fee notice for ongoing classes of B.E CSE, ECE, IT & Mech. Department at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur. |
1618. | 09/08/2021 | Tentative admission schedule for the PG courses for session 2021-22 |
1619. | 09/08/2021 | Tentative admission schedule for the UG courses for session 2021-22 |
1620. | 09/08/2021 | Online Time Table for LLB 3rd & 5th sem and BALLB 3rd, 5th, 7th & 9th sem |
1621. | 09/08/2021 | Commencement of classes of BALLB (HONS.) 3,5,7and 9 sem.and LLB 3and 5 Sem |
1622. | 06/08/2021 | Revised admission form for 2021-22 |
1623. | 05/08/2021 | Webinar on 9 August 2021 at 12.15 PM |
1624. | 05/08/2021 | Patent Data Survey and Boosting Patents for Licensing & Commercialization |
1625. | 05/08/2021 | Regarding the advertisement for 01 post of Manager Finance and 01 post of Manager IPR |
1626. | 05/08/2021 | Ph.D. Notice 11.8.2021 at 3.00 p.m. for uiet website and send link |
1627. | 05/08/2021 | Advertisement for appointment of Guest Faculty in the Department of Biochemistry |
1628. | 04/08/2021 | Revised Notice for ongoing classes of Law and DCSA at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1629. | 04/08/2021 | Notice: Ph.D Guidelines of PU |
1630. | 03/08/2021 | Webinar Link for circulation among PU faculty |
1631. | 02/08/2021 | Admission notice for ongoing classes of UILS and DCSA department at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur. |
1632. | 31/07/2021 | Admission Notice (PGDCA) for session 2021-2022 |
1633. | 28/07/2021 | PGDCA Admission Form |
1634. | 24/07/2021 | Invitation for a Special Session entitled "Innovator Ki Kahani" |
1635. | 24/07/2021 | Invitation for webinar 26th July 2021 on Kargil Vijay Diwas |
1636. | 23/07/2021 | Online Public Lecture by Prof. Shalina Mehta on 23-07-2021 at 12.00 noon. |
1637. | 22/07/2021 | Circulation of link regarding invitation to attend the Quiz to celebrate 75 years of India's Independence |
1638. | 20/07/2021 | Revised Email Regarding Distinguished Lecture in Dept. of Biophysics by Prof. Sunil Kumar lal, Professor of Microbiology School of Science Monash University Australia (Sunway Campus, Malaysia) |
1639. | 20/07/2021 | Ph.D. Viva-Voce of Ms. Seema |
1640. | 15/07/2021 | Online Special Lecture by Prof. P.C. Joshi, Vice-Chancellor |
1641. | 14/07/2021 | 3-days international conference in collaboration with German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) from 18-20 Oct 2021 |
1642. | 13/07/2021 | Three Hour Workshop on Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013. |
1643. | 13/07/2021 | Invitation_5th Research Award Ceremony (for the year 2019) held on 14th July, 2021 |
1644. | 13/07/2021 | ASTHMA CAMP 16th July, 2021 at BGJ Institute of Health, PU |
1645. | 09/07/2021 | Webinar: "What the pandemic has taught us and where do we go from here" on July 9, 2021 at 12:15 PM |
1646. | 09/07/2021 | Important Guidelines for the use of G-Suite in Panjab University |
1647. | 09/07/2021 | Advertisement G-ll post in Department of Botany |
1648. | 09/07/2021 | Advertisement G-lll post in Department of Botany |
1649. | 09/07/2021 | Notice: Guest Faculty(One) in the Department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh for the academic session 2021-2022. |
1650. | 09/07/2021 | The Centre for IAS and other Competitive Examinations, PU, Chandigarh is starting a fresh batch from 19th July 2021. |
1651. | 07/07/2021 | Office order regarding DAK timings |
1652. | 06/07/2021 | Regarding timings of the regional centres of University affiliated in the state of Punjab |
1653. | 06/07/2021 | Office Order : For Mentoring/Conduct of Training for students of 2, 4 & 6 semester (CSE & IT) |
1654. | 02/07/2021 | B.E. 2nd Year Admissions through (PUMEET 2021) |
1655. | 02/07/2021 | Training Letter for 4th and 6th Semester B.E., UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1656. | 02/07/2021 | Office Order : End semester Training guidelines for students of 2, 4 & 6 semester (CSE,IT,ECE,ME) |
1657. | 02/07/2021 | End semester Training guidelines for students of 2, 4 & 6 semester (CSE, IT, ECE, ME) |
1658. | 01/07/2021 | B.E lateral entry admissions (PULEET 2021) |
1659. | 30/06/2021 | BE admission in first year (JAC 2021) and in second year (PULEET/PUMEET). |
1660. | 26/06/2021 | Information regarding PULEET & PUMEET 2021 |
1661. | 25/06/2021 | Proposals for Online or Offline Summer Courses/Internship Programmes/Webinars/International MOUs |
1662. | 25/06/2021 | Circular regarding eligible research scholars to come back to the University who left their homes before the start of second wave COVID-19 |
1663. | 25/06/2021 | https://ciipp.puchd.ac.in/includes/noticeboard/2021/20210623143700-webinaronprocessofpatentfiling24-06-2021.pdf?202114063732 |
1664. | 25/06/2021 | Guidelines for circulation of document/circular |
1665. | 25/06/2021 | Regarding cancellation of interview/appointment of Guest faculty Law (02) for Even Semester Academic Session 2020-21. |
1666. | 23/06/2021 | MST Notice for B.E. 2nd semester (CSE, ECE, IT & Mech. Branch) |
1667. | 23/06/2021 | Circular regarding COVID vaccination : All interested persons are requested to provide the desired information by today i.e. 23/06/2021 till 5:00 p.m. positively. |
1669. | 21/06/2021 | Brochure: A National Seminar on THE CHANGES IN THE PARADIGMS OF RIGHT TO HEALTH IN INDIA AND ABROAD DURING COVID-19: CHALLENGESAND OPPORTUNITIES, Inaugural Session JUNE 22nd, 2021 9:30 to 11:00 AM |
1670. | 21/06/2021 | Circular regarding COVID vaccination |
1671. | 21/06/2021 | A Webinar on ‘Scope and relevance of industry led Public Private Partnership for R&D in India’ on Date- June 24, 2021 (11:30 am) |
1672. | 21/06/2021 | Circular regarding shortage of attendance of even semester. |
1673. | 18/06/2021 | Revised Brochure - Online event from 21st June,2021 to 25th June to commemorate International Yoga day |
1674. | 18/06/2021 | Office order of Dr. Vrajesh Sharma, System Manager regarding Incharge of computer centre, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1675. | 16/06/2021 | Support from TEC of PU on "Technology development/enablement/commercialization/evaluation". |
1676. | 16/06/2021 | Online seven days workshop on SPSS |
1677. | 11/06/2021 | Notice: 2nd MST notice for UIET, Hoshiarpur |
1678. | 11/06/2021 | Invitation: Webinar under UIPS Expert Talk Series - Saturday, 12.06.2021 at 4:00 p.m. |
1679. | 10/06/2021 | Urgent notice for B.A.LL.B. 10th semester for their last working day and tentative date of examination |
1680. | 10/06/2021 | Organizing One day Webinar on Goodness of Fit in Parametric and Non-Parametric Regression- Classroom Concepts to Research Problems by department of Statistics, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
1681. | 10/06/2021 | Viva Voce examination of Ms. Jaspreet Kashyap and Ms. Nusrat Dilawar on 11.06.2021 |
1682. | 07/06/2021 | Viva committee for ECE 8th semester |
1683. | 07/06/2021 | Viva committee of Mech 8th semester. |
1684. | 07/06/2021 | Invitation to attend one day online workshop “Application of ANSYS in Finite Element Method” |
1685. | 07/06/2021 | The constitution of newly constituted Training Committee (UIET) PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1686. | 04/06/2021 | Tentative Date sheet for LL.M. One year |
1687. | 04/06/2021 | Tentative Date sheet of MST for B. A. LL.B 2nd sem |
1688. | 04/06/2021 | Regarding Incharge of Student Facilitation Centre |
1689. | 04/06/2021 | Urgent Notice Regarding Exam Form of IT Branch |
1690. | 04/06/2021 | Pending Exam form Notice CSE branch June-2021 |
1691. | 04/06/2021 | Draft roster in promotion for non-teaching employees |
1692. | 04/06/2021 | Three Hour Workshop on Protection of Women from Sexual Harassment at Workplace Act, 2013. |
1693. | 03/06/2021 | Ph.D Viva voce of Mr. Punit |
1694. | 02/06/2021 | Ph.D. viva Notice of Mr. Neeraj Sharma |
1695. | 02/06/2021 | Soft Copy of the Link to join the meeting: Regarding Queries related to COVID-19 (All Faculty & Staff Members), PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1696. | 01/06/2021 | Ph.D. Viva Voce of Ms. Dodge Mail for wide circulation |
1697. | 01/06/2021 | Online viva-voce examination of Ms. Surinder Kaur Brar held on 08.06.2021 at 10:30 A.M. |
1698. | 01/06/2021 | Office Order regarding implementation of measures to control the further spread of corona cases in the University - No. 244 R PA dt. 01.06.2021 |
1699. | 01/06/2021 | Regarding fixation of date for viva-voce of Ph. D thesis of Mr. Ankush Kohli, Regd. No. 1406074 through online mode by Skype |
1700. | 01/06/2021 | Webinar : on 1 June 2021 to celebrate World's Environment Day's |
1701. | 01/06/2021 | Notice: List of DCSA department student who failed to submit examination form. |
1702. | 31/05/2021 | online Meeting : Agenda-Covid 19 Pandemic related queries for staff of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 02-06-2021 at 11:00 AM |
1703. | 31/05/2021 | Online Ph.D. viva voce examination of Ms. Rajni Gupta to be held on 07.06.2021 at 12:30 p.m. |
1704. | 31/05/2021 | Webinar on 02.06.2021 at 9.00 a.m. in Department cum NCHGSR |
1705. | 31/05/2021 | Online Webinar regarding Celebration of World's Environment Day on June 01, 2021 at 11.30 a.m. |
1706. | 31/05/2021 | 6th Lecture of Prof. Baljinder Singh Expert Talk Series (2021-2021) |
1707. | 28/05/2021 | Ph.D. Viva-Voce Examination of Nirupma Chohda on 4.06.2021 at 3:00 pm. |
1708. | 28/05/2021 | Regarding the webinar entitled, "Develop a technology while doing Professional Degree" to be held on 29.05.2021 at 04:00 p.m. |
1709. | 28/05/2021 | Advertisement for 3 posts of Junior Technician G-III |
1710. | 28/05/2021 | Invitation: Webinar under UIPS Expert Talk Series - Saturday, 29.05.2021 at 11:00 a.m. |
1711. | 28/05/2021 | Ph.D. viva-voce of Ms. Preeti Abrol on the topic, QOS AWARE AUTOMATED PROVISIONING & MIDDLEWARE BASED ORCHESTRATION FOR CLOUD COMPUTING has been fixed on June 2, 2021 at 11.00 a.m. |
1712. | 27/05/2021 | Pending Fee Notice-II CSE branch session 2020-21 |
1713. | 27/05/2021 | Guidelines regarding home isolations and vaccination |
1714. | 27/05/2021 | The department of Statistics is organizing One Day Webinar on "Quantile Modelling" scheduled on May 31, 2021(Monday) at 3:30 p.m. |
1715. | 26/05/2021 | Mid Semester Exam May 2021, BALLB – Semester 8th, Subject- Services Law II |
1716. | 26/05/2021 | Mid Semester Exam May 2021, BALLB – Semester 6th, Subject- International Criminal Law and International Criminal Court |
1717. | 26/05/2021 | Mid Semester Exam May 2021, BALLB – Semester 6th, Subject- Local Self Government |
1718. | 26/05/2021 | Mid Semester Exam May 2021, BALLB – Semester 6th, Subject- Interpretation of Statute and Principal of Legislation Law |
1719. | 26/05/2021 | Mid Semester Exam May 2021, BALLB – Semester 4th, Subject- Family Law II |
1720. | 26/05/2021 | Time Table for B.E ECE 4th, 6th & 8th semester. |
1721. | 25/05/2021 | Time Table ECE branch (March-July 2021) w.e.f. 24th April 2021 |
1722. | 24/05/2021 | Link regarding request for a Virtual Outreach for Panjab Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh on Fulbright-Nehru and Fulbright-Kalam Postdoctoral Research Fellowship on May 22.2021 at 11.30 am to 10.00 p.m. |
1723. | 24/05/2021 | Regarding entry of Covid-19 positiive cases in portal |
1724. | 20/05/2021 | Regarding revised guidelines for home isolation |
1725. | 20/05/2021 | Office Order: Regarding New Dak Timings on website, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1726. | 19/05/2021 | Emails Ids of Teachers for MST examination of B.A.LL.B. May-2021 |
1727. | 19/05/2021 | Revised datesheet for B.A.L.L.B. 6th Sem MST 2021 |
1728. | 19/05/2021 | Fee pending for B.A.LL.B 4th year |
1729. | 19/05/2021 | SOP for conducting of MST for May-2021 (B.A.LL.B. 4th 6th 8th 10th) |
1730. | 19/05/2021 | Fee pending for B.A.LL.B 5th year |
1731. | 19/05/2021 | Fee pending for B.A.LL.B 3rd year |
1732. | 19/05/2021 | Fee pending for B. A. LL.B 2nd year |
1733. | 19/05/2021 | Fee pending B. A. LL.B 1st year |
1734. | 18/05/2021 | Important Guidelines for creation and the use of G-Suite in Panjab University |
1735. | 18/05/2021 | Office Order regarding DAK Timings |
1736. | 17/05/2021 | Datesheet for MST on web portal for even semester i.e. B.A.LL.B. 4, 6, 8, 10th semester |
1737. | 12/05/2021 | Office Circular: Mentor for all ongoing classes |
1738. | 10/05/2021 | Office order regarding closure of all the physical facilities/ services, etc. till 31.05.2021 - No. Spl.-01/R/PA dt. 08.05.2021 |
1739. | 07/05/2021 | Advertisement for various posts of Managers, Data Entry Operator and Assistant |
1740. | 07/05/2021 | UGC Notification - Offline exams be kept in abeyance in may 2021 |
1741. | 07/05/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of CSE Branch for the session 2020-2021 |
1742. | 07/05/2021 | Panjab University e-Library will be formally launched by Prof. Raj Kumar, Vice-Chancellor on 7th May, 2021 at 12 noon |
1743. | 05/05/2021 | Office Order reg. functioning of University offices, etc., with fifty percent staff strength, etc. - No. 328 R DS dt. 04.05.2021 |
1744. | 04/05/2021 | Office Order : Regarding DAK Timings |
1745. | 03/05/2021 | Regarding postponement of Interview scheduled on 07/5/2021 for the appointment of Guest Faculty (Law) at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1746. | 30/04/2021 | Notice: Regarding COVID SOP and Covishield vaccine |
1747. | 30/04/2021 | Notice : All the faculty members, staff and students are required to visit website regularly so as to keep themselves updated |
1748. | 30/04/2021 | Notice: Regarding budget provision under the budget head " Impetus of Research" have been allocated for the Students and Faculty for the financial year 2021-22. |
1749. | 27/04/2021 | Notice : Regarding pending fee installment B.E. IT 1st year for the session 2020-21 |
1750. | 27/04/2021 | Notice: Pending fees of B. A LL.B 5th year for the session of 2020-21 |
1751. | 27/04/2021 | Notice: Pending fee of B.A.LL.B. 4th year for the session of 2020-21. |
1752. | 27/04/2021 | Notice: Pending fee of B.A.LL.B. 3rd year for the session of 2020-21. |
1753. | 27/04/2021 | Notice: Pending fee of B.A.LL.B. 2nd year for the session of 2020-21. |
1754. | 26/04/2021 | Notice regarding Interview on 07/05/2021 for appointment of 02 Guest Faculty to teach the subjects of Law for Even Semester (Academic Session 2020-21) at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1755. | 26/04/2021 | Notice for admission to MCA course for batch 2021-24 |
1756. | 20/04/2021 | Pending Fee : 2nd Installment of fee for the session of 2020-21 of B.A.LL.B. 1st year. |
1757. | 16/04/2021 | Urgent Notice" Regarding pending fee installment (IT Branch) for the session 2020-21 |
1758. | 16/04/2021 | Urgent “Regarding Pending fee installment (ECE) Session-2020-21". |
1759. | 16/04/2021 | Fee Notice Mech. Branch. |
1761. | 15/04/2021 | Tentative 4th, 6th and 8th Semester, Time Table (Even Semester) 2020-21(Online Teaching Mode) - Revised |
1762. | 12/04/2021 | Poster : Regarding participation in Online Quiz on 14 April 2021, 04:00 PM |
1763. | 12/04/2021 | Notice : Regarding participation in Online Quiz on 14 April 2021, 04:00 PM |
1764. | 09/04/2021 | B.E Examination Notice for Even Semester (CSE, ECE, IT & Mechanical) for the session 2020-21 |
1765. | 06/04/2021 | Notice regarding examination form |
1766. | 03/04/2021 | As decided in JAAC meeting,the classes of LL.B -2nd shall start from 3 rd April Cordinator UILS,PUSSGRC. |
1767. | 01/04/2021 | Advertisement Notice for the appointment of 02 Guest Faculty to teach the subject of Law for the Even Semester, Academic Session 2020-21 at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
1768. | 01/04/2021 | Instructions for Sep2020 Clash-Medical |
1770. | 25/03/2021 | Time table of UILS department, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1771. | 24/03/2021 | Time Table for Even Semester (8th Semester) 2020-21 of Information Technology |
1772. | 24/03/2021 | Time Table for Even Semester (6th Semester) 2020-21 of Information Technology |
1773. | 24/03/2021 | Time Table for Even Semester (4th Semester) 2020-21 of Information Technology |
1774. | 24/03/2021 | Time Table for Even Semester 2020-21 of Mechanical |
1775. | 24/03/2021 | CSE Time Table Even Semesters ( Online) |
1776. | 19/03/2021 | Notice : for Fees installment Law/MCA (1st 2nd 3rd and 4th) |
1777. | 19/03/2021 | Notice : for deficit documents of lower examination DCSA (MCA-1st year) for the session of 2020-21. |
1778. | 19/03/2021 | Notice: for students who have not filled examination form till date for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1779. | 18/03/2021 | Examination form not filled by B.A.LL.B. 1st year students |
1780. | 18/03/2021 | 2nd Installment not submit by B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1781. | 16/03/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of Information Technology 3rd Year (5th sem) for the session 2020-21 |
1782. | 16/03/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of Information Technology 2nd Year (3rd sem) for the session 2020-21 |
1783. | 15/03/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of Information Technology 1st Year for the session 2020-21 |
1784. | 10/03/2021 | Notice for not filling of examination form for B.A.LL.B. 1st year students for the session of 2020-21 |
1785. | 09/03/2021 | Suspension of LLB classes for the session 2020-21 (Last Day on 09-03-2021) |
1786. | 05/03/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for admission in B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1787. | 05/03/2021 | List of provisonally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1788. | 03/03/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidates for the admission in B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1789. | 03/03/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for the admission in B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1790. | 02/03/2021 | Counseling-3 admission to B.A.LL.B. 1st year students for the session of 2020-21 |
1791. | 02/03/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21 |
1792. | 02/03/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1793. | 01/03/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1794. | 01/03/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for the admission in B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1795. | 26/02/2021 | Option for all 7th Sem students to appear in ongoing examination of 7th sem through online mode irrespective of their status (notice enc) |
1796. | 26/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1797. | 26/02/2021 | Fees of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1798. | 25/02/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1799. | 25/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1800. | 24/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1801. | 24/02/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21 |
1802. | 23/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year students for the session of 2020-21. |
1803. | 23/02/2021 | Fee for provisionally selected students for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1804. | 23/02/2021 | Notice-2nd MST and datesheet.pdf |
1805. | 23/02/2021 | Notice Regarding Training Letter |
1806. | 22/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1807. | 22/02/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for admission in B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1808. | 22/02/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of Information Technology 3rd Year for the session 2020-21 |
1809. | 22/02/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of Information Technology 4th Year for the session 2020-21 |
1810. | 22/02/2021 | Pending Fee Notice of Information Technology 1st Year for the session 2020-21 |
1811. | 19/02/2021 | Seats available: for 2nd round counselling B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years Integrated Course |
1812. | 19/02/2021 | 2nd counseling Schedule for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1813. | 19/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1814. | 19/02/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1815. | 19/02/2021 | Important Notice Regarding 2nd semester Fee of LLM (One year course) |
1816. | 18/02/2021 | Urgent notice regarding 7th sem examination |
1817. | 18/02/2021 | List of provisionaly selected candidates for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1818. | 18/02/2021 | Fees of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1819. | 18/02/2021 | Pending fee notice of Mechanical session-2020-21 |
1820. | 17/02/2021 | Fee Slip for BE, LLB, BALLB, MCA |
1821. | 17/02/2021 | Important notice regarding 2nd semester fee |
1823. | 17/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected candidate for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1824. | 17/02/2021 | Fees for provisionally selected candidate for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1825. | 16/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected student for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1826. | 16/02/2021 | Fee for provisionally selected student for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1827. | 15/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1828. | 15/02/2021 | Fees notice for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1829. | 14/02/2021 | Instructions to the students of BE, MCA, Law for answer sheet submission during online exam Feb 2021. |
1830. | 12/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected student for admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1831. | 12/02/2021 | Fee for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session of 2020-21. |
1832. | 11/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1833. | 11/02/2021 | Fee for 1st year students for the session of 2020-21 |
1834. | 04/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st semester for the session 2020-21. |
1835. | 04/02/2021 | Revised fee for provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st semester for the session 2020-21. |
1836. | 04/02/2021 | urgent notice for BE 1st year student |
1837. | 04/02/2021 | Pending Fee notice of B.E. 1st year IT Branch |
1838. | 03/02/2021 | Fee refund form for fee paid in excess |
1839. | 03/02/2021 | Urgent Notice: Regarding extension of date to fill the examination form of LLB 3year course (1st sem) and LLM- One year course (1st sem). |
1840. | 03/02/2021 | Notice for Fee: all the provisionally selected candidates who appeared for the online counseling held on 12th January, 2021 for admission to B.A.L.L.B. 1st Year, 1st semester |
1841. | 03/02/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year students. |
1842. | 03/02/2021 | Online classes of B.A.LL.B.1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1843. | 01/02/2021 | Fee notice: 1st year B.E. Mechanical Branch |
1844. | 30/01/2021 | Fee Notice : For all the provisionally selected candidates who appeared for the online counseling held on 12th January, 2021 for admission to B.A.L.L.B. 1 st Year, 1st semester |
1845. | 30/01/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission in B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1846. | 28/01/2021 | Fee Information for provisionally selected candidates who appeared for the online counseling held on 12th January, 2021 for admission to B.A.L.L.B. 1 st Year, 1st semester |
1847. | 28/01/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1848. | 27/01/2021 | NOTICE : NSS REGISTRATION: 2020-21 |
1850. | 27/01/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1851. | 25/01/2021 | Director Law Fee L.L.B 3 year Course and L.L.M 1 year Course for the Session 2020-21 |
1852. | 25/01/2021 | Fee structure for the Students/admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21 |
1853. | 25/01/2021 | Provisionally selected students for the admission of B.A.LL.B. 1st year for the session 2020-21. |
1854. | 24/01/2021 | National Voters Day PLEDGE Punjabi Version |
1855. | 24/01/2021 | National Voters Day ECI PLEDGE English & Hindi Version |
1856. | 24/01/2021 | Online PLEDGE Notice on NATIONAL VOTERS DAY |
1857. | 23/01/2021 | Specimen form : NCC Enrollment |
1858. | 23/01/2021 | NCC Enrollment Form |
1859. | 22/01/2021 | Eligibility Criteria for joining NCC: |
1860. | 21/01/2021 | List of provisionally selected students for BALLB 1st year at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21 |
1861. | 21/01/2021 | Post matric scholarship form for 1st year students only for Punjab students |
1862. | 19/01/2021 | UIET, Hoshiarpur is organizing Alumni Meet (Online) on 21st Jan 2021, 04:00 PM onwards |
1863. | 15/01/2021 | Revised schedule of MCA 1st year students for depositing their 2nd installment fee upto 20th February 2021 |
1864. | 14/01/2021 | Online Re-appear Exam starting w.e.f. 15th January, 2021 |
1865. | 12/01/2021 | MST Notice & Date sheet for B.E. 1st year students |
1866. | 11/01/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates for LLM one year course for session 2020-21 |
1867. | 11/01/2021 | Seat matrix of B.A.LL.B. for the counseling on 12-01-2021 |
1869. | 07/01/2021 | Provisionally selected candidates (2nd round counseling list )for LLB 3year course |
1870. | 06/01/2021 | 2nd instalment fee of MCA 1st year students. |
1871. | 06/01/2021 | 2nd Instalment of fee for the LL.B 3year students for the session 2020-21 |
1872. | 02/01/2021 | Contacts of Branch Dealings and Branch Coordinators for PULLET Students |
1873. | 02/01/2021 | Students of CSE, ECE & IT Branch, who have not submitted or completed their online examination form fee with fee slip for the examination 2020 till stipulated date, are required to Fill the same |
1874. | 02/01/2021 | List of Students (CSE, ECE & IT Branch) who have not submitted or completed their online examination form fee are required to Fill the same |
1875. | 02/01/2021 | Scholarship scheme (IPR) by ministry of commerce and industry |
1876. | 31/12/2020 | 3rd semester CSE time Table 2020: Online teaching mode time table for PUMEET/PULEET as per University Guidelines |
1877. | 29/12/2020 | 2nd round online Counseling schedule for LL.B 3year course and LL.M-One year course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21 |
1878. | 29/12/2020 | Provisionally Selected candidates LL.B 3year course(waiting List) at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. kindly upload the waiting list on campus portal |
1879. | 29/12/2020 | Means cum merit scholarship notice |
1880. | 28/12/2020 | Provisionally selected candidates of LLB (waiting list) at UILS PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR |
1881. | 27/12/2020 | Provisionally Selected students (waiting list)in LL.B 3year course at UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for session 2020-21 . |
1882. | 26/12/2020 | Online counseling schedule for LL.B(NRI , Sports PWD category) and LL.M ( NRI and sports) category. For the session 2020-21at UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1883. | 26/12/2020 | Means cum merit loan subsidy for ongoing students of Law & MCA |
1884. | 26/12/2020 | Provisionally admitted students (waiting list)in LL.B 3year course at UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for session 2020-21 |
1885. | 26/12/2020 | Advertisement notice regarding appointment of 01 Guest faculty to teach Mathematics at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for Odd Semester, Academic Session 2020-2021 |
1886. | 26/12/2020 | Time Table of LL.B 1st semester and links for online classes |
1887. | 25/12/2020 | Provisionally admitted students (waiting list)in LL.M-(One Year) course at UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for session 2020-21 |
1888. | 24/12/2020 | Provisional Admitted candidates in LLM at UILS PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR |
1889. | 24/12/2020 | Notice regarding migration |
1890. | 23/12/2020 | Provisional selected candidates (Waiting List) for the admission of LL.B 3year course 1st Semester at UILS,PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21. |
1891. | 23/12/2020 | Provisionally admitted students (waiting list)in LL.M-(One Year) course at UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for session 2020-21 |
1892. | 23/12/2020 | Provisional selected candidates (Waiting List) for the admission of LL.B 3 year course 1st Semester at UILS,PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21. |
1893. | 22/12/2020 | Notice: The classes of LLB 1st semester will commence from 28-12-2020. |
1894. | 21/12/2020 | List of provisionally selected candidates (waiting list) for the admission of LLM 1 year course 1st semester at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21 |
1895. | 21/12/2020 | List of provisionally selected candidates (waiting list) for the admission of LLB 3 year course 1st semester at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21 |
1896. | 21/12/2020 | Urgent Notice: All registered students of B.E. (CSE, ECE, IT & Mech) 1st Year are required to deposit their second installment of fee for the session 2020-2021 upto 31-12-2020 (fee slip included) |
1897. | 21/12/2020 | NOTICE : NSS REGISTRATION: 2020-21 |
1898. | 18/12/2020 | Provisionally admitted students in LL.M-(One Year) course at UILS PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur for session 2020-21 |
1899. | 18/12/2020 | Provisional selected candidates (Waiting List) for the admission of LL.B 3year course 1st Semester at UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21. |
1900. | 18/12/2020 | Notice: Regarding PANJAB UNIVERSITY NSS ENROLMENT FOR SESSION 2020-21 |
1901. | 18/12/2020 | Notice: Regarding PANJAB UNIVERSITY NSS ENROLMENT FOR SESSION 2020-21 |
1902. | 17/12/2020 | Notice- regarding non submission of online exam forms |
1903. | 16/12/2020 | Notice of MST-2 of BE Students of all Branches (CSE, ME, IT, ECE) with Datesheet |
1904. | 15/12/2020 | Provisional selected candidates (Waiting List) for the admission of LL.B 3 year course 1st Semester at UILS,PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21 |
1905. | 12/12/2020 | BALLB 7th sem Business Law |
1906. | 12/12/2020 | BALLB 5th sem Law of Property (Common with property law including transfer of property act 1882) |
1907. | 12/12/2020 | BALLB 3rd sem Family Law |
1908. | 11/12/2020 | Fee Notice and List of Provisional admitted candidate in L.L.B 1st semester at UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1909. | 11/12/2020 | Post- Matric Scholarship Form No 1 |
1910. | 10/12/2020 | Provisional Merit list L.L.M- One year course (Reserved Category) BC,SC,ST and DEF. |
1911. | 10/12/2020 | Provisional Merit list L.L.M-One year PWD, NRI,OGC,KDP,RAS,BAS,YF,CATP, UILS, PUSSGRC HOSHIARPUR. |
1913. | 10/12/2020 | Provisional merit list (Overall (All Categories) L.L.M- One year (Law & UILS) |
1914. | 10/12/2020 | Important Instructions for candidates for online counselling |
1915. | 10/12/2020 | ONLINE COUNSELLING SCHEDULE FOR ADMISSION TO LL.M (1YEAR) at University Institute of Legal Studies, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1916. | 08/12/2020 | A WEBINAR ON “A CONCEPTUAL NOTE ON HUMAN RIGHTS” ON 10.12.2020 THURSDAY, 11.30 AM |
1917. | 05/12/2020 | SOP for students for Online M.S.T. Exams of UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2020-21 (Email ids of teachers for sending Answer-sheets) |
1918. | 04/12/2020 | Internship Notice for LLB 5th year |
1919. | 02/12/2020 | Examination Notice for MCA 1st year Students of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1920. | 02/12/2020 | Datesheet for MST of UILS Hoshiarpur 2020-21 |
1921. | 01/12/2020 | Notice regarding LLM one year morning from session 2020 at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1922. | 26/11/2020 | Circular for Financial Assistance to SC/ST students for the year (2020-2021) |
1923. | 25/11/2020 | Invitation to the "webinar on constitutional day" : Thursday, November 26, 2020, 12:00 pm |
1925. | 17/11/2020 | Internship notice for BALLB Final Year Students |
1926. | 17/11/2020 | Panel of advocates |
1927. | 11/11/2020 | Revised Merit List of Counselling for LLB 3 year, at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
1928. | 10/11/2020 | Provisional merit list of Reserve category (LLB 3 year law) |
1929. | 10/11/2020 | Provisional merit list of General Category (LLB 3 year law) |
1930. | 10/11/2020 | (Urgent Notice) Regarding Undertakings for online counselling/admission in LLB 3 year course at , University Institute of Legal studies at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
1931. | 09/11/2020 | Admission Notice for PGDCA at DCSA PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the academic session 2020-21 |
1932. | 09/11/2020 | Application Form for admission to PGDCA at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for Session 2020-21 |
1934. | 31/10/2020 | NSS Slogan Writing Competition on 02-11-2020 from 10:00 AM to 01:00 PM |
1935. | 31/10/2020 | NSS Essay Writing Competition on 02-11-2020 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM |
1936. | 29/10/2020 | MST NOTICE for BE, UIET, Hoshiarpur |
1937. | 29/10/2020 | BE Examination Notice |
1938. | 27/10/2020 | ONLINE WEBINAR ON : “NEP-2020 : ROAD MAP FOR IMPLEMENTATION” ON 29th October 2020 12.00 Noon (IST) |
1939. | 26/10/2020 | ONLINE WEBINAR ON : “MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH OF NEP-2020” ON 28-10-2020, 12:15 PM (IST) |
1940. | 23/10/2020 | Urgent Notice: for Students of MCA/LAW regarding registration for Nov/Dec 2020 examination |
1941. | 22/10/2020 | Notice for depositing Director Law Fee for (BALLB and LLB) session 2020-21 |
1942. | 14/10/2020 | Fee Pending Notice for BE. MEC Students |
1943. | 14/10/2020 | Fee Pending Notice for BE. IT Students |
1944. | 13/10/2020 | Contact Details Regarding BE 1st year 2020 Admissions |
1945. | 09/10/2020 | Notice for Single parent scholarship for UILS/DCSA |
1946. | 08/10/2020 | Fee Pending notice B.E. CSE 1st installment |
1947. | 08/10/2020 | Fee Pending Notice, B.E. ECE 1st installment |
1948. | 06/10/2020 | Notice: For Single Parent Scholarship for BE Course |
1949. | 06/10/2020 | Application Form : For Grant of “Means-cum-Merit based Tuition Fee Support”. |
1950. | 06/10/2020 | Scholarship Notice : To avail grant for 'Means-Cum-Merit' Based Tuition Fee Support |
1951. | 01/10/2020 | Information and official letter regarding Online Quiz Competition through Flexiquiz on 01 October 2020 at 02:00 PM |
1952. | 01/10/2020 | An Online Quiz Competition through Flexiquiz on 01 October 2020 at 02:00 PM |
1953. | 19/09/2020 | Circular regarding scholarship schemes under National E-Scholarship Portal for the year 2020-21 |
1954. | 19/09/2020 | Circular regarding the National E- Scholarship for minority communities for the year 2020-21 |
1955. | 17/09/2020 | CSE, Network Science, Structural analysis and Visualization, CS-801, Subject Code-7037, exam Code-0920 |
1956. | 17/09/2020 | ECE, EC-808, Digital Image Processing, Subject Code-6935, Exam Code-0932 |
1957. | 17/09/2020 | BE Mechanical, MEC-802, Operation Research, paper Code 7080, Exam Code 0944 |
1958. | 17/09/2020 | Instructions for Preparing PDF from Answersheets |
1959. | 17/09/2020 | L.L.B. Question Paper 1, Alternate Dispute Resolution, Subject Code-4743, Exam Code-663 |
1960. | 17/09/2020 | B.A.L.L.B. Question Paper No 1, Labour Laws , Subject code- 4896, exam code-0679 |
1961. | 17/09/2020 | Pattern for attempting Question Paper for the (online) examination commencing w.e.f. 17-09-2020 |
1962. | 11/09/2020 | Director Law Fee For the session 2020-21 001 |
1963. | 11/09/2020 | Fee Slip Director Law |
1964. | 07/09/2020 | ONLINE WEBINAR ON : SEARCH FOR EXCELLENCE ON 10TH SEP 2020, 04:00 PM (IST) |
1965. | 05/09/2020 | Urgent Notice for the Fee Structure of LLB 2nd & 3rd Year and BALLB 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Year for the session 2020-21 |
1966. | 05/09/2020 | Contacts of Branch Dealings of UILS and DCSA, Hoshiarpur for Queries of Students |
1967. | 05/09/2020 | Urgent Notice: Fee structure of MCA, 2nd Year (3rd & 4th Sem) and 3rd Year (5th & 6th sem) for the session 2020-2021 |
1968. | 05/09/2020 | Urgent Notice for the Fee Structure of B.E. 2nd Year ( 3rd & 4th Sem), 3rd Year (5th & 6th Sem) and 4th Year (7th & 8th Sem ) for the session 2020-21 |
1969. | 05/09/2020 | Contacts of branch Dealing of B.E. for queries of Engineering Students |
1970. | 03/09/2020 | Notice Regarding Migration Applications for LLB (3rd and 5th sem) and BALLB (3rd, 5th and 7th sem) |
1971. | 03/09/2020 | Revised Timetable for 3rd, 5th and 7th semester of CSE (Online Classes) for Sep-Dec, 2020 |
1972. | 01/09/2020 | Urgent Notice for Fee Submission |
1973. | 01/09/2020 | DCSA, TIME TABLE - MCA CLASSES (Odd Semester) 3rd and 5th sem (Session 2020-2021) w. e. f. 01-09-2020 |
1974. | 01/09/2020 | Tentative Time Table September-December.2020 for LLB 3rd and 5th semester, Session 2020-21 for Online Classes w.e.f. September,2020 |
1975. | 01/09/2020 | Tentative Time Table September-December.2020 for B.A.LLB 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th semester, Session 2020-21 for Online Classes w.e.f.September,2020 |
1976. | 01/09/2020 | Provisional* Revised Timetable for 3rd, 5th and 7th semester CSE for Online Classes w.e.f September 01, 2020 |
1977. | 01/09/2020 | Revised Timetable for 3rd, 5th and 7th semester IT for Online Classes w.e.f September 01, 2020 |
1978. | 31/08/2020 | Revised Timetable for 3rd, 5th and 7th semester ECE for Online Classes w.e.f September 01, 2020 |
1979. | 31/08/2020 | Revised Timetable for 3rd, 5th and 7th semester Mechanical Engineering, for Online Classes w.e.f September 01, 2020 |
1980. | 29/08/2020 | Notification Regarding Time Table |
1981. | 08/08/2020 | Instructions for admission to various courses during the session 2020-21 |
1982. | 06/08/2020 | Affidavit Undertaking SC Scholarship |
1983. | 06/08/2020 | Post-Matric Scholarship (B.Tech All Branches)(SC/ST) 2020-21 |
1984. | 02/08/2020 | Brochure for MCA (2020-2021) |
1985. | 30/07/2020 | Revised : Admission and Fee Schedule for ongoing classes of Law for the session 2020-21 |
1986. | 30/07/2020 | Admission and Fee Schedule for ongoing classes of Law for the session 2020-21 |
1987. | 29/07/2020 | Admission and Fee schedule for ongoing classes of MCA for session 2020-21 |
1988. | 28/07/2020 | Admission and fee Schedule or ongoing classes of B.E. (CSE, ECE, IT & Mech.) for session 2020-21 |
1990. | 21/07/2020 | ONLINE WEBINAR ON “IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT” ON 24TH JULY 2020, 03:00 TO 04:00 PM |
1991. | 15/07/2020 | ADMISSION NOTICE (Academic Session 2020-2021) |
1992. | 15/07/2020 | ADMISSION FORM – PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur (For PGDCA) |
1995. | 23/06/2020 | ONLINE WEBINAR ON : CRACKING GDs & INTERVIEW ON 24TH JUNE 2020, 11:30 AM (IST) |
1996. | 05/05/2020 | ONLINE WEBINAR ON: BLOCKCHAIN FOR ENTERPRISE, organised by CSE Dept, UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur On May 7, 2020 TIME: 11:30 AM to 01:00 PM |
1997. | 03/05/2020 | Panjab University has re-scheduled the date of entrance tests for the session 2020-2021 |
1998. | 03/05/2020 | Webniar by Hon'ble Human Resource Development Minister, Shri R P 'Nishank' on 5th May, 2020 at 12:00 Noon. |
1999. | 23/04/2020 | PUMEET 2020 : Panjab University Migration Engineering Entrance Test 2020 |
2000. | 15/04/2020 | Free "Learn English 2D/3D visual rich content course" learning opportunity for Students from Government of India. |
2001. | 10/02/2020 | Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty on 19-02-2020 |
2002. | 06/02/2020 | Invitation for Aequitas'20- The national law-Cum-Cultural Fest at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 20th Feb 2020, 10:00 AM onwards |
2003. | 09/11/2019 | UILS MST NOTICE: On account of the holiday declared on 11 November 2019, the MST of Monday has been cancelled. The next date will be proposed later on. |
2004. | 08/11/2019 | Revised Undertaking by Student |
2005. | 07/11/2019 | 4th Law convocation of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur (for degrees of 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18) will be conducted on 23rd November 2019 in Gymnasium Hall of Sports Department Panjab University (Notice Enc) |
2006. | 18/10/2019 | 6 Months Industrial Training letter |
2007. | 17/09/2019 | Counseling Notice For Migration |
2008. | 09/09/2019 | Admission Notice for MCA 1st year: Counseling for vacant seats of MCA 1st year at DCSA, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 11 Sep 2019 till 02:00 PM (doc enc) |
2009. | 09/09/2019 | Counselling Notice for LLB (3 Year Course) from Rank 1 to 1509 (all eligible) on 11-09-2019 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Campus Moot Court Room, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2010. | 06/09/2019 | Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty (Sociology) at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester (Session 2019-2020) is re-scheduled and will be held on 01-10-2019 at 11:00 a.m (doc enc) |
2011. | 06/09/2019 | The Walk-In-Interview for appointing Guest Faculty to teach in CSE department at UIET PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester (Academic Session 2019-2020) on 24/9/2019 Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. |
2012. | 06/09/2019 | The Walk-In-Interview for appointing Guest Faculty to teach the classes of MCA at DCSA, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester (Academic Session 2019-2020) on 24/9/2019 Tuesday, 10:00 a.m. |
2013. | 05/09/2019 | Counseling Notice for LLB (3 yr course) |
2014. | 05/09/2019 | Last Date extended to admission in MCA course in PU teaching departments/Regional Centre up to 10 Sept 2019 (with late fee) (info enc) |
2016. | 29/08/2019 | Migration Notice for LLB and BALLB |
2017. | 27/08/2019 | Spot Counseling Notice LLB |
2018. | 26/08/2019 | Seats Status of UILS PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur as on 26-08-2019 |
2019. | 26/08/2019 | LLB Admission Notice-7 |
2020. | 22/08/2019 | OGC Category Counseling notice for LLB course |
2021. | 21/08/2019 | BALLB course students admitted in 2nd counselling are required to submit the fees (given in the pdf) by 22-08-2019 to retain the seat |
2022. | 20/08/2019 | Walk-In-Interviews (on 03-09-2019) for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester (Academic Session 2019-2020) (schedule enclosed) |
2023. | 20/08/2019 | LLB Admission Notice - 6 |
2024. | 16/08/2019 | LLB Admission Notice - 5 |
2025. | 16/08/2019 | LLB Counselling for NRI (02)/Sports Categories (03) on 20-08-2019 as per schedule given, at Moot Court Room PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2026. | 14/08/2019 | NRI Admission in BALLB Fee Notice |
2027. | 14/08/2019 | LLB admission notice 4 |
2028. | 14/08/2019 | BALLB Sport Category Admission Notice |
2029. | 13/08/2019 | Admission to MCA 1st year course that was scheduled on 13/08/2019 has been postponed to 14/08/2019 on the same time and venue. |
2030. | 13/08/2019 | NOTICE for 2ND COUNSELLING FOR PULEET-2019: Second round of Counselling is scheduled on 14.8.2019 at U.I.E.T., Sector-25, Panjab University, Chandigarh, (as per the schedule in the link) |
2031. | 13/08/2019 | As per the orders of Deputy Commissioner hoshiarpur, PUSSGRC shall remain closed for today. |
2032. | 12/08/2019 | Postponement of Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty |
2033. | 09/08/2019 | Admission Notice for MCA 1st year: Special counseling for vacant seats of MCA 1st year at DCSA, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 13th Aug 2019 from 10:00 AM to 02:00 PM |
2034. | 08/08/2019 | Classes of LLB 3 year course 1st semester will be starting from 13 August 2019 onwards |
2035. | 07/08/2019 | LLB Admission Notice-3 |
2036. | 06/08/2019 | LLB Admission Notice - 2 |
2037. | 03/08/2019 | LLB Admission Notice |
2038. | 02/08/2019 | The Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Odd Semester (Academic Session 2019-2020) on 13-08-2019, 10:00 AM onwards |
2039. | 31/07/2019 | Notice for LLB & BALLB Classes Schedule |
2040. | 29/07/2019 | B.A.L.L.B. course students admitted in 1st counselling are required to submit the fees (given in the pdf) by 31-07-2019 to retain the seat |
2041. | 19/07/2019 | Counseling notice LLB |
2042. | 11/07/2019 | NCC INFORMATION JULY 2019 |
2043. | 10/07/2019 | Admission and Fee Schedule for ongoing classes of MCA at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the session 2019-20 |
2044. | 09/07/2019 | Ongoing Classes of BALLB are informed that their classes are started provisionally from 08/07/2019 onwards for the session 2019-20 |
2045. | 09/07/2019 | Admission and Fee Schedule for ongoing classes of Law Courses for session 2019-20 |
2046. | 08/07/2019 | Application Form for admission to UIET, Hoshiarpur for continuing classes only |
2047. | 08/07/2019 | Urgent Notice : Admission and fee schedule for ongoing classes of BE (CSE, ECE,IT & MEC) for session 2019-20 |
2048. | 26/06/2019 | Applications submission for PULEET 2019 has started yesterday. Interested candidates can submit the application form at puleet.puchd.ac.in |
2049. | 25/06/2019 | Admission Form PGDCA for session 2019-20 |
2050. | 25/06/2019 | Admission Notice PGDCA for session 2019-20 |
2051. | 22/06/2019 | Admissions in 2nd year (3rd semester) of B. E courses for the session 2019-20 through Panjab University Migration Engineering Entrance Test (PUMEET 2019) |
2052. | 31/05/2019 | Information for admission in the BE courses at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2053. | 13/05/2019 | Regarding MCA Admissions for Batch 2019-22 |
2054. | 10/05/2019 | Degree Award Ceremony on 25th May 2019 |
2055. | 18/04/2019 | Undertaking By student |
2056. | 18/04/2019 | 4-6 weeks training letter |
2057. | 14/03/2019 | Paper1 |
2058. | 14/03/2019 | Summary |
2059. | 14/03/2019 | Final Report of the UGC Project entitled "Morphology tuning of nano gold using highly surface active inorganic molecules" |
2060. | 06/03/2019 | Library Membership Rules |
2061. | 22/02/2019 | Library Membership Application form |
2062. | 07/12/2018 | A7. Final Training Report Writing Guidlines |
2063. | 07/12/2018 | A6. Final Training Evaluation Performa |
2064. | 07/12/2018 | A5. Mid Term Training Report Writing Guidlines |
2065. | 07/12/2018 | A4. Mid Term Evaluation Performa |
2066. | 07/12/2018 | A3. training reporting details |
2067. | 07/12/2018 | A2. Undertaking 6 months trg dec18 |
2068. | 07/12/2018 | A1. 8th Sem INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (Jan 19_ Letter Format) |
2069. | 13/11/2018 | Invitation for First International Conference (AFTMME-2018) from 15th to 17th Nov 2018 |
2070. | 04/10/2018 | BALLB Migration Notice 2 |
2071. | 01/10/2018 | Migration Notice for BALLB |
2072. | 17/09/2018 | Notice Regarding Single Girl Child Counselling of LLB & BALLB |
2073. | 17/09/2018 | Counselling for Migration to UILS, Hoshiarpur Dated 24/09/18 |
2074. | 17/09/2018 | Counselling for LLB Course Dated 26/09/18 |
2075. | 07/09/2018 | LLb Admission Notice 10 |
2076. | 05/09/2018 | LLB Admission Notice 9 |
2077. | 31/08/2018 | Notice for Orientation Programme of 1st Year students & PULEET students PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2078. | 31/08/2018 | Lateral Entry through Migration: From Other Universities/Colleges (B.E.- 3RD Semester) for the session 2018-19 |
2079. | 30/08/2018 | Fee Notice for students Admitted on 24/08/2018 under General and Reserved Categories of B.A.LL.B. Five year course |
2080. | 30/08/2018 | Fee Notice for LL.B. students three year course |
2081. | 29/08/2018 | Notice-Migration to Uils Hoshiarpur |
2082. | 28/08/2018 | Undertaking |
2083. | 28/08/2018 | Training Letter |
2084. | 27/08/2018 | llb admission notice-7 |
2085. | 23/08/2018 | MCA Special Counseling |
2086. | 21/08/2018 | LLB admission notice-6 |
2087. | 16/08/2018 | extension in submission of fee LLB 1st year |
2088. | 14/08/2018 | LLB admission notice-5 |
2089. | 14/08/2018 | Fee notice for BALLB 1st year students |
2090. | 10/08/2018 | LLB admission Notice - 4 |
2091. | 10/08/2018 | Counselling for the sports category for LLB Course at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur Date: 13-08-2018 Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon |
2092. | 09/08/2018 | LLB sports category counselling on 13-8-18 |
2093. | 09/08/2018 | LLB admission notice-4 |
2094. | 08/08/2018 | Mca offline counseling |
2095. | 07/08/2018 | LLB admission notice -3 |
2096. | 03/08/2018 | LLB admission notice -2 |
2097. | 03/08/2018 | Classes notice for LLB 1st year |
2098. | 31/07/2018 | Fee notice for BALLB sports category |
2099. | 31/07/2018 | LLB Admission notice-1 |
2100. | 31/07/2018 | Work/Maintenance Complaint |
2101. | 26/07/2018 | Merit lists for reserve category (SC, ST,BC,DEF, PwD Riot Victims,FF) candidates : Counseling scheduled on 28-7-2018 |
2102. | 24/07/2018 | Merit List LLB: only candidates upto rank 800 are invited for counselling on 25-7-18 |
2103. | 24/07/2018 | Urgent Notice: Discrepancies in Merit List |
2104. | 22/07/2018 | COUNSELLING SCHEDULE FOR LLB (1st counselling) |
2106. | 19/07/2018 | Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in Hindi for Odd Semester (Academic Session 2018-19) at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, is to be held on 03-08-2018 at 11:00 a.m. at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
2107. | 13/07/2018 | SWS Fee Notice |
2108. | 11/07/2018 | Admission & fee schedule for ongoing MCA classes (2018-19) |
2109. | 11/07/2018 | Admission & fee schedule for ongoing BE classes (CSE,MEC,IT,ECE)(2018-19) |
2110. | 11/07/2018 | Law Fee Notice (2018-19) |
2111. | 10/07/2018 | The classes/teaching for the session 2018-19 of B.A.L.L.B. 3rd, 5th,7th & 9th semester will commence from 9th July 2018 (Monday), LLB 3rd & 5th semester will start from 30th July, 2018 |
2112. | 22/06/2018 | Admission and Fee Schedule for the ongoing Classes of MCA for session 2018-19 |
2113. | 22/06/2018 | Admission and Fee Schedule for the ongoing Classes of B.E. (CSE, IT, ECE & MEC) for session 2018-19 |
2114. | 20/06/2018 | The Walk-In-Interview for appointing Guest Faculty to teach the classes of MCA in department of Computer Science & Applications, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, Date: 14/7/2018 Saturday |
2115. | 01/06/2018 | B.E First year admissions (2018-19) through JAC-2018 |
2116. | 25/05/2018 | MCA Brochure 2018-19 |
2117. | 19/05/2018 | B.E lateral entry admissions in (2nd year) through PULEET-2018 |
2118. | 07/05/2018 | List of B.A.L.L.B. 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year students Detained for April-May 2018 Examination due to shortage of Lectures. |
2119. | 07/05/2018 | List of LLB 1st year students Detained for April-May 2018 Examination due to shortage of Lectures. |
2120. | 27/04/2018 | Degree Award Ceremony-2018 |
2121. | 24/04/2018 | Names of Books Publisher considered for API Score for CAS promotions for DCSA, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
2122. | 09/04/2018 | Final Training Report Writing Guidlines |
2123. | 09/04/2018 | Undertaking 4 to 6 week trg |
2124. | 09/04/2018 | 4-6 Week TRAINING Letter 2018 |
2125. | 19/03/2018 | Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in Economics for Even Semester (Academic Session 2017-18) at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur to be held on 28-03-2018 at 9:00 a.m. at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
2126. | 13/03/2018 | Corrigendum for Advertisement No. 933/PUSSGRC Dated: 09-03-2018 for Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in Physics, Maths & Economics for UIET, PUSSGRC, Hsp is rescheduled. |
2127. | 12/03/2018 | Corrigendum for Advertisement No. 932/PUSSGRC Dated: 09-03-2018 for Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in Economics for UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur rescheduled on 19-03-2018 at 10:00 a.m. PUSSGRC, Hsp |
2128. | 12/03/2018 | Corrigendum for Advertisement No. 934/PUSSGRC Dated: 09-03-2018 for Walk-in-Interview for Guest Faculty in Law for UILS, PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur rescheduled on 19-03-2018 at 3:00 p.m. at PUSSGRC, Hsp |
2129. | 10/03/2018 | The Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Even Semester (Academic Session 2017-2018) for Economics, Physics, Maths Date: 17-03-2018 at 12:00 |
2130. | 10/03/2018 | The Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Even Semester (Academic Session 2017-2018) for Teaching Law: Date 20-03-2018 at 12:00 Noon |
2131. | 10/03/2018 | The Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Even Semester (Academic Session 2017-2018) For Teaching Economics: Date 17-03-2018 at 10:00 a.m. |
2132. | 28/02/2018 | PUSSGRC Students are being awarded with Gold Medal in Convocation on 04/03/2018 |
2133. | 20/02/2018 | ADMISSION PROCESS FOR SESSION 2018-19 |
2134. | 21/12/2017 | Students of UIET, UILS, DCSA Hoshiarpur are advised to attend the classes regularly from beginning of the semester to avoid shortage of attendance. |
2135. | 06/11/2017 | Training Letter For MCA 2017 |
2136. | 04/10/2017 | Notice for B.A.LL.B students regarding submission of Pending Post Matric Scholarship form on or before 10-10-2017 |
2137. | 28/09/2017 | 8th Sem INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Letter Format from January 2018 |
2138. | 21/09/2017 | Counseling of BA.LL.B course for 01 (one) seat lying vacant , Date: 24-9-17 (sunday) Venue: Auditorium, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, Time 9.30am to 11.00 am |
2139. | 14/09/2017 | Counseling notice for BALLB / LLB on 15-9-17 |
2140. | 11/09/2017 | Walk in interview for Guest Faculty in DCSA Dept. Of PUSSGRC, HOSHIARPUR |
2141. | 05/09/2017 | Counseling for vacant seats of LLB from rank 801 to 1400 for General Category, Date 11-09-2017, Time 10:30 to 1200 Noon |
2142. | 05/09/2017 | Migration Notice of UILS |
2143. | 29/08/2017 | Urgent notice-spot allotment of seats on 31.8.17 for LLB course at PUSSGRC. Hoshiarpur |
2144. | 24/08/2017 | Golden/Special Chance/Improvement of the performance/additional subjects (Annual System) examinations at Bajwara-9, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur is postponed due to holiday on 25/8/2017 (Friday). |
2145. | 24/08/2017 | Seat allotement Notice-3 for LLB last date 28-8-17 |
2146. | 18/08/2017 | Allotment of seats out of waiting list for LL.B course, Noitce-2 last date 22-8-17 |
2147. | 18/08/2017 | Couseling for Sport category for LL.B. course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2148. | 16/08/2017 | Students admitted provisionally in BALLB in Sports Counselling at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2149. | 13/08/2017 | Allotment of seats out of waiting list for LL.B course, Noitce-1" last date 16-8-17 |
2150. | 11/08/2017 | Seats of LL.B. Cancelled due to non payment of fee |
2151. | 11/08/2017 | Waiting list for LLB at PUSSGRC Hoshiarpur |
2152. | 11/08/2017 | Formation of Students' Sports Committee for the session 2017-18 |
2154. | 01/08/2017 | Fee Notice for students admitted provisionally in this campus in counseling held at 28/07/2017: Last Date 02/08/2017 |
2155. | 28/07/2017 | Ist Counselling schedule for LLB 1st year. date: 31 July 2017- 09:30 AM onwards, Venue: Dept of Laws PU Chandigarh. |
2156. | 25/07/2017 | List of BALLB. 1st year students abstaining from classes since 11 july,2017 |
2157. | 13/07/2017 | Anti Ragging Committee for UIET, UILS, DCSA PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for academic session 2017-18 |
2159. | 10/07/2017 | Fee Notice for the students of B.A. L.L.B(Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course (2017-2018) 1st Semester (On or Before 11/07/2017 04:00PM) |
2160. | 10/07/2017 | List of B.A. L.L.B(Hons) 5 Year Integrated Course (2017-2018) 1st Semester |
2161. | 06/07/2017 | Extension of Date for Re-appear Examination July, 2017. |
2162. | 01/07/2017 | Reappear examination July 2017 |
2163. | 30/06/2017 | PHD scholars for PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2164. | 23/06/2017 | Fee BE 2017-18 on going Class |
2165. | 23/06/2017 | Admission Form BE & MCA on going Classes 2017-2018 |
2166. | 19/06/2017 | Fee Notice for BALLB and LLB (10-07-2017 to 22-07-2017 without late fee) |
2167. | 01/06/2017 | ADMISSION NOTICE(2017) to various B.E./ B.Tech./ B. Arch./ B.E.(Chemical)- MBA courses for the session 2017-18 |
2168. | 23/05/2017 | Change in the timings of BA/BCom LLB 5 years Course Examination held in May/june 2017 |
2169. | 23/05/2017 | BE First Year Admissions 2017-18 |
2170. | 17/05/2017 | B.E lateral entry admissions in (2nd year) through PULEET-2017 |
2171. | 28/04/2017 | Contact Details for handling public enquiry with regard to admission to various courses being run at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2172. | 26/04/2017 | Degree Award Ceremony of 2012-2016 Batch at P.U. Chandigarh on Dated: 08/05/2017 |
2173. | 07/04/2017 | Internal Exam Datesheet BALLB (HONS.) 2nd Semester |
2174. | 09/03/2017 | 4-6 Week TRAINING Letter 2017 |
2175. | 15/12/2016 | Tender regarding allotment of Canteen (On lease for 3 years) |
2176. | 18/11/2016 | Six Months Industrial Training Letter MCA (DCSA) |
2177. | 16/11/2016 | Walk-in-Interview on 29-11-2016 For Security Guards (02-Male) (Purely on Contract basis) 9:00 a.m. onwards |
2178. | 26/10/2016 | Six Months Industrial Training Letter Jan 2017 |
2179. | 18/10/2016 | Notice for filling of 02 vacant Seats of LLB 1st year, on 20-10-2016 at 01:00 PM, out of the enlisted candidates, as per their merit. |
2180. | 04/10/2016 | Migrate in LL.B. and B.A. LL.B. courses at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur against vacant seats available in the campus |
2181. | 07/09/2016 | Urgent Notice for availing fee concession where both parent of the student are not surviving or only mother survives but not able to bear the expenditure |
2182. | 07/09/2016 | Urgent Notice for Means-Cum-Merit based Tuition fee Support |
2183. | 07/09/2016 | Urgent Notice for freeship and tuition fee concession (EWS) category |
2184. | 23/08/2016 | Computer and Network Usage Policy of Panjab University & PUSSGRC |
2185. | 22/08/2016 | Registration Notice of Law Convocation for pass-out batch of 2015 |
2186. | 19/08/2016 | Allotment of Seats to the Waiting List Candidates of LLB- Notice-IV |
2187. | 16/08/2016 | Allotment of Seats to the Waiting List Candidates- Notice-III |
2188. | 14/08/2016 | Law Convocation for conferring the degrees to the pass out batch of session 2014-15 would be held on Saturday, 1st October, 2016 in the Gymnasium Hall, Panjab University, Chandigarh. |
2189. | 12/08/2016 | 3rd counseling for 22 vacant seats of MCA course (First Year ), at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur (only) on 16th August, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. onwards. |
2190. | 12/08/2016 | Allotment of Seats to the Waiting List Candidates- Notice-II |
2191. | 09/08/2016 | Allotment of Seats to the Waiting List Candidates- Notice-I |
2192. | 09/08/2016 | Waiting List of General category for LL.B. Course for the Session 2016-17 PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2193. | 06/08/2016 | Spot round reporting schedule for B.E. Admissions |
2194. | 04/08/2016 | LLB Counseling for late applicants is on 5-8-16 (Friday) in the auditorium, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm |
2195. | 30/07/2016 | Counseling dates and Schedule of PULEET 2016 |
2196. | 28/07/2016 | List of the candidates selected in Defence Catergory. Last date for submition of their first installment of fee is by 29-07-2016 , 12.00 noon |
2197. | 27/07/2016 | Admission List of LLB 1st Year students session 2016-17 (last date of fee submission is 28-07-2016) |
2198. | 25/07/2016 | HANDBOOK of Hostel Rules, PUSSGRC 2016-17 |
2199. | 25/07/2016 | Counselling for Sports Category for LL.B course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur will also be held on 26-7-2016 with other reserved categories |
2200. | 22/07/2016 | PROVISONAL MERIT LIST of LL.B. 1st SEM, SESSION 2016-17, PUSSGRC, HOSHIARPUR |
2201. | 21/07/2016 | Corrigendum to Advt. No. 2672/PUSSGRC Dated 16/7/2016 Walk-In-Interview for Guest Faculty |
2202. | 21/07/2016 | PROVISONAL MERIT LIST OF LL.B. 1ST SESSION 2016-17 |
2203. | 21/07/2016 | The counseling for the reserved category of LL.B 3 Year scheduled on 26-07-2016 will start from 10 a.m onwards |
2204. | 16/07/2016 | Walk-In-Interview for appointing Guest Faculty for MCA in DCSA, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Academic Session 2016-2017 will be held on 29-7-2016 |
2205. | 14/07/2016 | Tentative Admission Schedule of LL.B. 1st sem session 2016-17 at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
2206. | 12/07/2016 | Revised norm/Guidelines regarding Post Matric Scholarship for the SC/ST Students studying in Panjab University, its Regional Centres & Panjab University Constitute Colleges |
2207. | 10/07/2016 | Candidates who have applied under sports category in LL.B. course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur, are required to submit the mentioned documents at Department of Sports PU Chandigarh by 11-7-2016 by 3.00 PM |
2208. | 08/07/2016 | Corrigendum to Advt. No. 2506/PUSSGRC Dated: 05/07/2016 : Walk-In-Interview for Guest Faculty |
2209. | 08/07/2016 | Deficient Documents of LLB Candidates |
2210. | 05/07/2016 | Students of LLB and B.A. LL.B are required to deposit their 1st installment of fee for the session 2016-17 along with admission form ( available on campus website) on or before 20-07-2016. |
2211. | 05/07/2016 | Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at UILS, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Academic Session 2016-2017 on 22-07-2016 and 23-07-2016 |
2212. | 04/07/2016 | Application form for admission to the UIET, Hoshiarpur for continuing classes only Session 2016-17 |
2213. | 30/06/2016 | Admission & Fee Schedule for the on going MCA Semesters 2016-2017 |
2214. | 29/06/2016 | Notice for 1st Enrollment fee of BE Students 2016-2017 with admission form on or before 14/07/2016 |
2215. | 24/06/2016 | Admission Form for LAW and MCA |
2217. | 17/06/2016 | B.E first year admissions (JAC) 2016-17 |
2218. | 18/05/2016 | PULEET - 2016 Panjab University, Chandigarh FOR ADMISSION TO SSGPURC HOSHIARPUR PUNJAB |
2219. | 08/04/2016 | Schedule of Degree award ceremony of B.E. being held at LAW auditorium, PU Chandigarh on 23.04.2016 |
2220. | 07/04/2016 | Degree Award Ceremony of B.E. students 2015 pass out batch on April 23, 2016 (Saturday) at 2.00 p.m. in Law Auditorium, Panjab University, Chandigarh |
2221. | 11/03/2016 | Walk-In-Interview for the Post of Driver (01 post) purely on Contractual basis (D.C. rates) on 29-03-2016 from 10:00 a.m. onwards. |
2222. | 06/01/2016 | Walk-In-Interviews for appointing Guest Faculty to teach at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur for the Even Semester (Session 2015-2016) |
2223. | 19/11/2015 | Canteen Shop Tender of PUSSGRC, Hoshairpur |
2224. | 03/11/2015 | Schedule for Eight Counseling (B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years Integrated Course) at UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2225. | 29/10/2015 | 2nd Installment fee of BE before 26-11-2015 |
2226. | 29/10/2015 | EWS Notice |
2227. | 29/10/2015 | 2nd Installment fee of MCA before 25-11-2015 |
2228. | 29/10/2015 | 2nd Installment fee of LLB and BA.LLB before 25-11-2015 |
2229. | 15/10/2015 | 2nd National Conference on Mechanical Engg (NCME- II) 6-7 Nov, 2015 |
2230. | 14/10/2015 | Schedule for Seventh Counseling (B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) 5 Years Integrated Course) at UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 15-10-2015 |
2231. | 14/10/2015 | Schedule for forth Counseling LL.B 3 Years at UILS,PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur on 15-10-2015 |
2232. | 10/09/2015 | Examination Notice for B.E. Students (All Branches) of PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2234. | 08/09/2015 | 4-6 WEEKS B.E. INDUSTRIAL TRAINING LETTER |
2235. | 28/08/2015 | Schedule of the Sixth Counseling (for B.A .LL.B 5years Integrated Course) |
2236. | 27/08/2015 | Regarding 3rd Counseling for Vacant Seats of MCA course at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2237. | 27/08/2015 | Walk-In Interview for Guest Faculty Of Communication Skills in PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2238. | 25/08/2015 | Tuition fee Refund form |
2239. | 13/08/2015 | Conversion of seats LL.B 1st Semester at PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur & approval of waiting list for the session 2015-16 |
2240. | 13/08/2015 | LLB-1st YEAR , 3rd COUNSELLING SCHEDULE 14-08-2015 |
2241. | 11/08/2015 | Additional members of the Texas Co-ordination Committee |
2242. | 05/08/2015 | Committees for the campus for collective decision making and its day to day administration for the session 2015-16 with immediate effect |
2243. | 28/07/2015 | Provisional Waiting List of various categories for Admission to LL.B.- Ist Semester at UILS PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur as on 28-07-2015. |
2245. | 25/07/2015 | PULEET Counselling Notice 2015 |
2246. | 23/07/2015 | PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST of CATEGORY ADMITTED CANDIDATES to LL.B Ist semester in first counselling held on 22-07-2015 at UILS, PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur |
2247. | 22/07/2015 | PROVISIONAL MERIT LIST of admitted candidates to LL.B Ist semester in first counselling held on 21-07-2015 at UILS, PUSSGRC,Hoshiarpur |
2248. | 20/07/2015 | Eligibility Conditions For admission to various B. E Courses at PUSSGRC, hoshiarpur |
2250. | 20/07/2015 | Conduct of Re-Examination of B.E. 1st year examination held in January 2015 |
2251. | 16/07/2015 | Additional Examination for 6th & 8th semester during July/August 2015 |
2252. | 14/07/2015 | Corrigendum to Advt. no. 2757/PUSSGRC, Dated: 07/07//2015, It is further clarified that the Walk-In-Interview for the Post of Driver (01) is scheduled on 24/7/2015 (Friday). |
2253. | 14/07/2015 | Admission and Fee Schedule for ongoing classes of Law and MCA course for the session 2015-16 |
2254. | 14/07/2015 | All the B.E. (Mech., ECE, CSE & IT branches) Students are hereby informed that they must deposit their 1st installment of fee (Rs. 42,667/- (tuition fee- Rs. 27,900/- + other charges 14767/-)) |
2255. | 08/07/2015 | Walk-In-Interview will be held for the Post of Driver (01) on Contractual basis (Current D.C. rates) on 18/07/2015 from 10:00 AM onwards |
2256. | 02/07/2015 | Date sheet for BE 1 year, 3rd , 5th & 7th semester (Re-appear) commencing w.e.f 08 Jul 2015 |
2257. | 01/07/2015 | FEE SLIP PERFORMA |
2258. | 18/06/2015 | Information for Admissions to UIET, PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur |
2259. | 18/06/2015 | Nodal Officer for Student Facilitation Centre (SFC) |
2260. | 18/06/2015 | Information Officer for PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
2261. | 18/06/2015 | Information Officer for PUSSGRC, Hoshiarpur. |
2262. | 29/04/2015 | Branch Sliding Rules |